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Education Program Supervisor

1. Preamble, 1987 Philippine Constitution

We, the sovereign people, imploring the aid of

Almighty God in order to build a just and humane
society and establish a government that shall
embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the
common good, conserve and develop our
patrimony and secure to ourselves and our
posterity the blessings of independence and
democracy under the rule of law and a regime of
truth, justice, freedom, love, equality and peace…
2. 1987 Philippine Constitution-On education
(Article 14), explicit about the following:

• Education Accessible to All

Guarantees protection and promotion the
right of all citizens to quality education and for
government to take appropriate steps to make
education accessible to all
• Adequate and Relevant Education

It is the responsibility of the government to

provide adequate and integrated system of
education relevant to the needs of the people and
• Cultural Sensitivity and Cultural Rights Protection
Recognition, respect and protection of the
rights of indigenous cultural communities to
preserve and develop their cultures, traditions and
Equal access to cultural opportunities through
the educational system.
3. Governance of Basic Education Act (RA 9155)
To institute a framework of governance for basic
education, establishing authority and
accountability among other purposes.
It recognized that the regions, divisions, schools
and learning centers herein referred to as the field
The opening of ALIVE classes is a reflection of the
local initiative towards helping improve the quality
of basic education in Region XI and ensures that
the values, needs and aspirations of a school
community are reflected.
4. EFA 2015 and Millennium Development
The EFA 2015 Plan provides an overarching policy
framework for basic education with a vision that all
Filipinos will acquire basic competencies: while the
MDGs set out two broad goals in the area of
primary and secondary education: the attainment
of universal primary education and the
elimination of gender disparity at the primary and
secondary levels
• Support government efforts to provide quality
ECCD program for Filipino Muslim pre-school
• Creation of a special fund For Assistance to
Muslim Education (FAME) by an Act of Congress; and
• Improvement of the health and nutritional status
of Filipino-Muslim learners particularly in the public
elementary schools.
5. Roadmap for Upgrading Muslim Basic
Education-it consists of seven-point agenda
that include:
• Development and institutionalization of Madrasah
• Upgrading quality secular education in formal and
secondary schools serving Muslim children;
• Development and implementation of an Alternative
Learning System for Muslim out-of-school-youth
(OSY) and adults;
• Development and implementation of appropriate
livelihood skills education and training for present
day students of private Madaris and OSY;
Components of the Madrasah Education Program

a. Payment of Asatidz Monthly Allowances

b. Pre- Service Training on Language Enhancement
and Pedagogy (LEaP)
The 23-day Pre-Service Training on Language
Enhancement and Pedagogy (LEaP) is a requirement
for the newly hired asatidz who passed the Arabic
Qualifying Exam prior to deployment in public
elementary schools with organized ALIVE classes.
c. Accelerated Teacher Education Program
The professionalization of asatidz was made
through the 2-year modular course on Accelerated
Teacher Education Program (ATEP) offered by CHED
deputized partner universities. To date, the ATEP
graduates who have successfully passed the
Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) were given
the Madrasah Teacher I Items.
d. Refined Standard Madrasah Curriculum
(SMC) in Public Elementary Schools and
Private Madaris
The Standard Madrasah Curriculum (SMC) has
been implemented in public elementary schools
starting SY 2005-2006. For Private Madaris, the
implementation on the grant of financial assistance
as an incentive to adopt the SMC begun in SY 2008-
DepEd Order No. 51 s. 2004

This order provides two (2) curricular streams for

Filipino Muslim children. The first one is the
inclusion of the teaching of Arabic Language and
Islamic Values in the public schools and the provision
of a Standard Madrasah Curriculum (Islamic Studies
plus RBEC subjects) for private Madaris wishing to
integrate as a private sectarian school within the
Philippine educational system.
DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2011
Amendment to DepEd Order No. 51, s. 2004
(Standard Curriculum for Elementary Public schools
and Private Madaris)
Starting SY 2011-2012, all public schools with
substantial number of Muslim enrollees and private
Madaris adopting the Standard Madrasah Curriculum
are enjoined to implement the Refined Elementary
Madrasah Curriculum (REMC) as amendment to
DepED Order No. 51, s. 2004 entitled “Standard
Curriculum for Elementary Public Schools and Private
ALIVE Vision

