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Clever as a Fox?

A Look at Intelligence
If you’re so
smart…what exactly
is intelligence?
8 types of intelligences ..not quite
31 flavors
• Bodily-Kinesthetic- movement and doing. Muscle
memory. Athletes, dancers, actors, comedians ..etc.
• Interpersonal- relationships! Usually extroverted and
sensitive to others emotions. Politicians, managers, teachers…
• Linguistic- control of language. Learn best through
notes/reading. Good at explaining/foreign language. Writers,
lawyers, philosophers, politicians and teachers.
• Logical-Mathematical- logic, reasoning,
abstraction and numbers. Ability to perform difficult
calculations. Scientists, mathematicians, engineers, doctors
and economists.
4 more years…4 more
• Naturalistic- nature, nurturing and relating information
to one's natural surroundings. Ability to grow things and
nurture animals. Scientists, naturalists, conservationists,
gardeners and farmers. One of the “fuzzier” and newer
• Intrapersonal- introspective. Self aware of own
emotions, goals, and motivations. Philosophers, psychologists,
theologians, writers and scientists.
• Spatial- vision and spatial judgments. Overlap with
mathematic intelligence. Artists, engineers, and architects.
• Musical- Rhythm, music, and hearing. Absolute pitch or
play instruments. Musicians, singers, conductors, and

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