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Perkembangan Sistem Bahan Bakar Motor Bensin

Hisap Akhir Hisap, Injektor Kompresi, Injektor Percikan Api pada

menyemprotkan BB mengabutkan BB busi dan pembakaran

Proses Penyemprotan
Bahan Bakar Pada Mesin DI
Terjadi dua Tahap yaitu saat
langkah hisap dan kompresi
Tujuan untuk menghasilkan
campuran yang homogen
Perbedaan Proses

MPI dengan DI
Pola Aliran Di Dalam Silinder Pada Mesin Multi Valve
Proses Pembakaran Pada Mesin Direct Injection
Perbedaan Bentuk Kabutan pada Injektor Model
Compact dan Model Cone
Fuel injection mode map
At speeds up to 120 km/h, the Mitsubishi
GDI engine operates in Ultra-Lean
Combustion Mode. At high speeds or under
heavy loads, it automatically switches to
Superior Output Mode. It switches to Two-
Stage Mixing for hard acceleration from
standing starts or low speeds.
4G93 GDI engine schematic
Precise control of both airflow and fuel delivery are crucial to
the engine's success.
Mitsubishi spent years of research to determine the most efficient pattern of in-cylinder airflow.
The patented "clockwise tumble" flow of the Mitsubishi GDI engine is the result.
Tumble vs. Swirl
Conventional engines create "swirl" airflow. But this takes the fuel around the outside of the
cylinder. It's impossible to concentrate the fuel, so it doesn't always burn completely.
Tumble-shaped airflow solves this problem. The tumble shape breaks up as the cylinder
compresses, forming small typhoon-like eddies. These enable fuel to be concentrated around the
sparkplug, for outstanding combustion efficiency even with extremely lean air-fuel ratios.
A tumble pattern was employed on the Mitsubishi Vertical Vortex (MVV) lean-burn engine.
However, counter-clockwise tumble was not feasible for direct injection.

Why does it have to be clockwise?

If the air tumbles counter-clockwise, it will carry a directly injected fuel
spray into the sparkplug, creating a soot buildup that leads to misfires. Also,
counter-clockwise flow doesn't allow time for a directly injected spray of
petrol to vaporise. These problems were solved by the invention of the
Upright Straight Intake Ports, which enabled "clockwise tumble."
In this mode, at speeds up to 120 km/h, the Mitsubishi GDI engine achieves complete combustion with an air-
fuel ratio of 40:1.
Conventional engines: 14.7:1
Lean-burn engines: 22:1
Mitsubishi GDI engine: 40:1.
Late in the compression stroke, the High-Pressure Swirl Injector sprays fuel in a tight, swirling spiral towards the
piston top. This spiral and the "clockwise tumble" airflow keep the fuel spray concentrated around the sparkplug.
When the sparkplug ignites, a powerful firestorm is controlled by the spherical cavity. No fuel is wasted. The
result: a 20% improvement in overall fuel economy.

Ultra-Lean Combustion Mode

1. Piston moves downward. / 2. Piston reaches bottom and begins
compression stroke.
3.Fuel is injected late in compression stroke. / 4. Sparkplug ignites
In this mode, fuel is injected during the intake stroke in a lengthy, cone-shaped spray to cool the
cylinder through evaporation.
By preventing knocking through the cooling effect, the 4G93 GDI engine can run at a
compression ratio of 12.5, for outstanding power and torque.
Furthermore, its high volumetric efficiency creates an effect similar to that of a supercharger.
The result: output and torque superior to conventional engines.Superior Output Mode

1. Piston moves downward.

2. Fuel is injected.
3. Piston moves up.
4. Sparkplug ignites mixture.
This mode was developed specifically for the European 4G93 GDI.
Fuel is injected twice: a small amount early, and the majority late.
Early injection cools the cylinder. The air-fuel ratio at this point is extremely lean, up to 60:1, so it does not
spontaneously ignite.
When the rest of the fuel is injected, the air-fuel mixture becomes very rich - about 12:1. This rich mixture is
completely combusted.
The result: at 650 rpm, a 55 percent increase in torque, for the power to pull away fast.

Two-Stage Mixing
1. Piston moves
2. Fuel is injected.
3. Fuel is injected
again during
compression stroke.
4. Sparkplug ignites
Perbedaan Konsumsi Bahan Bakar antara Mesin Bensin dan

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