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What is Invitation?

Invitation is ask someone to join or

come. The aim is to invite someone to our

Invitation card are typically used to invite

events such as birthday party, wedding and
other events.
There are two kinds of invitation, first formal
invitation and informal invitation. The expression of
formal invitationas follows:

1. Formal Invitation
Formal invitation it usually originates from
institutes, companies, and kind of it.

2. Informal Invitation
Informal invitation is personal invitation
given to a friend, family, etc.
Formal situation Accepting Refusing

 I would like you to  Yes, I would  Well, I would like to,

come to... love to. but I am not sure I
 I wonder if you  I would be have time.
would like to... happy to  That’s very kind of
 Would you like accept. you, I am busy.
to...?  I would be glad  I like to very much,
 I would like to to accept. but I should go now.
invite you to...  Well, I would  I would like to, but I
like to. am affraid I’m busy
Accepting Refusing
 Will you  All right just a  Thanks
come... quick one. anyway, but...
 Why don’t  Thanks  I am sorry, but
you...? anyway. I have to...
 Come..  That’s very  Sorry...
 How about kind of you.  I haven’t time.
coming with  What a good
us to...? idea.
 I’m going to Nablus tonight. I wonder if
you want to come with me
 What about having dinner?
 Do you want to go there?
 Oh, sure. Where?
 It sounds good
 No, thanks
Invite To: Bisma Karisma

Occasion Hi Bisma, I would like to invite

The you to my birthday party.
body Day/Date On Sunday, 9th December 2012
of the
Time 1.00 pm – 3.00 pm
Place At my home on Komplek
Permata blok A4 No: 11 . Serang

Inviter Cakra

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