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Competitive Manufacturing

Presented By:
Kiran C G
Automation and Production Systems
1. Production System Facilities
2. Support Systems
3. Automation and Manual Labor in Production Systems
4. Automation Principles and Strategies
5. Manufacturing Industries, Products and Operations
6. Components and Classification of Manufacturing Systems
Production System Facilities

1. Production facilities and systems are the important aspects of the

production management.

2. Production facilities allow the smooth transformation of the

inputs into the outputs i.e. manufacturing with all the required
machinery tools, manpower, etc.

3. Production system ensures that there will be proper methods,

arrangements, procedure adopted to produce different types of
goods or services.

4. Before starting of any production process the organization has to

decide about the facilities to produce the same.
Production system Facilities (Contd.)

Factors involved in facilities are :-

1. Machines and equipments.

2. Tools.

3. Technology.

4. Inspection aid.

5. Process details.

6. Operating personnel.

7. Production volume.
Aim of Production

Aim of production system is to provide goods and services to mankind

1. In right quantities.

2. At the appropriate place.

3. At the desired time.

4. With the required quantity.

5. At a reasonable rate.
Production Support Systems

1. It is the set of procedures followed by the company to manage

production and to solve the technical and the logistics problems
encountered in ordering materials, moving the work through the
factory and the ensuring the products meet quality standards.

2. Product design and certain business functions are included among the
production support systems.
Production Support Systems (Contd.)
Automation in Production Systems

1. Some elements of the firm’s production system are likely to be

automated, whereas others will be operated manually. For our
purposes here, automation can be defined as a technology concerned
with the application of mechanical, electronic, and computer based
systems to operate and control production.

2. Two categories in automation in production systems are:-

1) Automation of manufacturing systems in factory.

2) Computerization of manufacturing support systems.

CIM – Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Manual Labor in Production Systems

1. Is there a place for manual labor in the modern production system?

The answer is certainly yes.

2. Even in a highly automated production system, humans are still a

necessary component of the manufacturing enterprise.

3. Two aspects in production systems for manual labor are:-

1) Manual labor in factory operations.

2) Labor in production support systems.

Manual Labor in Production Systems (Contd.)

Kind of tasks that still need manual labor even if all the manufacturing
systems in factory are automated :-

1. Equipment maintenance
• Maintain, repair, preventive maintenance.

2. Programming and computer operations

• Upgrades, new program installations, execute programs.

3. Engineering project work

• Continual need to upgrade production machines, design tooling,
continuous improvement projects.

4. Plant management
• Running factory, more emphasis on managers technical skills .

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