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Resident Physics Lectures

Radiation Detectors
Prof. J. K Tonui, PhD

School of Medicine,
Department of Radiology & Imaging
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lecture, the student should be

able to:
 Describe the need for radiation detection.

 Describe the characteristics of radiation detectors.

 State types of radiation detectors and their basic

operation principle.
 Describe general the structure and operation of

 Describe the operation of film-badge dosimeters.

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 Cannot be seen, smelt nor tasted, hence

 We depend on the instruments to indicate the

presence of ionizing radiation, and

 These instruments are based on the ability of

radiation to interact (collide) with matter, where

 Radiation ionize matter and produce ions, which

 Are exploited in radiation detection by using


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Why Detect Radiation?
There are several reasons for radiation

 Environmental safety;

 Personal protection of occupational workers;

 Calibration of radioactive isotopes;

 Research applications;

 Estimation of radiation dose in treatment of


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Characteristics of detectors
Some characteristics of radiation detectors
 Sensitivity;

 Operating voltage;

 Operating voltage region;

 Radiation detection range;

 Resolution (for pulsed based);

 Less dead time, and

 Life time.

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Types of Radiation
 Three main types of radiation detectors:

 Gas-filled radiation detectors (GFRD)

o consist of a volume of gas between two electrodes

 Scintillation detectors,

o the interaction of ionizing radiation produces UV and/or

visible light
 Semiconductor detectors

o consists of electronic devices (diodes) made from

extrinsic (doped) semiconductor crystals (e.g. Si, Ge or

other compounds materials)

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Types of Radiation Detectors
 Detectors may also be classified by the type of information

 Counters
o Detectors that indicate the number of interactions occurring in

the detector, e.g. Geiger-Mueller (GM) detectors.

 Spectrometers
o Detectors that give information about the energy distribution of

the incident radiation, e.g. NaI scintillation detectors.

 Dosimeters
o Detectors that indicate the net amount of energy deposited in

the detector by multiple interactions, e.g. film badges and TLD .

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Types of Radiation Detectors

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Gas-Filled Radiation
Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors (GFRDs)

 Are the oldest type of radiation detectors but are

still in use today, and

 Measure ionization (ion pairs – electrons and +ve

ions) that radiation produce on a gas confined in a

container, and
 Come in various forms differing only in their

construction details and on how ion pairs are


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Any type of GFRD

 Consists of a volume of gas kept in a sealed

container called ionization chamber and

 Two electrodes, called cathode and anode, are

placed inside this chamber, and

 An electric voltage is applied between these

electrodes, and
 Are used to detect the gas ions produced in the


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Fig. shows schematic

diagram of IC detector,
 The cathode is usually the

wall of the container that

holds the gas and
 The anode is a filamentary

wire placed at the axis of

the container.

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Radiation (x- and  rays)

 Interact with gas atoms/molecules thro’ either PE or

CS, where
They impact their energy to gas atoms and strip

them of their electrons or ionize the gas, and

In the processes produces ion pairs:
o Positive ions (Cations), and

o Electrons (anions)

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Mode of Detection Radiation
Operation of a GFRD depends on

 Detection of ion pairs produced in the gas chamber,

 Is done electrically by using two oppositely charged

electrodes as shown in this Fig.

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Mode of Detection Radiation
The dc voltage applied on the two electrodes

 Sets an electric field between the +ve and –ve

electrodes, and
 The cations are attracted to –ve electrode while

anions are attracted to +ve electrode, hence

separated, and
 Is allowed to flow in an external circuit producing a

current that can be measured as shown more

elaborately in the Fig. in next slide.

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Mode of Detection Radiation
 Fig.

 Shows more elaborate detection process in GFRD, where

 A filamentary wire (anode) in the axis of cylindrical chamber

 A variable voltage battery is used and current flowing in external

circuit is converted to voltage for ease of amplification and value

of Vdc determined types of GFRD.

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Gas used in GFRDs
An inert gas is always used

 Usually argon gas or xenon gas, in order to

 To prevent chemical reaction from taking place

when the gas is ionized so that the

characteristic of the detector is not altered.

The chamber holding the gas

 Is sealed and has transparent window to let

radiation into the chamber.

