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Seminar on TOPIC


Data Science

What is 'Data Science'

Data science is a field of Big Data geared toward
providing meaningful information
based on large amounts of complex data.
Data science, or data-driven science, combines
different fields of work in statistics and computation in
order to interpret data for the purpose of decision
History of Data Science
⚫ The term data science has been floating around for the
better part of the last 30 years, and was originally used as a
substitute for "computer science" in 1960.

⚫ It wasn't until about 15 years later that the term was used
to define the survey of data processing methods that are
used in different applications.

⚫ In 2001, data science was introduced as an independent


⚫ The Harvard Business Review published an article in

2012 calling the data scientist the “sexiest job of the
21st century.”


Genetics and Genomics
⚫ The research in genetics and genomics enables an advanced
level of treatment personalization.
⚫ Data science techniques allow integration of different kinds
of data with genomic data in the disease research, which
provides a deeper understanding of genetic issues in
reactions to particular drugs and diseases.
⚫ Popular techniques and frameworks.
⚫ Map Reduce allows reading genetic sequences mapping and
shortens the time for efficient data processing.
⚫ Despite the significant progress in developing the DNA Many
challenges remain due to the continuous interactions
between genes and the external variables. As soon as we
acquire a reliable personal genome data, we will achieve a
deeper understanding of the human DNA.
⚫ The advanced genetic risk prediction will be a major step
towards more individual care.
Creation of drugs
⚫ The drug discovery process is highly complicated and involves many
⚫ The greatest ideas are often bounded by billions of testing, huge
financial and time expenditure.
⚫ On average, it takes twelve years to get a drug officially submitted.
The data science and machine learning algorithms simplify and
shorten this process, adding a perspective to each step from the
initial screening of drug compounds to the prediction of success rate
based on the biological factors. Such algorithms can forecast how the
compound will act in the body using advanced mathematical
modelling and simulations instead of the “lab experiments”.
⚫ The idea behind the computational drug discovery is to create
computer model simulations as a biologically relevant network
simplifying the prediction of future outcomes with high accuracy.
⚫ It allows choosing, which experiments should be done and
incorporates all the new information in a continuous learning loop.
⚫ Analogous techniques are used to predict the side effects of some
particular chemical combinations.

Virtual assistance for patients and customer support
Virtual assistance for patients and customer support

⚫ Optimization of the clinical process builds upon the concept that for many cases it
is not actually necessary for patients to visit doctors in person.
⚫ Using a mobile application can give a more effective solution by “bringing the
doctor to the patient” instead.
⚫ The AI-powered mobile apps can provide basic healthcare support, usually as
chatbots. You simply describe your symptoms, or ask questions, and then receive
key information about your medical condition derived from a wide network
linking symptoms to causes. Apps can remind you to take your medicine on time,
and if necessary, assign an appointment with a doctor. This approach promotes a
healthy lifestyle by encouraging patients to make healthy decisions, saves their
time on waiting in line for an appointment, and allows doctors to focus on more
critical cases.
⚫ The machine learning algorithms use natural language processing and generation
to provide correct information, create a complex map of the user’s condition, and
provide a personalized experience. The most popular applications nowadays
are Your.MD, Babylon Health, Ada, and so on.
⚫ This way, the most appropriate customer support is created which obviously
cannot fully rely on the machines in healthcare. So, the main task for machine
learning is to find the perfect balance between doctors and computers. The key is
to automate simple routines, like we have just explained, and give professionals
the ability to concentrate on more complicated problems.
Managing customer data
⚫ In the data management area, machine learning
allows the creation of comprehensive registers of
medical data, where all the paperwork will be
transferred to a much more promising digital form.
⚫ The whole medical history of a person will be
stored in one system.
⚫ Techniques like the support vector machines and
optical character recognition are great helpers in
such digitalization. The constantly improving
machine learning algorithms will make it possible to
use and exchange the information to aid diagnostics
and treatment decisions, a huge contribution using
simple data.
⚫ Next, comes the introduction of electronic cards
for each patient, which would be available to every
doctor who deals with different cases.
What skills are needed to be a
data scientist?
⚫ Here are some important attributes and skills,
according to IT leaders, industry analysts, data
scientists, and others.

⚫ Critical thinking. ...

⚫ Coding. ...
⚫ Math. ...
⚫ Machine learning, deep learning, AI. ...
⚫ Communication. ...
⚫ Data architecture. ...
⚫ Risk analysis, process improvement, systems
engineering. ...
⚫ Problem solving and good business intuition



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