The DepEd Region XI envisioned “competent

Muslim graduates of ALIVE Program who shall
be functionally literate and imbued with
Islamic Values and therefore are Maka-Diyos,
Makatao, Makakalikasan, and Makabansa.”
ALIVE Mission

The DepEd Region XI commits to provide

opportunities that will nurture and equip
Muslim learners with life-skills, desirable
attitudes and Islamic Values through the ALIVE
Five-Star Goals
The goal of DepEd Region XI for the ALIVE Program are
anchored on five (5) key areas:
1. Access to ALIVE Program-ALIVE classes organized
and sustained in at least 85% of the schools
situated in communities with majority of Muslim
2. Student Outcome-ALIVE learners who are globally
competitive, imbued with Islamic values, and
proud of being Filipinos
3. Internal Capacity-Adequate supply of trained
teachers and experts/competent to teach and
continually enhance the implementation of the
ALIVE program in the schools
4. School Leadership-School heads that are
capable of managing and supporting the
ALIVE program in their schools
5. Learning Environment. An ALIVE-friendly
learning environment in the schools
obtained through strong and collaborative
partnership between the community and
the schools
Conceptual Framework
The Arabic Language and Islamic Values
Education (ALIVE) Program in the Department
of Education Region XI has its prime objective,
the provision of a relevant and responsive basic
quality education to the Muslim children and
all others who desire to avail of the Program.
• It is anchored on the Basic Education
Curriculum (BEC) of the Department of
Education and is in compliance with DepEd
Order No. 51 series of 2004 or the Standard
Madrasah Curriculum for Public and Private
• The Program is built on the principles of the
Schools First Initiatives (SFI). It intends to
produce ALIVE learners who are imbued with
the desirable Islamic values and the skills to
speak, read and write in Arabic language
through a strong partnership and
collaboration with the local government and
Muslim leaders in the community and with
competent and credible stakeholders (Muslim
scholars and experts).
 It upholds quality delivery of basic education
through the adoption of an acceptable
recruitment criteria/process and
compensation scheme for ALIVE teachers; a
viable and credible performance assessment
and monitoring system; adoption of a system
of grading of the ALIVE learners in line with
the goals and objectives of the BEC and DepEd
Order No. 51 s. 2004.
Conceptual Framework of the ALIVE Program
ALIVE Learners
Environment: Student-centered methods
 Quality/relevant school Content:
Relevant grading system
Facilities and awards DepEd Order No. 51, s. 2014
Ideal class size  Readiness for entry to ALIVE DepEd Order No. 40 , s. 2011
ALIVE & Child Friendly classes Programs to strengthen or
School Adequate textbooks & other complement ALIVE
Health services
learning materials Standards/Policies
 Good health and nutrition
Home-School Community status
For teachers:
Globally- Competitive  Arabic language proficiency
ALIVE Students / competence
For Supervision and Support:  Credibility/ competence to
 School mapping and Needs analysis teach Islamic values
ALIVE Integration in the SIP/school activities  Varied teaching strategies/
LGU and School Governing Council INSET
Parents/Community leaders shared accountability Commitment to student
through consultations and their active involvement
Rationalized use of SEF to include allocation for
hiring ALIVE teachers Teacher performance
Performance Monitoring & Evaluation Motivation/moral support
Adequate compensation and
، ‫ "أَع ِْط ِه ْم َحقَّ ُه ُم الَّ ِذي َجعَ َل هللاُ لَ ُه ْم‬:‫حديث‬
)16/70(‫حقَّ ُك ْم" شعب اإلميان للبيهقي ل‬ َ َ‫سلُواْ هللا‬
َ ‫َو‬

Hadith: "Give them what is due to them

and ask God for what is due to you."
Sha’bul ēmān lil Bayhaqī (16/70)

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