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Detail Study Of Veerya & Vipaka

Prepared by :-
Dhyan Agnihotri
Defination & Concept of veerya
• Charaka precisely quoted veerya as the factor which will perorm the pharmacological action
.This is the main characteristic of veerya
• Veerya term is derived from the Sanskrit root vir meaning that wich is powerful or potent
.Acharya pv sharmaji quoted veerya as the factor which is capable of or which responsible
for producing drug action
• Veerya is characterized by the drug action
• Beacause all types of drug action are under the control of veerya only
• Yadavji trikamji Acharya accepted veerya as the active principle of a dravy
Enumeration of veerya
• Veerya are of three types :-
1:- Sakti veeryavada
2:- Gunaveeryavada
3:- Kerma veerya vada
Guna veeryavada are of two types :-
1:- Ashtavidha veeryavada
2:- Dwividha veeryavada
Shakti Veeryavada

All the drug action are to be the out comes of Shakti of a dravya . This is know
as bahu veeryavada and dravya veeryavada
Charaka accpected Shakti ass veerya . He believes that the constituent of
dravya will exhibit their therapeautical effect by means of Shakti alone .
Vriddha vagbhat identified Shakti matra veerya vada as classical . Both
indukara and hemadri have considered veerya as innumerable
• Chakrapani precisely described that veerya is nothing but Shakti of a dravya
through which the drug action is possible
Guna Veeryavada
The most potent qualities among gurvadi gunas shall be considered as veerya.
This is also know as paribhahika veeryavada
The guna veerya vada is in turn sub division into two theories viz…,
This is mainly accepted by charaka
Sushruta and vaghbhatt havealso mentioned it but not emphasized over it
According to this guru , laghu , sita , ushna , snigdha , ruksha , mridu , tikshna ,
are proposed as eight veeryas
• The followers of this view propose that all the dravya are made up of
panchabhutas and they are in turn classified as agni and soma hence the
veerya are also two types viz,…, ushna and seta respectively . This view is
strongly supposed by sushruta and vagbhatta
• Vriddha vagbhatta denoted shaktimatra veerya vada as classical and guna
veerya vada as loukikam because it is very famous
Karma veeryavada
• This concept is initially proposed by badhanta nagarjuna and later
supported by bhavamishra and nimi
• Nagarjuna quoted that karma is the characteristic feature of veerya
• He further added that dravya do not perform any function in the absence of
veerya even though rasa and guna are present even mantras perform some
karmas without the help of rasa and guna
• He described that neela , neela tara , neela tama are different stages of a
matters where in neelatwa is the comman factor . Similarly guna will always
remain as guna and never act as veerya . Therefore veerya should be defined
on the basis of karma only .
Accepted number of veeryas
• Dwividha veerya vada
• All most all acharyas have supported this view of two kinds of veerya
• View of charaka
• Veerya is of two kinds sita veerya & ushna veerya [ ch. Su. 26/64-65 ]
• View of sushruta
• Sushruta also supported fot this theory of two veerya viz. uans and sita with reason
