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Name / NPM : David Aryo.

W / 201612500804
Rizqi Ramadhan / 201612500795
Class : R3H
Lecture : Drama
Lecturer : Imelda M Simorangkir, S.S, M.Hum
Title : The Mercant Of Venice
I. Describing Film The Merchant Of Venice

TheMerchantOfVenice is a romantic drama

film based on Novel Shakespeare's an the
film release at 2004. It is the first full-length
sound film in English of Shakespeare's play
—other versions are videotaped productions
which were made for television, including
John Sichel's 1973 version and Jack Gold's
1980 BBC production.It was
among Shakespear’s most popular plays
during his lifetime and along with Hamlet,
and Romeo and Juliet
The story of a Merchan of venice. Shylock a jaw and the moneylender. Shylock himself is
described as an anti-christ or a person who is so anti-starch against people who
embrace the Christian religion. Initiated by shylock so love her daughter and her
daughter promise to always protect it.But the princess in fact fall in love with a man
who is a christians. On the other hand, there was a guy named bassanio who want to
take a trip to venice to have met his girlfriend. Unfortunately, he does not have enough
money to do The journey.Because of this, bassanio decided to borrow money to his
friend namely antonio.However antonio are do not have the money.But because do not
want his friend was failing to do so antonio marriage trying to to get money.
The Dramatic Structure on Shakespear’s The Merchant of venice

rising action climax falling action

themes motifs symbols
The Central Characterization The Merchant Of Venice


The Language and Rhetoric in The Merchant Of Vanice:

 Allusion :
Act,3. Scene5 (Christian husbands sanctify their non-Christian wives)

 Simile :
Act 1, Scene 3 (“when Antonio has voided his “rheum,”)

 Metaphors :
Act 2, Scene 4 ( “whiter than the paper it writ on” )

 Apostrop :
Act 2, Scene 5 (“will be worth a Jewës eye”)

Act 1 , Scene 1 (“two grains of wheat hid in two bushels of chaff”)

 Paradox :
Act 1, Scene 1 bab 2 ( “my purse, my person, my extremest means / Lie all unlocked to your occasions”)

 Symbol :
Act 2, scene 7 (“Who chooseth me shall gain what many men desire”)  

 Foreshasdowing :
Shakespeare foreshadows Antonio’s grim future by suggesting both his indebtedness to a creditor and the loss of
his valuable ships.

 Dramatic Irony :
Act 2, Scene 7 (“all of his complexion choose me so”)
Interpretation of Merchant of Venice

 Interpretation of the merchant of venice about a young man

from venice and Have friends and married with his girlfriend
but didnt have the capital and finally borrow money to a
moneylender .
 Obviosly it's a central character with various
characterizations that are specifically told about the possibility
of a person, you and the person there will be trials in this life
and we as human beings must be strong in the settlement of
the ordeal.
 And the will be forced will be dont good as an example in the
(Merchan film of venice). Following the end of the movie,
you see. so in the movie william shake spears we are taught to
be courageous in the face of all the problems that there is no
running whatever consequent is going on.
Thank you

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