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- Stands for the localized varieties of English

as they are used or spoken in certain areas.

• Inner circle with ENL(English as a Native Language)
member countries.
- Countries belonging to the inner circle are USA, UK,
Australia, Canada and New Zealand.
• Outer circle with ESL(English as a Second Language)
member countries.
- Comprised of Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines and Pakistan.
• Expanding circle with EFL(English as a Foreign Language)
- Compose of countries such as China, Japan, Taiwan and
According to Bautista and Gonzales (2006)
- Structural characteristics of these new varieties differ
because it is brought about by the mother tongue or home
languages of those who learn or aquire English.

- In terms of social features, differences can also be

highlighted in that there is a continuom of basilectal,
mesolectal and acrolectal varieties of English within the
same speech community.
Basilect - digresses throughly from the standard and comes closest
to the pidgin.

Acrolect - comes closest yo the standard.

Mesolect - or the middle variety is mideay between the acrolect

and basilect.

Edulects - term used for these varieties resulting from certain types
of education ascertained by social class but are conveyed or
transferred by the kind of instruction of the school system.
Kachru and Nelson (2006)
- As regards structural variation, these
varieties of English are influenced by the local
language in various ares of their grammars
and exhibit specific phonological lexical,
syntetic and discoursal characteristics
In terms of Stress and Rhythm
- outer and expanding circle varieties obsene syllable timed
rhythm rather than stress timed rhythm
E.g. Nigerians say 'success for suc'cess and Indians and
Nigerian say recog'nize for 'recognize

- Speakers
- One cause of miscommunication is
- This is so because of differences in phonology.
Kachru and Nelson (2006p.37) claimed that in
terms of pronunciation, most outer- and
expanding-circle varieties display differences
from the inner-circle varieties, similar to those
found between regional dialects within the
inner-circle varieties.
- These differences may lead to grammatical
consequences affecting comprehension.

- In Philippine languages, every vowel is

pronounced with a full, distinct sound.

- Americans, on the other hand, blend syllables

or sometimes even drop some sounds making
the syllables short.

Gotcha! Got you!

Whatche Say? What did she say?

Wherd yu go? Where did you go?

Ja hitit? Did you hit it?

Can I getche adrink? Can I get you a drink?

- A cultural barrier does not only pertain to differing

languages. It may also be in the form of a cultural
practice or even a bodily gesture.
- Language register which refers to the formality and
informality of the language which one speaks. As it
is, different registers are used to different

- The purpose for, communication and the

relationship you have with the listener/readers
will determine if you are to use formal or informal

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