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Excerpts from Leche

R. Zamora Linmark
1. Why do Filipinos Love balikbayan boxes?
2. What do you think the boxes symbolize? Why do they seem to be more important than
their contents?
3. When the narrator notes the Filipino-ness of the balikbayan boxes, what does he feel
toward his fellow Filipinos?
4. What does the airport symbolize?
5. What do you think is the real message behind the anecdote or the “turban legend?
6. Do you think that Filipino who live or work abroad suffer from homesickness? Explain
your answer
7. The author’s luggage is Louise Vuitton. How does that help characterize the narrator?
8. Do you think that when Filipinos are abroad, they are proud of being a Filipino? Why or
why not?
9. The title “Turban Legend” is a play on words on the phrase” Urban Legend”. What does
“Urban Legend” mean? Why was it changed to Turban Legend?
10. What is the significance of the story?
• Find out which of your relatives have worked or lived
abroad, and interview one or two per group or more.
Create a scrapbook showing their experiences and add
either illustrations or photos that show what
they went through, the good things they experienced, and
problems they encountered. At the end of the scrapbook, write
your conclusion about
your insights and comments on their experiences.

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