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Lesson outcome :
At the end of the lesson,the student should be able to:
 Know the steps of the writing process and the
techniques to use in each step
 Recognize well - written texts and their specific
 Know the writing conversation to be used in written
 Know the specific techniques to used when dealing
with problems of grammar and usage in texts
There are five steps in the writing process - prewriting,
drafting, revising, editing and publishing
Prewriting. Whatever it is one want to write, it is important that palaning
be done at this stage. The writer determine the purpose for
writing and the intended audience chooses a topic, narrow down
the topic, gathers detailed ideas, and develops the controlling
idea or thesis of the piece of writing.

Ideas for prewriting

 Browse through magazines, newspaper and websites
 Brainstorm for ideas with a group
 Keep an article file for future reference
 Interview knowledgeable persons
 Creat a cluster map of main and supporting ideas
 Write reflection about activities right after each activity
 Jot down whatever comes to mind about the topic
Drafting. In the drafting stages, the prewriting notes and
sentences are turned into paragraphs for the first draft,
the drafts has three important part - the introduction,
body, and conclusion. The introduction must be strong
enough to grab the reader's attention and must be
include the thesis or controlling ideas , the body develops
the controlling idea and present details that elaborate on
and supports that idea, the conclusion, very often, restate
the thesis and summarize the most important concepts of
the paper
Ideas for drafting
 Make a discovery draft
 Just start writing and let your feelings and ideas lead
you in developing your topic
 Make a planned draft
 Arrange your ideas in a certain way - in a topic outline
or in a sentence outline - before you begin writing
Rivising. Rivising ig going through the paper to
see how well the issues of purpose, audience,
and genre have been adressed. Revising is also
checking if there are ways of improving
style,.word choice, figurative langguge, sentence
variety, and subtlety of meaning
Check for the following:

 Inclusion of main idea/thesis statement

 Use of precise noun, verb and modifier
 Adequacy and balance of details and evidence
 Unity, coherence, and logic of ideas
 Consistency of point of view
 Use of transistional words, phrases, and sentence
 Variety of sentence type
 Appropriateness of tone for audience and purpose
Editing. Editing is the process of checking
the acuracy of facts and correcting errors
in spelling, grammar, usage, and
mechanics ( spelling, punctuation,
capitalization )
Check for the following :

 Subject - verb agreement

 Pronoun - atecedent agreement
 Run - on sentences and sentence fragment
 Capitalization and use of punctuation mark
 Spelling of unfamiliar words
 Usage of confusing word pair
Publishing. Publishing is producing a final copy of a
piece of writing and presenting it to an audience.
Decesion have to be made about which form will
best reach the intended audience, and accomplish
the intended purpose
Ideas for publishing
 Presenting orally in class through a report,
speech, or dramatic presentation
 Posting on a bullentin board or on a blog
 Creating a multimedia presentation
 Publishing in a school paper, a local newspaper,
or a literary magazine
Components of good
Introduction. The introduction present the thesis
statement and should capture the reader's
attention. Some ways of introducing a piece of
writing are as follows:
A piece of good writing is composed of an
interesting introduction and effective paragraph,
transitions, conclusions, and elaboration
Paragraph. A paragraph is made up of sentences that work
together to develop an idea or acomplish a purpose. A good
paragraph should exhibit unity ang coherence.
Unity. A paragraph has unity when all the sentences support
an explicit or implicit main idea

Coherence. Aparagraph is coherent when all the sentence

are related to one another. Each sentence follows logicaly to
the next.
Transitions. Transitions are words, phrase, and
sentences that show conection between details.
Transition can be shown through the use of the
following kinds of words.
 Time or sequence wordwordss, e.g., then,
next, finally
 Spatial order words, e.g., in front, behind, in
the middle
 Degree of importance, e.g., mainly, strongest,
 Comparison-and-contrast, e.g., similarly,
unlike, whereas
 Cause-effects, e.g., therefore, so, for this
Conclusion. A good conclusion sums up the ideas
presented in the text. This can be shown through
any of the following forms:

 A restatement of the main idea or thesis in

different words
 A question
 A recomendation
 An opinion
 The last even
Elaboration. Elaboration is a process of providing specific,
relevant, and appropriate supporting details to the main
idea or thesis statement through the use of:

 Facts and statistic

 Descriptions
 Anecdotes
 Example
 Quotations
Writing traits
Good writing has specific qualities of traits. It is
fucosed and coherent, well-organized, has clear
ideas, identifiable voice, ang accurate and
appropriate language conversation.
Fucos and coherence. A piece of writing is
fucosed and coherent if it keeps to the topic
and is clear and supported by well-chosen
details. Furthermore the idias are well
connected to each other through the use of
appropriate words, phrase, and sentences.
Organization. A well-organized paper has a clearly
recognizable plan, that is the ideas move from
sentence in a logical way and paragraph to
paragraph in an appropriate organjzational
Developmsnt of ideas. In a well-written paper, the
ideas are clearly defined, logically developed,
supported by appropriate details, and connected in
an interesting manner. Voice. Voice connects the
writer to the reader. A writer's voice is displayed
through his/her personal writing style and through
his/her unique words and phrase.
Convention. Conventions refer to the correct
use of all spelling, punctuation,
capitalization, grammar, usage, and sentence
structure rules
Prepared by:
Rielmart james paraguya

That's all Thank


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