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Peer pressure Among

Peer Pressure among Learners

• Peer pressure is one of the common factors

that affects the students decisions, behavior,
values and etc.
• This can result in either positive or negative
effect. It can also affect the lives of a students
• Everyone knows the old saying, "If all your
friends were going to jump off a bridge, would
you jump too?" It usually invokes an eye roll,
but the fundamental issue is one that almost
everyone faces at some time: how to deal
with peer pressure.
• Peer pressure can be good if it pushes a
person out of their comfort zone and gives
them an opportunity to discover new things.
Statement of the Problem
This study generally aims to determine the
possible effects of peer pressure among
learners. This study seeks to answer the
following situations:

• How does peer pressure affect learners?

• Why does it affect learners?

• What are the common factors of peer

Literature Review
Related Literature
The Influence of Peer Groups on Academic
By Sallee, Margaret W.; Tierney, William G.

The authors examine how peer relationships

influence students’ academic success.
• After defining peer groups, the article
considers the way in which students’ peer
networks facilitate or inhibit access to
academic resources. The authors argue that
the composition and purpose of a peer group
influence academic achievement and
students’ likelihood to pursue and persist in
postsecondary education. Human beings
spend their lives tangled in a complex web of
• The study examined on what are the reasons
why learners give in, and on how would affect
it to the life of learners. This study will help
the learners to know its effects to themselves.
Its main objective is to be able to give a trust
worthy research and give an important lesson
to the learners. And to help learners who are
undergoing peer pressure.
Research Design
• The research design that is going to be use is
the qualitative descriptive design. The design
aims to identify whether it can affect to their
personal growth, self-development and in
making decisions. And what are the common
reasons why learners give in to the pressure of
their peers. For this study observation and
survey are very useful, because the researcher
aimed to find whether the peer pressure
affect their aspects in life.
The Sample
• The method of Random Sample used to cull a
smaller sample size from a larger population
and use it to research and make
generalizations about the larger group. It is
one of several methods statisticians and
researchers use to extract a sample from a
larger population.
• Researchers generate a simple random sample by
obtaining an exhaustive list of a larger population and
then selecting, at random, a certain number of
individuals to comprise the sample. With a simple
random sample, every member of the larger
population has an equal chance of being selected.

• Simple random sampling is the

basic sampling technique where we select a group of
subjects (a sample) for study from a larger group (a
population). Each individual is chosen entirely by
chance and each member of the population has an
equal chance of being included in the sample.
The Instruments

• The instrument of this study is doing the

interview and by interviewing 20 respondents
in which it can help the study. The involve
respondents will be handing questionnaire
that is specific to the study
Data Collection Procedure

• The researcher will be giving the letter of

permission before conducting survey. Having
the letter consent from the school principal. A
questionnaire is going to be made to collect
information. The format that is used in the
questionnaire were only yes, no; agree and
Plan for Data Analysis
• Researchers will be using the “Quantitative
data analysis” It is a systematic approach to
investigations during which numerical data is
collected and/or the researcher transforms
what is collected or observed into
numerical data. It often describes a situation
or event, answering the 'what' and 'how
many' questions you may have about

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