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Basics of Education

Zahida Perveen
Nursing Instructor
Subject ; Elective Education
Medicare College of Nursing
 At the completion of this unit, the learner will be
able to;
 Define basic terminology about education
 Differentiation between Pedagogy and Andragogy
 Education is derived from Latin word
“EDUCARE” which means to “lead out”.
 The word “educere” also means “bring up”, “to
train” or “to mould”
 Creation of a sound mind in a sound body.
 Education is the development of all those
capacities in the individual which enable him to
control his environment and fulfill his
responsibilities. - John Dewey.
 A Person who teaches, controls learning, dispenser
of knowledge, an ultimate authority, a director of
 Student
 A student is primarily a person enrolled in
any educational institution who attends classes in a
course to attain the appropriate level of mastery of
a subject under the guidance of an instructor
 “Teaching is an interactive process. Interaction
means participation of both teacher and students
and both are benefited by this. This interaction
takes place for achieving desired objective”
 Teaching is a process which facilitates learning by
encouraging learners to think feel, and do.
 A process that enables the learner to learn on his
 Learning is a process by which behavior is
originated or changed by practice or training.
 A change in behavior,which is demonstrated by
people implementing knowledge, skills or
practices derived from education.
 Can be intentional or unintentional
Teaching and Learning
 A two way most powerful instrument of education
to bring about desired changing in student.
 One cannot succeed with the support or success of
the other
 Learner is the center of teaching
 Teaching is the cause And Learning is the effect
 Curriculum, derived from the Latin word currere,
which means “to run", overtime has been translated
to mean “course of study”
 “formal and informal content and process by which
learners gain knowledge and understanding, develop
skills.(Ronal C Doll 1996)
 Portfolio
 A student portfolio is a compilation of academic
work and other forms of educational evidence.
 A method for evaluation of an individual `s learning
over time
 Pedagogy is an art or profession of teaching.

 Pedagogy is a systematic study about science of

teaching and learning.
 Malcolm Shepherd Knowles (1913-1997) was an
American educator well known for the use of the
term Andragogy as synonymous of Adult
 According to Malcolm Knowles, Andragogy is the
art and science of adult learning, thus it refers to
any form of adult learning.
 In 1980, Knowles made 5 assumption about Andragogy
 1. Self-concept • As a person matures his/her self concept moves from one of
being a dependent personality toward one of being a self directed human being
 2. Adult Learner Experience • As a person Matures he/she accumulates a
growing reservoir of experience that becomes an increasing resource for
 3. Readiness to Learn • As a person matures his/her readiness to learn
becomes oriented increasingly to the developmental task of his/her social roles.
 4. Orientation of learning • As a person matures his/her time perspective
changes from one of postponed application of knowledge to immediacy of
application, and accordingly his/her orientation towards learning shifts from
one of subject- centeredness to one of problem centeredness.
 5.Motivation to Learn • As a person matures the motivation to learn is internal
 BT Basavanthappa (2008)Nursing Education(2nd ed).Teaching
and learning Jaypee Brothers, Medical
 Susan B.Bastable (2008) Nursing Educator(3rd ed).Perspective
on teaching and learning. Pg(01-20)Jones and Bartlett
publisher. Massachusetts

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