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1st year PG
 Introduction
 Nutrition and nutrients
 Carbohydrates
 Fats
 Proteins
 Vitamins
 Minerals
 Conclusion
 References
 Nutrition is an important aspect in human growth and
 Development and maturation of cranio facial structure also
thus depends on nutrition
 So its important to know the nutritional dependence of
craniofacial structure during its growth period and extend to
which it is influenced
 Defined as the science of utilization of food in the
body for health and wellbeing

 A sound knowledge of chemistry and metabolism of

all nutrients is essential for better understanding of

Textbook of human nutrition

• A nutrient is a chemical substance inherently present in
numerous food sources that the body uses to obtain energy,
build tissue and regulate biological function
• Macronutrient :
• Micronutrients:
Vitamins and
• water
Textbook of human nutrition
Nutrients are again classified as
 Essential – which body cannot manufacture
eg :-proteins,fats,minerals,water soluble and
lipid soluble vitamins
 Non essential – can be manufactured in the
body by raw materials supplied through food
eg :-glucose,fructose,lecithin,cholesterol
• 60-70% of total caloric requirement.
• Main source of energy
• Provide 4kcal/gm
• Required for synthesis of aminoacid,fats,for protien sparing
• Monosacharides,disacharides and polysacharides
 The unregulated sugar consumption, inadequate oral hygiene
causes decalcification of teeth under the bands and brackets.
Featherstone and Glatz reported measurable
demineralization, gingival to bands and brackets in a period of
4 weeks

Nutrition and Orthodontics-Interdependence and Interrelationship , Navneet Singh et

al,Research & Reviews: Journal of Dental Sciences.
• 15-50% of total dietary requirement.
• Energy store house of human body
• Provide 9 kcal/gm
• Lipids are divided into fats and oils.
• also classified as triglycerides, phospholipids and sterols.
• also into saturated and unsaturated fats
• unsaturated are further divided into mono and polyunsaturates
• Study conducted to find the effect of dietary lipids on PGE2
levels and tooth movement showed a positive relation
between tooth movement and deitary fat.
• 10-15% of total body energy is derived from proteins
• Fundamental basis of cell structure and function
• All enzymes,several hormones, immunoglobulins are proteins
 Provide 4 kcal/gm
 Composed of amino acids
 Essential – leucine, lysine, isoleucin, histidine, methionine,
threonine, tryptophan, valine,phenyl alanine
 Non essential – glycine, alanine, serine, aspartate, glutamate,
cystine, proline, tyrosine
 protein from food products can neutralize or absorb acids
which cause demineralisation or caries

Nutrition and Orthodontics-Interdependence and Interrelationship , Navneet Singh et

al,Research & Reviews: Journal of Dental Sciences.
 They are a group of essential nutrients
required in very minute amounts to
participate and regulate chemical reactions
within the body.
 They are of two types
 FAT SOLUBLE - A ,D(calciferol), E(tocopherol),
 WATER SOLUBLE – C , B (thiamine ,riboflavin , niacin , folate
, pyridoxine ,vit B 12 , biotin , choline, inositol , pantothenic
acid )
 The fat soluble vitamin A is present only in foods of animal
origin, however its provitamins carotenes are found in plants.
 Dietary sources: animal sources contain preformed vitamin A,
like liver, kidney, egg yolk, milk, cheese, butter, fish (cod or
shark) liver oils.
Vegetable sources contain provitamin A-carotenes. Yellow
and dark green vegetables and fruits are good sources e.g.
carrots, spinach, amaranthus, pumpkins, papaya, mango etc
 Biochemical functions: Vitamin A is necessary for a variety of
functions like vision, proper growth and differentiation,
reproduction and maintenance of epithelial cells.
 Carotenoids function as antioxidants and reduce the risk of
cancers initiated by the free radicals and strong oxidants
 It is responsibe for maintaining differentiation of special kind
of epithelium.
 Best known deficiency symptoms are xerophthalmia,bitots
spot,keratomalacia, night blindness.
 Change in odontogenic epithelial differentiation also occur
which causes enamel hypoplasia.
 Oral changes include retarded eruption, hyperplastic
gingiva, retarded alveolar bone formation, periodontal
diseases and microabscess, enamel hypoplasia , uneven
dentin formation.
 Requirement – 420 mcg to 800-1000 mcg
 Measurement of serum retinol, tests of dark adaptation,
impression cytology of conjuctiva and measurement of body
pools either by liver biopsy or isotopic dilution are various

