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Mysteries of the ancient world

• How and why was it built?
The Easter Island Heads
• How and why were they built? 1. Scientists are almost certain that the stones had a
religious significance.

Scientists believe that the

must have had
stones________________________________ a religious

2. Scientists think that it’s impossible that the stones

came from a different island.

Scientists think that the stones

can’t have come from a
different island.
3. It’s possible that the stones were carved to resemble a famous leader of the tribe.

could/might/may have been carved

The stones _____________________________________ to resemble a famous leader of the

4. Some people believe that there’s a possibility that the stones came from another planet.

could/might/may have come

Some people believe that the stones _______________________________________from
another planet.
Magura Cave - Bulgaria
How and why did they paint these paintings?
The Great Pyramids
• How, when and why were they built?
The Nazca Lines
• How, when and why were they built?
The Uffington White Horse
How and why was it built?
• Did it really exist? If so, where was it?
The Holy Grail
Was it real?
What was the origin of the legend?
Machu Picchu
• How and why was it built?
Bowerman’s Nose
• How and why was it built?

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