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Reported by:
Jholica Mariz Pinuela
RhonJan Genogin
Patrick Bonaobra
Dave Rosette

•All writing starts with an idea.

Sometimes, ideas are helped along
by limitations.
• Now that you have an idea or a concept in
mind, you need to put in on paper. There is
no single way of writing a story. Some people
starts from the beginning and following
through to the end. Others write the scene
they are most excited to xecute and then
write around it. Some people evern write the
ending first and then work backwards.
Which ever way works for you, you still need to ask
yourself the following questions:
-Is there plot that makes everything move? Is each scene
related to each other?
-Are your characters making sense? If you are basing them on
people you know, are the traits/characteristics useful for
the story? If you are making yhem up from scratch, do they
sound/move/think as realistically as possible?
-Does the point of view make sense? Are we looking at the
story through the best lens? Is there another way of writig
the story?
-Is the setting realized effectively? Does it contribute to
the world of the story?
-Can your readers understand the theme of the
story without it being explained to them

Now that you are done with your writing, you

need to deal with the hardest part revision.
But you dont need to revise immidiately.
Sometimes, if you need a time, you can put
your draft aside for awhile and then work on
other things before returning to the draft.

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