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• Neonates and paediatric patients : special

population for drug therapy
• Many physiologial changes take place during this
time  impact on pharmacokinetics and dynamics
of a compound.
• More sensitive to drugs than other patients are
• Show greater individual variation
• Sensitivity due mainly to organ system immaturity
• Increased risk for adverse drug reaction
• Factors that influence tissue drug concentrations
overtime include : absorbption, distribution,
metabolism and distribution

• Based on International Conference on

Harmonization (ICH) Paediatric population is
divided into :
• Preterm newborn
• Newborn (0-28 days)
• Infant (>28 days-12 months)
• Toddler (>12 months-23 months)
• Preschool child (2-5 years)
• School age child (6-11 years)
• Adolescent (12-18 years)

• Liberation of drug  differ in children since gut

transit time and intestinal fluid composition affect
drug dissolution

• Intestinal transit time  shorter in young children 

reduce the amount of drug absorbed (for poorly
soluble drugs or SR products ex: theophylline)

• Absorption is the process of drug movement from

the site of administration or applicatin into the
systemic circulation.

• Gastric pH is neutral at birth within 24-48 hours after

birth, pH= 1-3

• After 72 hours or 10 day neutral

• Higher pH  have a protective effect on acid-labile

drugs and higher bioavailability of beta lactam

• For weak acids drug (phenytoin, acetaminophen,

phenobarbital)  bioavailability is reduced (increased
ionization under achlorhydric conditions)

• Gastric emptying and intestinal motlity are

prolonged  delayed absorption (phenobarbital,
digoxin, sulfonamides)
• Reduced intestinal absorption surface area and
shorter gut transit time  delayed absorption
• Bile secretion in the first 2-3 weeks of life is poor  it
can compromise the body’s ability to solubilize and
absorb some lipophilic drugs such as erythromycin

• Intestinal permeability alters the bioavailability of

• Immature intestinal CYP3A4 enzyme system 
decreased midazolam’s oral Cl and increased BA
• P-glycoprotein is an efflux transporter playing a part
in intestinal absorption.
• P-gp can affect the bioavailability of certain drugs
particularly with low solubility.

• Percutaneous absorption of drugs through skin 

high due to several factors : better hydration of the
epidermis, gretaer perfusion of the subcutaneous
layer and the larger ratio of total BSA to body mass
compared to adults.

• Topically applied steroids may be toxic


• May be delayed  reduced blood flow to skeletal

muscles and increased capillary density

• Very efficient when oral / iv routes are

• Can undergo absorption into the inferior mesenteric
arteries and the hemorrhoidal veins, bypassing the
portal circulation (eg first pass).

• The distribution of drugs affects efficacy and

duration of action

• After a drug enters the systemic circulation, it is free

to distribute in plasma or tissue as dictated by the
physiologic constitution of the host and the
physicochemical properties of the drug.

• Hydrophylic drugs are mainly distributed into body

water while liphophilic drugs are mainly distributed
into fat.

• Lipophilic drugs have a relatively larger Vd in infants

compared with older children owing to their higher
comparative levels of fat (22.4% at 12 months vs. 13% at
15 years)
• Example : diazepam as a lipophilic drug

• Hydrophilic drugs also have larger Vd in preschool

children as extracellular water decreases during
development, from 70% total body weight in newborns
to 61.2% in 1-year-old infants
• Example : gentamicin, higher doses per kilogram
bodyweight must be given to infants compared with

• Plasma protein binding of drugs tends to be

reduced in neonates and infants
• Protein binding affects the Vd of drugs
• Drugs where lower protein binding has been
documented in newborn babies include phenytoin,
salicylates, ampicillin, nafcillin, sulfisoxazole and
• Consequently, greater free fractions of these drugs
are circulating and thus are able to penetrate
various tissue compartments, yielding higher
distribution volumes

• Drug metabolism can be divided into Phase I and

Phase II metabolism.
• Phase I metabolism involves small structural
alterations to the drug molecule to decrease
lipophilicity and enhance renal excretion of the
• Phase II metabolism involves the conjugation of a
functional group on the molecule (parent drug or
Phase I metabolites) with hydrophilic endogenous
substrates (e.g. glucuronidation, sulfation,

• Liver blood flow may be relatively high in infants

(hepatic clearance is also higher).

• This could affect first-pass metabolism particularly

for drugs with a high extraction ratio, like

• Two organ systems are responsible for most drug

• the liver (via bile) and
• the kidneys (via urine).

• Hepatic drug clearance relies primarily on active

transport processes,
• whereas both active and passive processes work in
concert in the kidneys.

