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Explaining Verbal

Miscommunication has been observed to occur along the
dimensions of communication. Specifically, society has a
strong influence on the effectiveness of Nonverbal
Communication. Moreover, in the Verbal Dimension, the
words chosen and used for the Message and the context in
which they are used also leads to communication being
effective or not.
Three Possible Barriers of
1. People- they may have physical infirmities that can affect the
communication such as:
• Poor hearing
• Bad eyesight
• Have personal opinions and beliefs
• Follows cultural mores (the customs, values, and behaviors
that are accepted by a particular group); or they adhere to
society’s attitudes toward gender and sexuality, business
practices, religious etc.
These can lead to their inability to deliver, listen to, and
respond appropriately to the Message.
Opinions and Beliefs color our Message or our
Response. Both Speaker and Listener have opinions
and beliefs and belong to a culture and a gender.
When we categorize certain ways of speaking or
using words as being masculine or feminine, Gender
comes into communication.
2. Topic- it also present possible barriers to communication because of its vagueness
or ambiguity, complexity, emotional pull and hidden agenda. The Speaker must
avoid these qualities in the topic of the Message so that, instead, it will be clear,
simple, restrained, and with no ulterior motives.
3. Communicative Situation
First there is “noise” in the physical setting and in the participants themselves.
Actual “noise” from the surrounding environment also make it difficult to
understand each other. At the same time, the participants may also have their own
motives for participating, motives that are not aligned with or support the Speaker’s
purpose for communicating. Second, there may be confusion as to the Purpose of
communication itself. For example, “Is the Speaker trying to persuade or entertain?”
Third, the Listener may have limited knowledge or experience to form a basis for
interpreting and responding to the Message. Similarly, the Speaker may have a
limited knowledge of the Listener which could help him or her tailor the Message to
make the Listener understand.
11- ABM Group 4
Gila Eloise Sitoy
Ed Andreo Costelo
Lyka Tero
Kisraela Jane Elorde

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