 Increased dose of retinoic acid during parturation period caused

defective development of craniofacial stuctures,mandibular
gonial angle and mandibular length was found to be
decreased,midfacial deformities was also evident with
increased palatal depth.
Teratological and Radiocephalometric Analysis of Craniofacial MaIformati ons Induced
With Retinoic Acid in Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta)
TERATOLOGY 22:13-22 (1980)
 Hypervitaminosis A in pregnant women may cause cleft lip
and palate in newborn

 Deficiency of vitamin A causes generalised retardation of

growth,improper mineralisation of teeth and delayed
eruption path

 Vitamin A controls the activity of both osteoblast and

osteoclast,and its deficiency may cause defective bone
growth, thus defective cranio facial development indicating
the need for early orthopeadic treatment

Textbook of orthodontics – gowri shankar s

 Commonly refered as anti rachitic vitamin
 It generally occurs in two forms, vit D2 (ergocalciferol) and
vit D3 (cholecalciferol)
 It’s the only vitamin which also acts as a hormone
 Plays key role in regulation of calcium and phosphorus
 Requirements – 10mcg during growth
 Deficeincy causes rickets in children and osteomalacia in
Rickets :-
 Defect in vitaminD-calcuim-phosphorus axis which results in hypomineralsied
bone matrix
 Caused in area deprived of sunlight, deit rich in phytates.
 Changes are seen in bone at the epiphyseal plates,metaphysis and shaft
 Oral findings include disturbed calcification of teeth, delayed eruption of
decidous and permanent teeth, thick jaw bones,maxilla is narrow and
high,mandible is short, malalignment of teeth
 High caries index and enamel hypoplasia is also seen
Osteomalacia :-
 Only the flat bones and diaphysis of the long bones are affected.
 The disease is most commonly seen post menopausal females with a history of
low deitary calcium intake and little exposure of ultravoilet light
 Results in softening and distortion of of skeleton and an increased tendency
towards fracture.
vitamin D-free and low calcium diet caused a disturbed osteogenesis in
growth sites determining the growth and form of the viscerocranium and its
relation to the neurocranium.

Craniofacial morphology and growth in the rat. Cephalometric analysis of

the effects of a low calcium and vitamin D-deficient diet.
C Engström, A Linde B Thilander
Journal of anatomy
 Delayed closure of frontanelles
 Disturbed calcification of teeth
 Poor quality of enamel ,to be considered during bonding,
 retarded eruption and early loss of decidous teeth, causing
 Narrow maxillary arch and high palatal vault suggesting need
for arch expansion.
 Under developed mandible ,treatments to be considered in
early age.
 Hypervitaminosis D causes increased osteoblastic activity
leading to decalcification,in such cases the orthodontic force
should be reduced along with correction of underlying cause

Textbook of orthodontics – gowri shankar s

 Tocopherol
 Prevents peroxidation of PUFA, hence known for its
antioxidant property.
 Cause decreased fertility, increased feotal maternal vascular
relationship, nutritional muscular dystrophy and
encephalomalacia,increased vascular disruption, and
 Requirement – 3mg for children and 10mg for adults
 It exist in three forms K1 - phylloquinone
K2 - menaquinone
K3 – menadione
 Its is essential for synthesis and activation of clotting factors
 Deficiency are rare in adults,in children it can be seen as
 Found in green leafy vegetables, butter, margarine ,liver,milk
also in vegetable oils.
 Most common oral manifestation is gingival
bleeding.prothrombin level below 35% cause bleeding on
brushing,below25% causes spontaneous gingival bleeding
 Requirement : 1-2mcg/kg
Textbook of oral pathology – shafers
 The interference with the production of extrahepatic vitamin
K-dependent proteins during the first trimester results in
neonatal maxillonasal hypoplasia of varying degrees