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Modes of Operation
 GFRD can be operated in two modes:

 Pulse mode,
o Where the electrical signal (voltage) from each

interaction is processed individually, and displayed.

 Current mode,
o Where the electrical signals from individual

interactions are averaged together to give a net

current signal that is converted to voltage signal,
o Is then given in terms of pulse height

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Display Systems in GFRDs
Display methods for GFRDs include:

 A loud speaker

o Clicks when radiation photon is detected, and

used in survey meters.

 A ratemeter or pulse counter

o Displays No. of voltage pulses per second

generated i.e. count rate, and

o Used to quantify strength of radioactive sources –

more radiation  more pulses produced.

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Types of GFRDs
 GFRDs are classified

according to Vdc used,

 The output voltage

(measured in terms of
Voltage Pulse
Height) of a GFRD at
various DC voltages is
shown in figure beside.

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Types of GFRDs
Types of GFRDs are

named as follows:
 R – recombination

I - ionization
 P – proportional counter

 GM – Geiger-Muller Tube

 CD – complete discharge

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Region A: Recombination
Region, R
 In this region,

 Vdc is relatively low (few volts above zero), which

 Produce weak E-field, hence

 Charges are not separated apart appreciably, hence

 The ion pairs simply recombine leaving only a few

charges to reach electrodes, which

 Results in low voltage pulse height but does

increase as dc voltage increases as amount of

recombination reduces.

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Region B: Ionization
region, I
In this region,

 Vdc is sufficiently high, hence

 Negligible amount of recombination occurs, and

 Is called ionization region because all the gases

in the chamber are ionized, and

 The detector that operates in this region is

called Ionization Chamber (IC).

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Region C: Proportional Region,
 In this region,

 Vdc is sufficiently high, and

 Electrons approaching centre or anode wire attain sufficient

energy to dislodge new ion pairs from gas atoms they

collide with, hence
 The number of electrons increases, resulting to higher

current thro’ resistor, R, by a factor of 1000-times the

initial current by the radiation interaction, and
 The detector operating in this region is called Proportional


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Region D: Geiger-Müller (GM)
In this region,

 Vdc is very high, so that

 Weakly -ionizing particle will produce a very large voltage

pulse, and
 Detector operating in this region is called Geiger-Müller

(GM) tube

Initial ionization produced by the radiation

 Triggers a complete gas breakdown as an avalanche of

electrons head towards and spreads along the center wire.

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Region E: Complete Discharge
Region, CD
In this region,

Vdc is high enough, such that

The gas undergo complete breakdown

It cannot be used to detect radiation,

because the gas will glow and produce

light like neon sign lamps.
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Categories of Radiation
 Detectors can be divided into two major categories:

 Imaging detectors,

o e.g. photographic plates and X-ray film, but have now been

replaced by various digitizing devices like image plates or flat

panel detectors, and

 Dose measurement devices

o e.g.  ionization chamber, Geiger counters, and 

 Dosimeters used to measure the local radiation

exposure, dose, and/or dose rate,

o e.g. verifying that radiation protection equipment and

procedures are effective on an ongoing basis.

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Imaging Detectors
Imaging detector

 Are used in radiology mainly for capturing the

images for diagnosis and for personal

dosimeters (usually referred as film badge),
 Consists mainly of x-films but are being

replaced gradually by various digital systems

such as image plates or flat-panel detectors.

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Photographic Detectors
The film badge

Consists of strips of different

materials (e.g. Al, Cd and Pb)

placed within the badge but in front
of the film, and
These strips attenuate the incoming

radiation differently and reduce the

degree of exposure of the film
located behind them.

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Photographic Detectors
 The film badge

 Is a detector used to measure

cumulative exposure received by

personnel working with radiology
facilities and
 Is shown schematically in Fig.

beside, and
 Is simply a plastic holder containing

a photographic film that is sensitive

to radiation used in radiology.

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Photographic Detectors
The amount of attenuation is dependent on

 Type (, , , or x-ray) and energy of radiation,

 Density of the absorber.

Type and energy of radiation

 Is determined by comparing the amount of

exposure of film behind each strip, together

with the fourth uncovered area.

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Film Badge Personal
Note that

 The film badge must

be sent to an outside
laboratory for reading
and interpretation,
 Is not like the pen

dosimeter, which can

be read by the user.

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