• The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is 2 to 4ml min−1

1.73m−2 in term neonates, and it doubles by 1 week
of age, reaching adult values by the end of the first
year of life
• The renal excretion of unchanged drug is generally
lower in newborns owing to the immaturity of renal
• a similar or greater rate of renal excretion has been
observed in infants and preschool children
compared with adult values for some drugs
(levetiracetam , cimetidine and cetirizine).

• Digoxin serves as an excellent example for

ontogeny of renal elimination.
• Digoxin is extensively secreted via P-gp within the
tubular cell.
• Preschool children require three-fold higher doses of
digoxin kg−1 body weight than adults, which may
be linked to P-gp ontogeny
• Infant urinary pH is lower than adult values which
may increase the reabsorption of weakly acidic

Nurlely, M.Sc (Pharm)., Apt

Program Studi Profesi Apoteker


 Around the world, the proportion of the population aged 80
years and above will range between 3.7%-7.5%.

 Ageing is not a single entity but collective term representing

the sum of cumulative local effects at the molecular, cellular
and tissue level

 Ageing is not solely a progression of functional decline but

produces anatomical and physiological changes which might
lead to decompensation of the relevant system when they
progress beyond a threshold

Cardiac structure and function

 Reduced elasticity and compliance of the aorta and great arteries

 Reduced intrinsic heart rate and increased sinoatrial node

conduction time

 During exercise the tachycardic response is reduced.

 cardiac output is maintained by an increase in stroke volume (


Renal System
 Decreased renal mass

 Reduced blood flow

 Renal plasma flow and GFR decline

 The ability to concentrate the urine during water deprivation is


 Changes in salt and water regulation also interact with age-related

change in thirst mechanisms

Gastrointestinal system
 Stomach and duodenum
 the secretion of hydrochloric acid and pepsin are decreased
 gastric emptying in elderly subjects is similar to that of young subjects
 Small intestine
 reduced absorption of several substances (e.g. sugar, calcium, iron)
while digestion and motility remain relatively unchanged
 Colon
 slower colonic transit time
 Pancreas
 some enzymes (amylase) remain constant whereas others (lipase,
trypsin) decrease dramatically
 Liver
 a progressive reduction n liver volume and liver blood flow.
 Alteration of hepatic structure and enzymatic functions with ageing is

Neuroendocrine responses
 learning and memory impairment due to excessive HPA activation
and hypersecretion of glucocorticoids can lead to dendritic atrophy
in neurones in the hippocampus.

 Damage or loss of hippocampal neurones results in impaired

feedback inhibition of the HPA axis and glucocorticoid secretion,
leading to further damage caused by elevated glucocorticoid

 glucocorticoids may sensitize hippocampal neurones to cell death

and/or functional impairment,

Body composition
 a progressive reduction in total body water and lean body mass 
a relative increase in body fat

Pharmacokinetic Principles
Age-related changes which affect 32

• decreased lean body mass
 affects drug distribution

• decreased levels of serum albumin

 affects drug distribution

• decreased liver function

 affects drug metabolism/biotransformation

• decreased renal function

affects drug elimination

Drug absorption
 Reduced the amount of saliva  reduced the rate of drug
absorption by influencing the gastric pH

 Reduced gastric secretion and reduced acidity (increased pH) 

delay dissolution of oral medication
 Galactose, thiamine, iron, azoles, calcium
 BUT increaesd the absorption of levodopa

 For drugs absorbed by passive diffusion  not affected to a

significant extent (e.g. oral antiarrhytmic drugs).


Drug distribution
 Polar drugs  smaller Vd  higher serum level
 E.g. gentmicin, digoxin, ethanol, theophylline and cimetidine
 Loading doses of digoxin need to be reduced

 Nonpolar drugs tend to be lipid soluble  increased Vd  a

prolongation of half life
 E.g. diazepam, thiopentone, lignocaine, chlormethiazole

Drug distribution
 Body fat is increaesed 15% to 30 %

 decreased lean body weight.

