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#5 Automobile

This Innovation is the automobile because it allowed for everyday

people to be transported across distances that had previously taken a
lot longer. It also aided in the transportation of goods allowing for some
perishable thigns to be take to larger areas.
#4 Airplane

This Innovation is the Airplane because it allowed for people and goods
to be transported larger distances. Later on as the airplane evolved it
was even able to cross the Atlantic and Pacific Oeans.
#3 Personal Computer
This Innovation is the personal computer which allowed for
people and companies to communicate different forms of
media instantly. This allowed for companies to work instantly
instead of having to wait for mail to get documents
#2 Antibiotics
This Innovation is antibiotics as it allowed for people to not get sick and
possibly die from some infections. This allowed for more people to be
healthy and be able to contribute to the world.
# 1 Radio

This Innovation is the radio as it was the first innovation to allow people
to instantly communicate without being next to each other. It has uses
in entertainment, business, military, etc.
The reason I ordered the advancements the way I did was based on
both their face value of what they do or accomplish but also how it
allowed for certain events or things to happen. For example antibiotics
is number two not only because it cured infections for a lot of people
but also because it helped further advance medical technology to save
other people as well. The biggest example of this is the radio. It allowed
for people to communicate across a certain range for various uses. The
big thing is that it was made at the beginning of the 20th century so the
technology kept getting better and found different uses. Personal
computer are relatively new compared to the rest of the list but is still
above automobile and airplane because the face value of computers
are so much more than those two things.

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