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Definition :

Asthma is reversible
inflamation of the airways Review of Asthma
caused by a reaction of the
airways to various stimuli

Etiology :

Genetic and Environmental :

{ Household subtance (such as
dust mites, pets, cockroaches,
mold), pollen, foods, latex,
emotional upheaval, air pollution,
cold weather, exercise, chemicals,
medication, viral infections}
The Case of Emergency
Mr. T, 57 years old came to
IGD. He said dypsneu since
last night and cough for two
weeks. The cough difficult to
issued. The patient appears
using respiratory aids
muscle. Sounds wheezing
and there is chest retraction
RR : 30 x/ minutes.. Oksigen
Saturation : 92%. Blood
Presur : 140/90 mmgh and
Pulse : 110x/minutes.
Data Problem Etiologi
Subyective Data : Inffective Airway `Fisiologis (asthma)
- Patient said cought , dypsnea, and the cough difficult to (00031)

Objective Data :
- Patient appears coughing
- RR : 30 x /minutes
- Sounds wheezing

Subyektive Data : Inevective Hiperventilation

- Patient said dypsnea Breathing Pattern
Objective Data :
- Patiens appears using respiratory aids muscle
- RR: 30 x/minutes
Plan Nursing Diagnosis :
“Inffective Airway Clearance”

Intervention :
1. Observation respiration status
2. Assist client to maintain a
Outcome : comfortable position to facilitate
Respiratory Status :Airway breathing by elevating the head of
Patency bed
1.Maintain patent airway with 3. Keep environmental pollution
breath sounds clear from sources such as dust and
2. Demonstrate behaviors to smoke
improve airway clearance 4. Practice efective cogh
5. Collaboration with Dokter :
Nebulizer Threatmen
Plan Nursing Diagnosis :
“Inevective Breathing Pattern”

Intervention :
Outcome : 1. Monitoring breath pattern and
1. Patient didn’t appears vital sign
2. Give position semi fowler
using respiratory aids muscle
3. Education patient butyko
2. Breath sound clear breath technique
4. Kolaboration to get O2
Thank You 

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