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Information Age
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, you will be expected to:

1. Discuss the influences of the past on the

Information Age;
2. Cite major inventions and innovations of the
Information Age;
3. Enumerate changes in the Information Age; and
4. Discuss impacts of the Information Age.
The Information Age began
around the 1970s and is
still going on today. It is
also known as the
Computer Age, Digital Age,
or New Media Age.

The Renaissance influenced the Information Age by creating ideas and

inventions, while too advanced for the time, the basic idea was used to
develop modern inventions.

The Renaissance also changed literature. At first, only books that told
stories of religion and religious heroes were written.

During the Renaissance, people began to write realistic books and not just
religious stories. People's mindsets about themselves changed. It was no
longer about what humans could do for God, but what humans could do for
themselves. This way of thinking is called humanism.

The Scientific Revolution changed the modern era by introducing

important scientists such as Galileo, Copernicus, and Sir Isaac Newton.

Their discoveries paved the way for modern tools, inventions, and

The Industrial Revolution brought about major changes in agriculture,

manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology. This era had a
profound effect on the social, economic, and cultural conditions of the
Developed during the
1970s by the
Department of Defence.
In the case of an attack,
military advisers
suggested the advantage
of being able to operate Allowed for billions of
one computer from
another terminal. In the
bits of information to be WORLD WIDE WEB
received every minute.
early days, the Internet
Companies like INTEL
was used mainly by Developed in the early
scientists to developed faster
communicate with other microprocessors, so 1990s and was
scientists. The Internet personal computers developed, in large part,
remained under
government control until
could process the for commercial
incoming signals at a
1984 (Independence purposes.
Hall Association in more rapid rate.
Philadelphia, 2020).
a convenient way to send a INFORMATION AGE
message to associates or
friends. Messages could be sent Wireless Electricity Wi-Fi
and received at the convenience
From smartphones, to a wireless networking
of the individual. A letter that
laptops, to MP3 players, technology that uses radio
took several days to arrive
could be read in minutes. people’s lives are now waves to provide wireless high-
Internet service providers like speed Internet access. A
dominated by
America Online and common misconception is that
technology that requires
CompuServe set up electronic the term Wi-Fi is short for
chat rooms. These were open power – and they "wireless fidelity," however Wi-
areas of cyberspace where generally need wires to Fi is a trademarked phrase that
interested parties could join in a recharge these devices refers to IEEE 802.11x
conversation with perfect standards
The Information Age has changed people, technology,
science, economies, culture, and even the way people CHANGES OF THE
think. The Internet is arguably the most prominent
innovation of the Information Age. The Internet changed INFORMATION AGE
the way people do everything. It has made people lazier,
but it also makes a large amount of the population

The Information Age has made industrial countries

stronger. With online companies being some of the most
successful and economically stimulating businesses out
there, economies receive more from them and keep our
world turning. People are becoming more mature and
more educated due to things like the computer and the
Internet. This time period has reshaped governments, with
new technology being created every day. Governments can
now have more advanced and effective militaries. Because
of things like the Internet, new laws had to be put in place
to stop hacking, piracy, and identity theft.
The Information Age brought about many new
inventions and innovations. Many
communication services like texting, email, and
social media developed and the world have not
been the same since. People learn new
languages easier and many books have been
translated into different languages, so people
around the world can become more educated.
However, the Information Age is not all good.
There are people in the world that believe
they can live their entire life through the
Internet. Also, huge criminal organizations
rely on hacking into government systems and
obtaining confidential information to continue
their way of life. Jobs have also become
easier, and some jobs can even be done from
the comfort of your own home. The
Information Age is also known as the Age of
Entrepreneurship. Now entrepreneurs can
start and run a company easier than ever
before. It also impacts our work ethics by
distracting us and causing us to lose interest
in the task we are doing. This time period has
also created a shortage of jobs and made
many jobs obsolete because machines are
now being used to do the work humans once

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