. He opined that agni and soma are dominant in the universe . Hence veerya is of
two types [ Su. Su. 40/5 ]
Properties of veerya
Sr. no. Name Actions Indications Exmple
1 ushna Dahana, pachana, murchana, swedana Sgitata, agnimandya Maricha, pippali
2 Sita Prahaladana, stambhana Sharma or atisara Amalaki, shatavari
3 Guru Brimhana krushata -
4 Laghu Lekhana Medovruddhi -
5 Snigdha Snehana Rukshata -
6 Ruksha Ropana Vrana -
7 Mrudu Suspatshakara Dryness of the skin -
8 Tikshna Sravana, avadarana Help in wound incision -
Acording to Acharya sushruta
9 Visada Kledashoshaka kledaroga -
10 picchila Brimhana Krushta
Panchabhautika composition
S.N Veerya Mahabhuta
1 Ushna Agni mahabhuta
2 Sita Jala mahabhuta
3 Guru Pruthvi & jala mahabhuta
4 Laghu Agni, akasha & vayu mahabhuta
5 Snigdha Pruthvi & jala mahabhuta
6 Ruksha Vayu mahabhuta
7 Mrudu Jaja & akasha mahabhuta
8 Tikshna Agni mahabhuta
9 Visada Pruthvi & vayu mahabhuta
10 Picchila Jala mahabhuta
Action on Dosha of veerya
S.N8 Veerya Effect on Dosha
1 Ushna Vata-kapha hara & pitta vardhaka
2 Sita Pitta hara, vata-kapha vardhaka
3 Guru Kapha vardhaka, vata hara
4 Laghu Kapha hara, vata vardhaka
5 Snighda Vata hara, kapha vardhaka
6 Ruksha Vata vardhaka, kapha-pitta hara
7 Mrudu Pitta hara
8 Tikshna Kapha hara
9 Visada Kapha hara, vata vardhaka
10 Picchila Pitta hara, kapha vardhaka
Action on Malas of Veerya
S.N Veerya Effect of Malas
1 Ushna Sveda vardhaka, purisha pravartka
2 Sita Mutra vardhaka
3 Guru Purisha vardhaka-pravartaka
4 Laghu Mala kshaya
5 Snigdha Purisha pravartaka
6 Ruksha Mala shoshana
7 Mrudu Mala-mrudukara
8 Tikshna Mala pravartaka
9 Visada Mala shoshana-pravartaka
10 picchila Malatsaraa
Action on dhatus of veerya
S.N Veerya Effect on Dhatus
1 Ushna Dhatukshaya, rakta stravaka
2 Sita Rakta prasadaka
3 Guru Dhatuvruddhikara, brimhana
4 Laghu Dhatukshaya, lekhana
5 Snigdha Dhatuvardhana
6 Ruksha Dhatukshaya
7 Mrudu Rakta mamsa prasadana
8 Tikshna Dhatukshaya
9 Visada Dhatukshaya
10 picchila Dhatuvardhana, shukrajanana
Defination of Vipaka
• Charaka and sushruta did not make attempt to define vipaka precisely. It is
vagbhata who exclusively defined it as the factor which is the final out come
of the bio transformation of rasa through the action of jatharagni.
• The end product of a dravya which is the out come of digestion is know as
vipaka. It is belived that bio transformation phase of rasa.
Concept of avasthapaka & nisthapaka
• Ahara & aushaddha dravyas will under go two phases of transformation
inside the body
1: avastha paka :- when the food comes into contact with jatharagni then
process of avastha paka begins with madhura paka or prapaka in the
• Later food is ejected into pachyamanashaya where it undergoes amla paka
• Finnaly the food reaches the pakwashaya where the process of digestion
ends with katu vipaka.
• 2: nishtha paka:- after the food is subjected to jatharagni paka and bhutagni
paka, the nuteients absorbed along with the enzyme from the small intestine
will have further tranformtion known as Nishtha paka
• During nishtha paka the panchabhuta mass of a dravya will be converted
into basic components like pruthvi, ap, tejas, vayu & akasa. The sthayi
poshana will be done by vipaka
Sr. no. Avastha paka Nishtha paka

