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School and Community

Resources In case of an
Injury or Emergencies
Presented by: Group 3
School have a responsibility to prevent injuries from
occuring on school property.In addition, school can teach
the students the skills needed to promote safety and
unintentional injuries that they can used throughout their
lives.Thus,every school should or must have the resources
addressing on injury and even emergencies that may
happen anytime.Therefore,School Emergency Kits are
essential part of any campus in order to obtain a safety
and more prepared environment.
Just like the school, the community itself
also have a huge responsibility to avoid
casualties or injuries of the people within its
border. Thus, the community should have an
availability of resources that they can used in
case of emergencies and in during of
List of Resources
First Aid Kit
- A collection of supplies
and equipment that is
used to give medical
It must have the ff:
☑ Sterile Dressings and Plasters:

Plasters: It is used for small cuts and

Sterile Pad: For more cushioning you can
used sterile pads and hold it in place with
sticky tape. You can also used clean,non-
fluppy material like a clothe scarf.
☑ Bandages:
Roller Bandages
-are long thin bandages
rolled up. Used to support
joint injuries, put pressure in
wounds to stop bleeding and
to reduce swelling.

Triangular Bandages
- large triangular shaped
pieces of clothe. Used as sling
or in larhe wounds and burns.
☑ Protective Items:
Disposable Gloves
-it reduces the risk of infection between and someone
your helping. Always use whenever dressing wounds
or exposing into body fluids or waste.

Cleansing wipes, alcohol free-wipes
-to clean the skin around the wound.
-can help preventing different kinds of illness to
become severe.
Fire Extinguisher
-a fortable device that
discharges a jet of water,
foam,gas or other material to
extinguish a fire.
Fire Alarm
- a device making a loud noise
that gives warning of a fire.
-is a vehicle which can transport
medical patients to treatment ,and
in some instances will also provide
out-of-town hospital medical care to
the patient.

Fire Engine (Fire fighting truck)

-is a vehicle design primarily for
fire fighting operations.
Emergency Telephone (Cellphone)
-a phone specifically provided for making
calls to emergency services while cellphone
is a phone with the access to the cellular
radio system so it can used over a wide area.

Flashlight with extra batteries

-a battery operated portable light.
School Clinic
-is a establishment that provide health care to
the students especially during emergencies .
Community Health Care Center
-is a establishment in the community that
provides free healthcare services to the people
within the society.
☑ Persons for Injuries and Emergencies
School Nurse
-plays a vital role in linking the two important areas of
education and health.
Community Doctors
-public doctors for free services and health cares like check
ups.Thus,they also provide free medications.

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