 Vd is lower for drugs which stay in the central compartment


Protein binding
 Acidic compounds (diaepam, phenytoin, warfarin, salicylic acid) 
bind to albumin

 Basic drugs (lignocaine, propranolol)  bind to α1 acid


 Albumin  reduced in malnutrition whereas 1 acid glycoprotein 

increased during acute illness  clinical rlevance is limited
Effects of Aging on Volume of 37

Distribution (Vd)
Aging Effect Vd Effect Examples

 body water  Vd for hydrophilic ethanol, lithium

 lean body mass  Vd for for drugs digoxin
that bind to muscle
 fat stores  Vd for lipophilic diazepam, trazodone
 plasma protein  % of unbound or diazepam, valproic acid,
(albumin) free drug (active) phenytoin, warfarin
 plasma protein  % of unbound or quinidine, propranolol,
(1-acid glycoprotein) free drug (active) erythromycin, amitriptyline

Drug metabolism

enzymatic reactions preparing drugs for elimination

Phase I reactions:
• oxidation: catalyzed by cytochrome P450 enzymes
Phase II reactions:
• conjugation: addition of small chemical groups which increase
solubility to facilitate elimination

Drug metabolism
 Reduced liver mass and blood flow  reduction in first pass

 The bioavailability of propranolol, labetalol , quinidine, lignocaine

are increased  extensive first pass metabolism

 Several ACE inhibitors (enalapril and perindopril)  prodrugs 

need to be activated in the liver first pass acivation might be

Metabolic Pathways

** NOTE: Medications undergoing Phase II hepatic metabolism are

generally preferred in the elderly due to inactive metabolites (no

Drug clearance : liver

 Depends o the capacity of the liver to extract the drug from the
blood passing throuh the organ and the amount of hepatic blood

 E = steady-state extraction ratio,

 Q = liver blood flow (sum of hepatic portal and hepatic arterial
blood flow
 Ca = concentration of drug in portal vein and hepatic artery
 Cv = concentration of drug leaving the liver in the hepatic vein, and
 CL liver = clearance by the liver.
 Clerance by the liver depends on : blood flow and extraction ratio
Drug classification based on 42

extraction ratio
 High (E>0.7)
 Chlormetiaole, dextropropooxyphone, ligocaine, propranolol, glyceryl
 Intermediate (E 0.3-0.7)
 Aspirin, codein, morphine, triaolam
 Low (E< 0.3)
 Carpamaepim, diaepam, theophylline, phenytoin and warfarin
 E is high  Cl is rate limited by perfusion
 E is low  Cv is similar to Ca and changes in blood flow produce
little changes in Cl

 Therefore : reduced liver blood flow in elderly px  affect drug Cl

with a high extraction ratio

Drug clearance : kidney

 Reduced GFR  affects Cl of water soluble drug suc as : water
soluble antibiotics, diuretics, digoxin, water soluble beta
adrenoreceptor blockers, lithium and NSAIDs  depends on the
likely toxicity of the drug

 Drugs with narrow therapeutic index (amynoglycosides, digoxin,

lithium)  have serious ADR

 Reduced Cl  atenlol, HCT, triamerene  similar to young


Age related pharmacokinetic 44

changes in specific situations

 Digoxin
 Time to Cmax is prolonged  time to reach steady state plasma conc
concentration is increased (from 7 to 12 days)

 Vd is decreased  LD is reduced 20%

 Cleraed mainly by renal  reduced digoxin Cl  daily dose of digoxin is

Age related pharmacokinetic 45

changes in specific situations

 Diuretics
 Vd is similar for furosemide as compared with young subjects

 It is caused by prolonged half life and a reduced renal clearance

Age related pharmacokinetic 46

changes in specific situations

 ACE inhibitors
 Some are active compounds (lisinopril) and most are pro drugs
undergoing activation in the liver (enalapril, perindopril)

 Biotransformation might be imaired in patients with severe heart failure

and hepatic congestion

 ACE inhibitors are excreted through kidney need to be adjusted when

Cl Cr is below 30 ml/min

 Newer ACE inhibitors (benaepril, fosinopril, spirapril, ofenopril) are

eliminated by the biiary route  potenstially compensating for the
reduced renal clearance in elderly px

Dosing of drug in elderly

 An aminoglycoside has a normal elimination half-life of 107 minutes
in young adults. In patients 70 to 90 years old, the elimination half-
life of the aminoglycoside is 282 minutes. The normal dose of the
aminoglycoside is 15 mg/kg per day divided into two doses.
 What is the dose for a 75-year-old patient, assuming that the
volume of distribution per body weight is not changed by the
patient's age?

 Solution

 Keeping the dose constant,

 Where Dn is the new dose and Do is the old dose

 Therefore, the same dose of the aminoglycoside may be administered

every 32 hours without affecting the average steady-state level of the

 The clearance of lithium was determined to be 41.5 mL/min in a

group of patients with an average age of 25 years. In a group of
elderly patients with an average age of 63 years, the clearance of
lithium was 7.7mmL/min.
 What percentage of the normal dose of lithium should be given to a
65-year-old patient?

 The dose should be proportional to clearance; therefore,

 The dose of lithium may be reduced to about 20% of the regular

dose in the 65-year-old patient without
 affecting the steady-state blood level.

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