Vitamin K - its essential role in craniofacial development A review of the

literature regarding vitamin K and craniofacial development
Andrew M. Howe,William S. Webster
Australian Dental Journal 1994
 Thiamine is a colourless basic organic compound composed of
sulphated pyramidine ring.
 In tissue thiamine is found as thiamine pyrophosphate.
 Main source of vitamin B1 is yeast,pork,legumes,whole grains
and nuts
 Thiamine deficiency leads to wet and dry beriberi
 There is no convincing evidence that thiamine deficiency
effects the oral tissue
 Requirement – 0.3mg in infants to 1.5mg for adults
 Riboflavin consist of two groups :
FMN –flavin mono nucleotide and
FAD – flavin adenine dinucleotide
 Deficiency is always due to deitary deficiency.
 Requirement – 0.4mg for infants to 1.5mg for adults.
 Source : liver, dried yeast, egg ,fish, whole cereals ,legumes
 Deficiency symptoms : glossitis, magenta coloured tongue ,
cheilosis, angular stomatitis

 Riboflavin deficiency cause cleft lip and palate,early

treatment soon after birth to be considered

Textbook of orthodontics – gowri shankar s

 Niacin also called as nicotinic acid
 Niacin is converted to NAD+ and NADH+,there are various
reactions occuring in the human body which are NADH and
NADPH dependent.
 Niacin deficiency causes;
pellegra – means rough skin
- causes dermatitis – bright red erythema in ankle,feet
and face
- casals necklace :increased
pigmentation around the neck
- diarrhea
- dementia – irritablity,inability to concentrate, poor
 Patients complain of burning sensation of tongue.
 In acute stage entire oral mucosa become red and
painful,oral procedures cannot be performed at this time
 Ulceration, pain ,redness and tenderness begin at inter
dental gingival papillae superimposed commonly by anug or
vincents infection involving the tongue,gingiva , oral mucosa
 Requirement – 20mg/day
 Sources - dried yeast, polished rice, liver, peanut, whole
cereal ,legumes, meat and fish.

Textbook of orthodontics – gowri shankar s

 Widely distributed in plants and animals
 Produced in intestine
 Source – yeast ,liver and egg.
 Deficiency is rare.
 Requirement – 10mg/day
 Active form of pyridoxine is pyridoxal phosphate (PLP).
 Functions include transamination, decarboxylation ,production
of sulphur containing amino acids, heme synthesis, production of
niacin ,glycogenolysis
 Deficiency causes neurological manifestations, pellegra, anemia.
 Source : yeast ,polished rice, cereals, legumes, oil seeds ,egg,
milk ,meat ,fish and green leafy vegetables.
 Requirements – 1 to 2mg /day
 Excess leads to sensory neuropathy
 Earlier known as vitamin H or coenzyme R.
 Main enzyme in many metabolic process.
 Deficiency causes scaly, greasy dermatitis and eventual
 No dental changes are noted in deficiency .
 Requirement 200-300mg
 Source – produced by bacterial flora,yeast ,liver ,peanut
,soyabean ,milk, eggyolk
 Readily absorbed from the upper part of jejunum,transported by
beta globulins, taken up by liver where the co enzymes are
 folate deficiency is caused by
defective absorption,
drugs like hydantoin, dilantin, phenytoin, phenobarbitone
haemolytic anemia
deitary deficiency
 Folic acid deficiency also cause cleft lip and palate