1 Its is an initial tranformtion phase Its is the final transformation phase

2 It is assessed by direct or visible process It is assessed by through inference

3 Normal doshas are produced Doshas in the form of excreta are

4 Effect asthayi dhatus Effects the sthayi dhatu
Types of Vipaka
• There are different views and theories over the numbers of vipaka also.
• 1. shadavidha vipaka vada
a,] niyata or yatha rasa vipaka vada – definite vipaka concept
b,]aniyata vipaka vada – indefinite vipaka concept
• 2. pancha vidha vipaka vada
• 3. trividha vipaka vada
4. dvividha vipaka vada
Shada Vidha Vipaka Vada
• A,] Yatha rasa vipaka vada :- this concept proposes that each rasa will under
go its individual vipaka and result in six vipakas respectively e.g ; madhur rasa
given rise to madhur vipaka; amla rasa leads to amla vipaka etc. However
many acharyas did nottt agree with this concept owing to several expections
to this genal belief that each rasa will have its own vipaka.
• Sushruta and nagaejuna have quoted about shadhavidha vipaka vada by
mentioning it as the view of other acharyas. According the following are the
vipaka based upon six tastes:
Madhur rasa Madhur vipaka
Amla rasa Amla vipaka
Lavan rasa Lavan vipaka
Katu rasa Katu vipaka
Tikta rasa Tikta vipaka
Kashaya rasa Kashaya vipaka
• B,] Aniyata vipaka vada:- the belives of this view are of the opinion that the
vipaka is finalized by the dominant rassa only. The rasa which is predominant
in a particular dravya will nullify the effect of other rasa and emerge itself ass
the vipaka in the end. Therefore vipaka can not be assumed on the basis of
the original rasa of the dravya e.g; ashwagandha is tikta rasa but katu vipaka ;
pippali is katu rasa but madhur vipaka
Pancha vidha vipaka vada
• Sushruta mentioned about the five vipaka on the basic of panchbhutas e.g.: akasa
dravya undergoes akasa bhutagni paka, vayu dravya undergoes vayu bhutagni paka
• The five vipaka are:
• A. parthiva b. aapya (guru vipaka)
• B. taijasa d. vayaviya e. aakashiya(laghu vipaka)
• Actually these five vipaka will come under two vipakas only viz.,guru and laghu
Trividha vipaka vada:-
• This is the widely accepted concept of vipaka. It is mainly emphasized and
proposed by charaka, vagbhata, parasara etc. the six rasas will under go three
vipaka as denoted here.

• Madhura vipaka_-madhura & lavana rasas

• Amla vipaka – amla rasa
• Katu vipaka – katu, tikta, kashaya rasas
• In ashtanga sangraha we find a question os parasara where in he questioned
that “if tikta and kashaya rasas will under go katu vipaka, how they will act as
pitta samaka (pitta subsiding factors)”. There fore he accepted three vipaka
with a little modification:
• Madhura vipaka – madhura, lavana, tikta, kashaya rasa
• Amla vipaka – alma rasa
• Katu vipaka – katu rasa
Dwividha vipaka vada:-
• Sushruta mentioned vipaka as mainly two viz.,
• A) madhura vipaka
• B) katu vipaka

• These two are respectively known as guru vipaka and laghu vipaka on the
basic of their predominant guna(property).
Badanta nagarjuna proposed the concept that qualities like seta, snigha, guru,
pichchila etc., are responsible factors for vipaka. He also concluded that the
transformation of food or drug material will end with genesis of either guru
guna or laghu vipaka. He condemned the concept of three vipakas and stated
that vipaka of a dravya is two types- :”chira kalika”(digestion taking more time)
and “achira kalika”(digestion completed in no time)
According to this view the six rasas will under go only two vipakas in the
following manner.
• Madhur vipaka – madhur, amla, lavan, rasa
• Katu vipaka – katu, tikta, kashaya rasa

• Nagarjuna view is expressed in the following way:

• 1- guru vipaka – seta, snigdha, guru, picchila, gunas
• 2- laghu vipaka – laghu, rukha, vishad, tikshna gunas
Properties & action on dosha dhatu &
malas of vipaka Types of Guna Dosha Dhatu Mala Action Use
1 Madhur Snigdha Kapha Shukrala Inc. the Brimhana Krushta
guru vardhaka, quality of
vata-pitta urine
2 Amla Snigdha Pitta Shukrala Inc. the Deepan, Agniman,
laghu vardhaka, hara quality of pachna dya, ajirna
vata hara urine
3 Katu Ruksha Vata Shukrala Decr. the Lehkana Sthaulya
laghu vardhaka hara quanlity of
kapha hara urine

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