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Hello everyone, I am ABHAY YADAV and my dream is to publish my own poetry book.

I have been writing bits and pieces for quite a few time now, and I always dreamt to have this
little book of my own. So if I have to tell you a bit about myself I would tell you that my father is
a farmer and he did all he could for me to have higher education. Therefore I couldn't even think
of pursuing this dream of mine for a long time but now when I am getting an oppurtunity of a
lifetime I would so much like to live my dream out.

I would like to give you glimpse of what I have been

writing about and hope that you connect with it too.
So I found out there is this website
known as Notion press
( . They
are providing very good facilities
for beginner writers and I very
much would like to pursue my
dream with them. It would cost
me ₹1,01,468 {₹85990+₹15478

Lastly, I would like to thank

everyone for showing me this
glimmer of hope and also for
bringing out this ever present
dormant dream of mine. Before
LOUD I never shared my dream
with anybody but now I did and it
feels kind of great. So, THANK

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