Textbook of orthodontics – gowri shankar s

 Deficiency causes
reduced DNA synthesis
macrocytic anemia
homocystenemia (coronary artery disease)
birth defects like spina bifida, neural tube defects
 Sources – yeast, green leafy vegetables, cereals , pulses, egg,
 Requirements – 200 mcg/day
 Cobalamin, extrinsic factor of castle and anti pernicious
anemic factor.
 seen in various forms as cyanocobalamine
hydroxy cobalamin
adenosyl cobalamin
methyl cobalamin
 Deficiency causes:
1) nutritional – veg
2) decreased absorption
3) pernicious anemia
4) gastric trophy
5) pregnancy
 Deficiency symptoms :
megaloblastic anemia
 Assessment of deficiency:
serum B12
schilling test
methyl malonic acid
figlu test
 Requirements:

 Deficiency of vitamin b complex in children causes

generalised retarded growth due to loss of
appetite,disturbances in digestion and pernicious anemia

 Vitamin B deficiency is established as a cause of gingivitis,

glossitis, angular chelitis and oral mucositis . Folic acid
deficiency is characterized by non-inflammatory necrosis of
gingiva, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone
Nutrition and Orthodontics-Interdependence and Interrelationship , Navneet Singh
et al,Research & Reviews: Journal of Dental Sciences.
 Ascorbic acid
 Functions – reversible oxidation and reduction
hydroxylation of proline and lysine
tryptophan metabolism
tyrosine metabolism
hemoglobin metabolism
iron metabolism
folic acid metabolism
steroid synthesis
antioxidant property
 Deficiency – scurvy
hemorrhagic tendency
internal hemorrhage
 Orally deficiency of asborbic acid causes painful gums which
are swollen and spongy due to abnormal collagen formation
with defective intercellular substance.
 teeth becomes loose.
 The dental pulp is seperated from dentine, and finally the
tooth become non vital

 Delayed wound healing

 In bones the deficiency results in failure of osteoblast to form
intercellular substance osteoid.
 Thus without normal ground substance the deposition of bone is
arrested, and form bone which are fragile.

 Dietary source : amla ,guava ,lime ,lemon ,green leafy vegetables

 Requirements – 75mg/day.
 The orthodontic forces induce biologic responses, which involves
complex coupling of osteoclastic and osteoblastic activities.
 Tooth movement requires simultaneous synchronous functioning
of collagen metabolism. Collagen metabolism depends on
adequate supply of Vitamin C for production of mature collagen.
 The lack of Vitamin C affects periodontal ligament and creates
enlarged endosteal and periosteal spaces with osteoclastic activity
thus affecting tooth movement and retention following
orthodontic treatment
 It has also been observed in vitamin C deficient individuals that
orthodonticaly corrected teeth were unstable and relapse is faster
as compared to individuals with no vitamin C deficiency
Nutrition and Orthodontics-Interdependence and Interrelationship , Navneet Singh et
al,Research & Reviews: Journal of Dental Sciences.
 They provide structural components for the body.(bones
,teeth )

 They allow for nerve muscle function ,blood clotting ,tissue

growth ,repair, acid base balance of fluids .

 classified as major and trace minerals

 Major minerals –needed in amounts greater than 100mgs/ day

Ca ,Mg ,P ,K ,Na ,Cl ,S.

 Trace minerals -needed in lesser amounts –F ,Zn ,Se ,Cu ,I,Mo,

 Total calcium in body is 100-170 g.
 99% in bone as carbonates and phosphonates
 Serum calcium level of 9-11mg/dl
 Calcium found in plasma as ionised calcium,protein bounded
calcium and complexed calcium.
 Deitary requirement – 800mg /day
 Calcium plays a major role in skeletal maturity and maintanence
 Other functions are heart rhythm,neuromuscular
conduction,muscular contraction and coagulation of blood.
 Calcium homeostasis is the process by which mineral equilibrium
is maintained.

