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System (with
The Lympathic System

-extensive drainage network that helps keep

bodily fluid levels in balance and defends the
body against infections.
1. The removal excess fluids from body tissues
2. Absorption of fatty acids and subsequent
transport of fat and chyle to the circulory
3. Production of immune cells.
Components of the Lympathic System
Lymph- fluid in the
lympathic system that is
picked up from the
interstitial fluid and
returned to the blood
Components of the Lympathic System
Lymphatic vessels-carry fluid away from the
Components of the Lympathic System
Lymphatic Organs-characterized by cluster
of lymphocytes and other cells
The Lympathic organs include:
 Lymph nodes  Lymph nodes
 Tonsils  Tonsils

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