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What is the Whole Brain Theory?
 Scientists, medical doctors, psychologists,
and psychiatrists have always been
fascinated with the brain and how it works.
 Studies conducted on the brain often
starts with the attempt to understand a
brain-related disease or malfunction
 On the upcoming slides, several people
that contributed to the studying of the
Paul Broca
 In 1861, he conducted a study on the
language and left-right brain specialization.
He theorized that some language functions
reside on the left side of the brain by
running several tests to a patient with
language problems.

Dr. Roger Sperry

 Theorized the “Split-Brain Theory”.
Explained that the brain has two
hemispheres that performs tasks
different from each other
o Left Hemisphere
 Performs tasks that are intuitive,
creative and synthesizing
o Right Hemisphere
 Adept with reasoning, analytical,
logical, and critical thinking.

•Identified three distinct parts of the brain,


 Neocortex (Rational Brain)

 Responsible for intellectual tasks such as
language, planning, abstraction, and perception
 Limbic System (Intermediate Brain)
 Responsible for motivation and emotion
involved in feeding, reproductive behavior, and
parental behavior
 Reptilian Complex (Primitive Brain)
 Controls self preservation and aggressive
behavior of humans similar to the survival
instincts of animals.

•Refers this theory as “The Triume Brain

• Engineer at the company of General Electric.

• Theorized the “Brain Dominance Theory” which he

derived from his observations and tests that the
human body, although symmetrical and paired in
almost all aspects, do not necessarily function equally.
People normally have a more dominant part of their
body which they prefer to use. Hence, there is a
thing as a stronger arm, leg or etc. where the weaker
supports the stronger pair.

• He also concluded to having not just two parts but

four, the upper left and right hemispheres and the
lower left and right hemispheres of the brain.

•He is regarded as “Father of Brain Dominance

 The portions A and B are known as “left side brain thinking” and portions C and D
are known as “right side brain thinking”.
 Based on Herrmann’s model, he developed the “Herrmann Brain Dominance
Instrument (HBDI)” which is a 120-question survey instrument that will measure
the preference strength of the four quadrants.
 Herrmann advocated for whole brain thinking, since most people utilize at least two
primary quadrants. This means using one’s strength while allowing the weaker styles
to grow stronger through regular use and practice. The real life application of this is
in solving problems and taking a different approach to finding solutions through
more creative problem solving
Preferred Responds Typical
Quadrant Key Words Vulnerabilities
Activities Well To Occupations
Collecting data, Technical or
Too focused, may miss
Logical, factual, listening to financial CEO of technical
A. critical, information lectures, information,
synergistic opportunities,
organizations, stock
favor individual vs. group
Analytical quantitative, reading textbooks, theories, charts
works, tends to place
market broker, chemist,
abstract, judging ideas based and graphs, formal computer programmer,
Thinking impersonal on facts, criteria, and approach, data
facts over people,
finance manager
problems with delegating
logical reasoning heavy content.
Agendas, goals and
Following directions, objectives, simple Reluctant to changes, Technical manager,
B. Conservative, repetitive detailed graphs and tends to miss the big operations manager,
structured, homework problems, representations, picture, does not book keeper, drill
Sequential organized, time management and stickler for time, appreciate innovative sergeant, supervisory
Thinking detailed, planned schedules, planning step-by-step ideas, avoids dynamic nurse, construction
and organizing procedures before situations engineer

Creative and free

Listening to and flowing activities,
Dislike for routine and Marketing, sales, real
C. Emotional, sharing ideas, looking experiential
structured activities, estate, elementary
spiritual, feeling, for personal meaning, activities, like
Interpersonal sensory, sensory input, music and art,
tendency to be impulsive school teacher, social
and emotional, often worker, counselor,
Thinking kinesthetic teamwork, win-win people centered
misses out on details. secretary
situations activities and

Looking at the big Can be impractical, tend

Fun activities,
picture, taking to overlook details, may
humor, future Artist, entertainer,
D. Visual, holistic, initiative, simulations
oriented activities,
tend to procrastinate
musician, entrepreneur,
intuitive, (what if questions) especially if they do not
Imaginative innovative, visual aids, appreciate
like what they are not
strategic planner,
thought provoking creative writer, film
Thinking conceptual beauty of problem,
and challenging
doing like repetitive
brainstorming, tasks, difficulty in
situations, visuals
visionary prioritizing
So, how does the Whole
Quadrant Key Words Preferred Activities Responds Well To Vulnerabilities Typical Occupations

A. Logical, factual, Collecting data, listening to Technical or financial Too focused, may miss

Brain Theory enhance

CEO of technical organizations,
critical, information lectures, reading information, theories, synergistic opportunities, favor
Analytical quantitative,
textbooks, judging ideas
based on facts, criteria, and
charts and graphs,
formal approach, data
individual vs. group works, tends
to place facts over people,
stock market broker, chemist,
computer programmer, finance
Thinking impersonal logical reasoning heavy content. problems with delegating

learning process? B.
detailed, planned
Following directions,
repetitive detailed
homework problems, time
management and schedules,
planning and organizing
Agendas, goals and
objectives, simple graphs
and representations,
stickler for time, step-
by-step procedures
before concluding
Reluctant to changes, tends to
miss the big picture, does not
appreciate innovative ideas,
avoids dynamic situations
Technical manager, operations
manager, book keeper, drill
sergeant, supervisory nurse,
construction engineer

C. Emotional,
Listening to and sharing
Creative and free
flowing activities, Dislike for routine and Marketing, sales, real estate,

According to the table shown

ideas, looking for personal
Interpersonal spiritual, feeling,
meaning, sensory input,
teamwork, win-win
experiential activities,
like music and art,
structured activities, tendency to
be impulsive and emotional, often
elementary school teacher,
social worker, counselor,
kinesthetic people centered misses out on details. secretary
Thinking situations
activities and discussions

previously, each quadrants has a set of D. Fun activities, humor,

preferences in terms of learning.