 Maintenance of serum calcium levels at about 10 mg/dl is an

essential life support function.

 When substantial calcium is needed to maintain the critical serum

calcium level, bone structure is sacrificed.

 The alveolar processes and basilar bone of the jaws also are
subject to metabolic bone loss.
 Calcium homeostasis is regulated by three hormone namely


2)Parathyroid hormone

1) Calcitriol :-

 physiologically active form of vitamin D

 Induces synthesis of specific calcium binding protein in intestinal
 Blood ca level is thus increased
 Promotes ca uptake by osteoblast of bone and promotes
2) Parathyroid hormone:-

 Secreted by parathyroid gland.

 Single chain polypeptide – preproPTH –proPTH – PTH
 Secreted under the negative feedback regulation of serum
 PTH acts by binding to membrane receptor protein on the
target cell to release cAMP, thus increasing the serum
 PTH acts on bone, kidneys and intestine
 In bones, it causes demineralisation ,by osteoclasts ,by
increasing the activity of phosphatase enzyme, thus
increasing the blood calcium level.
 In kidneys, PTH increases calcium reabsorption by kidney
tubules,its also stimulates the production of calcitriol in
 Action on intestine is in an indirect way, by increasing
absorption of calcium by promoting the synthesis of calcitriol
3) Calcitonin

 Secreted by parafollicular cells of thyroid gland

 Action is antagonist to that of PTH
 Decrease the serum calcium level by increasing osteoblastic
activity,decreasing bone resorption,increasing the excretion
of calcium
 calcium from food products can neutralize or absorb acids
which cause demineralisation or caries

Nutrition and Orthodontics-Interdependence and Interrelationship , Navneet Singh

et al,Research & Reviews: Journal of Dental Sciences.
 Total phosphorus in body is 500-800 g.
 85-90% in bone
 Serum level of 2-4mg/dl
 Deitary requirement – 800mg /day
 Most of the portion is associated with calcium in metabolism of
bone and teeth.
 Deficiency causes anorexia, weakness, malaise and bone pain.
 Rickets and osteomalacia can also be seen due to deficiencies along
with calcium and vitamin D
 Hyperphosphataemia is due to factitious anemia, increased intake of
vitD, increased release from from bone due to excretion, decreased
excretion etc.
 For modest bone health, Calcium phosphorous ratio should be
greater than 1. In adolescent diet and with orthodontic treatment,
this ratio was found to be less than 1 due to the consumption of
phosphorous rich soft drinks and fast foods with avoidance of
calcium rich dairy products
Nutrition and Orthodontics-Interdependence and Interrelationship , Navneet Singh et al,Research & Reviews: Journal
 Magnesium is the fourth most abundant ion in body.
 25mg in an human weighing 75kg
 Half in bones
 Requirement – 400mg
 Serum level – 1-3mg/dl
 Hypermagnesaemia is rare, if occurs can cause sedative or
hypnoic effects(>5mg/dl), can also cause coma or even death(18-
21 mg/dl)
 Activator of wide enzymatic reaction
 High level depress nerve conduction and low level causes tetany
 70% of total element is found in bone,enamel and dentin
 Mainly found in body associated with chloride, present as
NaCl, NaHCO3
 Sodium content 83- 97 gm, one –third of this is found in
 Requirement – 0.5 gm
 Plays a major role in maintenance of acid base balance.
 Hypernatremia occurs in dehydration, diabetes insipidus,
excess sodium intake and steroid therapy.
 Hyponatremia occurs as a result of diuretic medication,
excessive sweating, kidney diseases, congestive heart
 Deficiency causes weakness, fatigue, lassitude, apathy,
anorexia, nausea, muscle cramps.
 Major intracellular cation.
 Constant exchange of potassium occurs between
intracellular and extra cellular phases through a regulated
 Average human body contains 3.6 moles of potassium
 An average amount of 4gm of potassium is present in the
 Normal blood plasma level is 4mEq/l
 It influences the muscular activity,acid base balance, cardiac
function, and is involved in neuromuscular irritablity.
 deficiency is secondary due to causes like diarrhoea and
vomiting,death occurs in defiency due to cardiac or respiratory
 Hyperkalemia occurs due to excessive tissue breakdown,
adrenal insufficiency, dehydration, excessive intake of
potassium and it causes mental confusion,numbness,tingling
sensation of extremities,pallor, cold, weakness
 Oral symtoms have not been reported
 Chlorine together with sodium and potassium acts on the acid
base balance.
 Requirement – 6 – 8 gm /day
 Serum conc - 550 – 650 gm/dl
 No oral manifestations were reported on chlorine deficiency
 Widely distributed in small amount in the body
 The sources are seafood,vegetables and milk.
 Plama level – 8 – 12mcg/dl
 The level is increased during pregnancy and in hyperthyroidism
 Decreased in hypothyroidism.
 Iodine is essential for thyroid formation.

