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• If the children are not well educated about non renewable
resources, then in the future they will not take care of
them because they were not thought how to use them in a
efficient way and these resources will be over, causing
huge trouble on peoples lifestyle.
What are non-renewable Haga clic en el icono para
resources? agregar una imagen

A nonrenewable resource is a resource
of economic value that cannot be readily
replaced by natural means on a level
equal to its consumption.
Consider all types of resources that takes
billion of years to recreate each other.
Non-renewable resource
• Consider non-renovable resources
• Population takes year growing
• The birth rate is smaller than the mortality rate
• Deforestation
In Colombia…
• Illegal logging
• Loses 2,000 km2 of forest annually to deforestation
In Colombia…
• Cocaine production affect environment
• Laboratories on jungle, to hide.
In Colombia
• Contaminates environment, near species and
Possible solutions
• Give more education to children since very young ages, in
order to create a habit on them.

• Make projects in school about the topic.

Possible solutions
In the school, according to the amount of wasted paper that
is thrown in an irresponsible way, the expenses will
increase and parents will have to pay a little bit more.
Possible solutions
• Make laws in the government that protect most of the
non-renewable resources.
• As a conclusion we can say that if people start educating kids since a very
young age, the children will have the habit of taking care of the
nonrenewable resources, especially paper. If children are thought about
the importance of paper and other resources like petroleum or fossil
fuels, they will have that idea on their mind since a very young age and
when you get information on your childhood and you put it on practice, it
can really make good things out of it. We can also conclude that if these
nonrenewable resources get over, peoples life will change a lot in a
negative way because a lot of essential elements of a normal person´s life
depend a lot on many of the nonrenewable resources, like the trees, which
help with the elaboration on paper and give us oxygen to breathe.

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