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ARSON DEFINES AS: Is an intentional and
malicious burning of property.

This case is about destructive arson

which define in Art 320, RPC: Destructive
Arson. contemplates the malicious
burning of structures, both public and
private, hotels, buildings, edifices, trains,
vessels, aircraft, factories and other
military, government or commercial
establishments by any person or group
of persons
Simple arson Destructive arson
• simple arson with a lesser penalty because • grievous, odious and hateful offenses and
the acts that constitute it have a lesser which, by reason of their inherent or
degree of perversity and viciousness. manifest wickedness, viciousness, atrocity
Simple arson contemplates crimes with less and perversity are repugnant and
significant social, economic, political, and outrageous to the common standards and
national security implications than norms of decency and morality in a just,
destructive arson civilized and ordered society.
• Reclusion temporal to death • PD1613-Temporal in its maximum period
to Reclusion Perpetua to death

The perversity and viciousness is the key to to distinct

this two kind of arson
On october 19,1998 on duty fire man look out to his window he see a
great orange glow, an inferno was raging near by veil resort this fire
would be the greatest act of terrorism in the name of the
environment in the US history. Veil ski resort ignores their
responsibility in environment to develop ski resort that enrage an
environmental group name Earth Liberation Front (ELF) who burned
down to ashes the veil ski resort, the fire was dramatic to the resort
and to locals . One of the reasons why the ELF burned the resort
because the management was overly aggressively pursuing profits , in
1997 they acquired brecken bridge and keystone worth 310 millions
worth of dollars, early vail residents experience unnecessary strict
rules to the employees and crowding out local business, and it also
affects the wild life of the environment because of the massive land
expansion by the company, environmentalist took there case to court,
on october 14, 1998 denver district court judge denied the injunction
against blue ski baison clearing the way to veil ski expansion.
But the radical environmentalist did not
accept the decision, so they commit arson to
retaliate and then the fire start
uncontrollably and resulting burning other
establishment other than they intended to
burn, the fire they start back fire to them.
5W’S & 1 H ?
WHAT: the act or ommission committed by the perpetuator is a
destructive arson under Sec. 2 paragraph 5. any hospital, hotel,
dormitory, lodging house, housing tenement, shopping center,
public or private market, theater or movie house or any similar
place or building.
Where: Vail ski resort, USA
WHEN: The arson happened on Oct 19,1998
Oct 22, 1998: Investigators officially blamed arsonists for a series
of fires atop Vail Mountain. Authorities later said they had at
least 100 suspects in those fires.
WHY: The motive behind the most expensive arson attack in U.S
history is the spite and revenge of the hardcore
environmentalist, In the Vail arson, the group issued a
communique saying the buildings were burned as retribution
for the Forest Service allowing the resort to expand into
critical habitat for the Canada lynx, a threatened species. The
attack focused national attention on the idea of ecoterrorism.
WHO: The people responsible for this crime is the Earth
liberation front (ELF);
It took 55 minutes for most trucks to reach the top of Vail
Mountain, 11,570 feet above sea level, sliding over an access
road covered with snow and ice, Gulick recalled. Winter had
started for what turned out to be a good snow year. A water
truck had to be pushed part way up with a SnoCat. Others bent
fenders and doors when they slid, but they all made it, and they
called for a helicopter to drop water on the fires, but because of
the altitude and thin air, the chopper couldn’t carry the water’s
 12 million dollar
 The highest-profile case was the 1998 fire that
destroyed a restaurant and other facilities at the
Vail Ski Resort in Colorado. Other targets included
a plant research facility at the University of
Washington and several businesses and other
structures in Oregon - a horse slaughterhouse, U.S.
Forest Service ranger stations, a power
transmission tower, a tree farm and an SUV

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