Looking at the big picture, Can be impractical, tend to
future oriented
Visual, holistic, taking initiative, simulations overlook details, may tend to
activities, Artist, entertainer, musician,
Imaginative intuitive,
(what if questions) visual
aids, appreciate beauty of
thought provoking and
procrastinate especially if they do
not like what they are not doing
entrepreneur, strategic planner,
creative writer, film director
conceptual problem, brainstorming, like repetitive tasks, difficulty in
Thinking visionary
challenging situations,

Quadrant A

 The Quadrant A learners are very much into logical thinking, they
usually enjoy analyzing information and understand better when
presented with numbers and quantities, they are also good at
theorizing or concluding based on facts and information that support
their theories. Quadrant A learners expect exact information that are
straight to the point, and they would also want to be fed with lots of
theories. However, these traits will cause them to find expressing their
emotions and inner thoughts difficult, they may struggle with unclear
or undefined concepts or ideas.
Quadrant B

 The Quadrant B learners easily grasp things in sequence, enjoys

organizing ideas and things, assess situations and information and apply
what they have learned into practice. They are practical, demands clear
instructions or directions, and needs to be able to see the sequence
of things, which are consistent and proper order. Quadrant B learners
finds understanding concepts difficult without any examples of its
applications. Taking risks and doing things that are not clearly defined
to them are their big challenges.

Quadrant C

 The Quadrant C learners are very sociable. They enjoy learning with a
group and are very focused and involved when trying to learn
something. They get bored with intellectual discussions without
activities and participation and also tend to reflect on what they have
understood and acquired in terms of knowledge. The C learners are
emotion and shares their emotions with a group. Personal feedback is
important to them.
Quadrant D

 The Quadrant D learners are the curious ones who enjoy discovering,
experimenting, and exploring activities. They are strong thinkers when
it comes to conceptualizing and putting all the seemingly unrelated
parts and connecting these parts together, synthesizing, and in creating
new ideas and concepts. This type of learners enjoys games and
surprises, a visual learner, and need different varieties of approaches to
learning. They are spontaneous in character and usually have difficulty
meeting deadlines and rigid environment.

 The A & B learners, are often characterized as practical, reality-based, and down-to-earth
 The C & D learners are often characterized as fun, flexible, and open-minded persons
 Learners do not necessarily belong to just one or two quadrants, but can find their qualities
present in all quadrants.
 Knowing the different styles of learning, the adolescent high school student or, We perhaps, can
now easily adapt our own learning styles with that of our classmates and maybe even our
Organizing information and
concepts through the use of
maps and diagrams has been a
practice among thinkers and
using these diagrams have
been practiced for a long time
until the British author and
consultant Tony Buzan,
developed a technique in
creating such map, that was
popularized and known as the
“mind map”.

 A diagram used to represent ideas or information

branching from a central key word or idea and used
as an aid in study, organization, problem solving,
decision making, and writing.
 Are useful during brainstorming sessions, organizing
information, simplifying complex ideas, note-taking,
and even for personal use.
5 Essential Characteristics of Mind Mapping

1. The center image represents the main idea,

subject, or focus.
2. The main branches radiate from the central image.
3. The branches comprise a key image or word
drawn or printed on its line.
4. Twigs represent the lesser topics
5. The branches form a connected model structure.
Using Mind Maps Effectively

 Use sing words or simple phrases

 In mind maps, single, strong words and short meaningful
phrases can convey the same meaning more potently.
 Excess words just clutter the mind.

 Print words
 Joined up or indistinct writing is more difficult to read.

 Use color to separate different ideas

 Color helps to separate ideas where necessary, helps
visualize the mind to recall and helps to show the
organization of the subject.
 Use symbols and images
 Pictures can help you to remember information more
effectively than words, so if a symbol or picture means
something to you, use it.

 Use cross-linkages
 Information in one part of a mind map may relate to another
part. Here, you can draw lines to show the cross-linkages.
This helps you to see how one part of the subject affects the
(modified) Simple Test for Dominant Learning Styles

Choose at a maximum of12 of the descriptions found on the table below.

 Vivid imagination  Flexible  Expressive

 Get things done  Understands money  Critical
 Sociable  Neat and organized  Risk takers
 Down-to-earth  Shares knowledge  Reliable in getting
 Conceptualizes  Explores things done
 Uses physical  Analyzes data  Curious
movement  Tactile  Works with numbers
 Creates procedures  Submits on time  Plans and organizes
 Sensitive  Experiments  Emotional
 Uses visuals to learn  Logical thinker
 The highest number of description found in a quadrant will
be your dominant thinking and learning style.

Quadrant A Quadrant B Quadrant C Quadrant D

(Analytical) (Organized) (Interpersonal) (Imaginative)

• Vivid imagination
• Analyzes data • Get things done • Tactile • Explores
• Down-to-earth • Submits on time • Sensitive • Curious
• Critical • Creates procedures • Emotional • Experiments
• Logical thinker • Plans and organizes • Sociable • Flexible
• Understands money • Neat and organized • Expressive • Conceptualizes
• Works with • Reliable in getting • Shares knowledge • Uses visuals to
numbers things done • Uses physical learn
movements • Risk takers


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