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Perfect Tense
Past Perfect Tense
• Past Perfect Tense is a form sentences that describes an action that has
been completed in the past.

• It is used to emphasize that an action in the past finished before another

action in the past started.
• This tense is also used in reported speech, third conditional sentences, or to
show dissatifaction with the past.
• Positive : S + had + V3
• Negative : S + had + not + V3
• Interrogative : Had + S + V3 + ?
• Question : 5W/1H + had + S + V3 + ?
Present Perfect Tense
• Past Perfect Tense is a form of sentences that used to describe an action
that happend in the past, and still going until now.

• It is used to express actions that happened at an indefinite time or that began

in the past and continue in the present.
• This tense is also used when an activity has an effect on the present
• It is often used to emphasize that an event continues in the present.
• Positive : S + have/has + V3
• Negative : S + have/has + not + V3
• Interrogative : Have/has + S + V3 + ?
• Question : 5W/1H + have/has + S + V3 + ?
Future Perfect Tense
• Future Perfect Tense is a form of sentences that describe that some event is
going to end at certain point of time.

• It is used to talk about future actions that will be finished before some
specified point in the future.
• It is used to talk about actions that will last after a given point in the future.
• It is used to express conviction that something happened in the near past.
• Positive : S + will + have + V3
• Negative : S + will not + have +past + V3
• Interrogative : Will + S + have + V3 + ?
• Question : 5W/1H + will + S + have + V3 + ?

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