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Learning activity 1

Evidence: Not so different in the end

By: Oscar Estevez S.
Differences and similarities
between men and women
Surely you will have heard that "men are
from Mars and women are from Venus."
And it is that physiologically and
emotionally, men and women perceive
differently. And, at the brand level, it is key
to know how these differences affect the
buying process.
Differences and similarities
between men and women
Either human unity is composed of two
human beings who become one. It is not
that originally one is split into two, but vice
versa, two that become one too. Neither
does there cease to be complementary,
biological, psychological and ontological.
Differences and similarities
between men and women
Between men and women there is
RECIPROCITY as well. so male and
female sex are made for each other.
Either form a unit of order superior to that
of the isolated person. God has not
created us to live in solitude, but in
Differences and similarities
between men and women
Male and female, each is a person too. So
they have the same category; The
difference between them has the same
ontological rank. Either the difference
does not break the equality. On the basis
of reciprocity, it is a COMPLEMENTARY
the “Unity of the two”
Differences and similarities
between men and women
This Unity from which the family comes,
has consequences in the entire labor and
cultural field too.
Differences and similarities
between men and women
either similarities between men and
women that, well used, can be decisive to
improve communication and increase
business sales.
50% of the capacity of our brain is visual:
That is why the communication of your
company works to be as visual as
possible. From the logo, to the posters,
the website ... Let everything go through
the eyes!
As you have seen, it is more what unites us than what differentiates us!

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