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Chapter 6 : Memory

Memory and Study

Using the right memory and study strategies can help you
improve your academic performance. The following are
carefully chosen strategies that might be of help:

1. Effective Strategies
2. Taking Good Notes
3. The PQ4R
Effective Strategies
a) Pay attention and minimize distraction
b) Understand the material rather than rotely
memorize it
c) Organize what you put into memory
d) Use mnemonic strategies
e) Ask yourself questions
f) Spread out and consolidate your learning
g) Cognitively monitor your progress
h) Be a good time manager and planner
(1) Method of Loci- Imagining items to be
remembered and situate it in particular
(2) Acronyms-Identifying the first letters of
the items that need to be remembered
(3) Keyword method- pairing a word with
mental image
(4) Peg-word method- using 10 or more
simple words as memory hooks
Taking Good Notes

a) Summarizing
b) Outlining
c) Concept Map
d) Cornel Method
e) Take a few minutes to review your notes
after the lecture.
The PQ4R

a) Preview
b) Question
c) Read
d) Reflect
e) Recite
f) Review
E. Five Ways to Memory Power
1.) Eat Brain Foods
• Choose complex carbs
• Eat a rainbow of veggies
• Get a mega boost with omega
• Micro- algae bring big brain benefits
• Mix it up with nuts, seeds and fruit
2.) Stay Social
3.) Combat Mental Decline with L-
4.) Supplement your Memory
5.) Drink Green Tea

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