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Individuals, Teams and

Session content

1. The structure of CPD

2. Reflective learning

3. Feedback for learning

What does reflection involves..?

Reflection involves…
Types of reflectors?
Attributes for reflection

The key qualities (attitudes) individuals need to do proper reflection are:

1. Open-minded’ness
2. Commitment to self-enquiry
3. Motivation and
4. Readiness to change practice
Richardson & Maltby (1995), Gillings (2000)
Activity – Individual task?

Reflection on action
Activity – Individual task?

Reflection in action
ISCE criteria
ISCE criteria
 Information Provided
Describing what happened or what was observed in enough detail. Should be honest and unbiased.
This should be sufficient to give the feeling that to an independent person that they were actually
there. Care is needed to include information that is assumed to be known or self-evident.

 Self-Awareness
Being open and honest about performance but also writing about own feelings and/or that of others

 Critical Thinking
Breaking the bigger picture into smaller parts, analysing the bigger and smaller pictures,
identifying and challenging assumptions, problem solving, describing own thought processes,
developing alternatives

 Evidence of learning = [SYNTHESIS + JUDGEMENT + EVALUATION]

Synthesis – integrating new with old information and taking into account feelings. Bringing up
elements into a whole.
Judgement – considering the possibilities and weighing them up. Describing what needs to be
learned, why and how.
Evaluation – looking back to see what difference it made.
Reflective writing
Reflective Writing Template by Shiela Bonas (2004)

• What happened?
• What did I need to do?
• How did I perform?
• Well?
• Areas of improvement?
• What did I think/feel?
• I think that…
• I feel sad/happy..
• Why did I think or feel this way?
• New insights?
• Related to past experience?
• How did my thoughts/ feelings affect others?
• Behaviours; beliefs; feelings.
• What are consequences?
• short term, long term, for me, for others

• How can this help me in the future?

• goals, improve skills, learn, stress levels etc
Kolb’s Learning Cycle
Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle
Kirkpatrick’s Levels Outcome measured +ve = acheived -ve = failed to
of Evaluation by achieve

Impact and effect • How you felt after the

Satisfaction with having
undertaken the activity -
No satisfaction with
undertaking the activity.
1 REACTION are you happy you
decided to do this?

• Testing knowledge. Did you learn something No new knowledge,

2 LEARNING • Different attitudes. from this? skills or change in
• New skill found. attitude.
• Protocol Are you using the skills No new knowledge,
development. or knowledge in your skills or changes in
• Practice specific work? Has your attitude attitude used to improve
guidelines.. to a problem changed, patient care.
• Review of individual do you look at it
patient records. differently?
• Videos.

• Audit. Have patients benefited No benefits seen for

• Significant events. by your learning, has patients.
• Changes in patient patient management No change in patient
care. improved? management.
Activity – Individual task?
Consider your learning in either your job or college

…using the templates discussed

1. Evaluate your learning to date

2. Come up with a professional development plan for yourself over the next year.

This activity links to Section 1b of the assignment brief

The End

Any questions?

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