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Bussines Farmlay

Story Telling
Anwar Mattawape
Story Telling - Farmlay Eggs
Robert Chapman at West Cockmuir, Strichen, along with his wife Ethel and their son Iain run Farmlay Eggs, one
of the largest egg production units in Scotland, where the y grade and pack 500,000 eggs each day. From its
humble beginnings as a small farm run by Robert’s parents, this family business has steadily grown to the
successful enterprise it is today. The egg packing business was started in the early 70’s when they decided that
instead of producing eggs for others to pack, they would do this themselves. Although they started producing all
the eggs they needed themselves, because of the amount of eggs they process in a week, they need dedicated

The main strength in this business model by Robert is diversification and expansion, transportation and business branding, the use of robotic
s, renewable energy, working with local farmers and amazing business partners. Farmlay Eggs strategy has been to consider options which
complement their main business streams and which will help control their costs. Margins have become increasingly tighter and the only way
to remain competitive is to constantly improve efficiency. Now rear 600,000 of the pullets they need for themselves and their producers,
which guarantees the standard and quality. Getting a good quality pullet, should help ensure a good quality egg. Farmlay Eggs have built up
their own distribution team with five arctic lorries travelling the length and breadth of Scotland, hich acts as a great advertisement for the
business as they cross the country delivering eggs. the past couple of years on robots for the packing sheds.

These take the drudgery, monotony and physical lifting out of some of the jobs. In the past six years the business has doubled in size and
with the use of robots, they have managed to do this with the same number of staff. Staff can be redeployed to more productive and
interesting roles. The Chapman family were one of the first businesses in the area to invest in wind power, and have a 750kW turbine, and
a share in a 330kW turbine. They also have five biomass boilers, and 200kW of solar power, which between them supply most of the
electricity they need for their packing shed, offices, houses on site, hen houses and day old chicks. This helps control costs, and makes the
m one of the most green and efficient poultry businesses in Scotland. They now have 24, mainly local, producers supplying them with the
eggs they need. They also do not have enough grain themselves to feed their own hens, so again they have developed relationships with
local farmers who they purchase grain from annually. This also ensures they know the standard of the product they are buying.
Canvas Models Farmlay Eggs
1. Robert strongly believes in his agricultural products and what they do, by maintaining efficient quality
standards and standard operating procedures.
2. Minimize the risk of production by adapting technology / robots to maintain operating standards and
preserve livestock / agricultural environments using renewable ebergy.
3. Farmlay Eggs participates in involving local farmers / ranchers as business partners to expand the
economic impact and benefits.
4. Reliable transportation routes are also very important, and they have built their own distribution team
with five Arctic trucks traveling throughout Scotland.

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