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Doctor: How much water do you drink a

Patient: I don’t drink much water. When
I’m thirsty I drink a lot of soda.
Doctor: mmm!!
Doctor: How many apples do you eat a
Patient: I don’t eat many apples, but I eat a
lot of potatoes chips.
Doctor: mmm!
Doctor: Do you eat a lot of burgers?
Patient: I don’t eat a lot of burgers, just 4
in a week. Healthy, isn’t it?
Doctor: mmm!!
For question and negative:
 Countable Nouns
- We use how many (with plural nouns):

How many apples have you got?

I haven’t got many.
 Uncountable Nouns
- We use how much:

How much milk is there in the fridge?

There isn’t much.
For question affirmative and negative:
A lot of (countable and uncountable)

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