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Scope of Telemarketing

Presenter: Fakhar Islam Aslam

• Introduction
• Scope of telemarketing
• Uses of telemarketing
• "The marketing of goods or services by means of telephone calls,
typically unsolicited, to potential customers"

• For example; Cable and internet services, home security systems.

Scope of Telemarketing
• Telemarketing is the use of the telephone and call centers to attract
prospects, sell to existing customers, and provide service by taking order
and answering question.
Scope of Telemarketing (Cont.)

•Telemarketing is the several significant uses of telemarketing are the

1. Selling
2. Lead Generation
3. Gathering Information
4. Customer Reactivation
5. Appointment setting
6. Database Cleansing
Uses of Telemarketing
• Selling: Telemarketing can complement or replace face-to-face sales
with existing accounts. It can complement the field sales effort by
reaching new customer bases of geographic markets at a relatively low
• Lead Generation: Using telemarketers to generate leads means
increased sales revenue and greatly reduces the amount it costs to make
a sale
Uses of Telemarketing (Cont.)

• Gathering Information: Telemarketing can provide accurate

information on advertising effectiveness, what customers are buying,
from whom they're buying, and when they will buy again.
• Customer Reactivation: Your organization must keep a record of all
current customers and all those people who were customers but are
not actively buying from you. By using telemarketing, your company
can win you up to 50% of your past customers back!
Uses of Telemarketing (Cont.)
• Appointment setting: Appointment setting is, always has, and always
will be, a primary way that companies generate new business.
Organizations usually place a great deal of emphasis on appointment
setting, and also a significant proportion of their budget.
• Database Cleansing: The information in your database is quickly out of
date. By using telemarketers to work through your data, you can correct,
delete the details of your existing customers, leads or prospects.

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