 Iodine deficiency cause cretinism, thus retarding the growth

of jaw bone thus causing skeletal and dental malocclusions.

Textbook of orthodontics – gowri shankar s

 Adult human contains 100-150 mg of copper
 Requirement – 2.5 – 5.0 mg
 Deficiency of copper leads to microcytic hypochromic anemia,
because it is essential for normal erythropoesis.
 Important factor for bone remodelling, hence increased
demand during orthodontic tooth movement

Effects of orthodontic treatment on nutrient intake

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Volume 111, No. 5
 Most essential of trace elements.
 Most prevalent nutritional deficiency in india.
 Normal human contain 2.3 -3.8gm of iron
 Requirement – male 10mg/day
female 20 mg/day
 Iron deficiency causes anemia along with plummer vinson
syndrome, sore tongue.
 Iron overload causes sideroblastic anemia,thalassemia,and
bronze diabetes.
 Obtained from milk, liver, egg ,unmilled rice, legumes, pulses, oil
seeds and leafy vegetables.
 Normal human contains 1.4 – 2.3 g of zinc in body
 High concentration is seen in prostate and skin followed by
teeth,bone, nails hair etc
 Zinc forms the integral part of human enzymes
 Zinc deficiency causes acrodermatitis
enteropathica,(AR),primary defect is zinc absorption,cause
various mucocutaneous problems.
 Zinc deficiency in human results in number of disorders involving
taste, keratogenesis, bone growth, wound healing .
 10 -18 mg in a normal human
 High concentration is found in kidney and liver.
 Obtained in diet from vegetables, cereals, nuts ,fruits and
 Manganese act as a cofactor for many enzymatic reactions
 Deficiencies produce alteration of bone,ataxia and infertility.
 Important factor for bone remodeling, hence increased
demand during orthodontic tooth movement
Effects of orthodontic treatment on nutrient intake
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Volume 111, No. 5
 Major constituent and integral part of vitamin B12
 Normal diet contain 5-8 gm of cobalt
 It is essential for normal bone marrow function and
maturation of RBC.
 Deficiency causes macrocytic anemia and polycythaemia.
 6 -20 mcg/100 ml in normal adult.
 Has a role in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism
 Chromium metabolism is one important etiological factor to
be taken into consideration in disorders or carbohydrate
metabolism,ranging from infants suffering from protein
caloric malnutrition to elderly people with impaired glucose
 Human body contains 4 -10 mg of selenium.
 Major source is plant materials.
 Biological form occur as selenium analogues of selenium
containing amino acids
 Found in higher concentration in liver,nails and kidneys.
 Deficiency causes liver cell necrosis,muscular dystrophies,
pancreatic degenerations, myopathies
 Chronic dermatitis, loss of hair, brittle nails
 Source from food,water,tea, salmmon, sardel ,meckeral.
 Daily dietary flouride should not exceed 3mg per day
 Added to drinking water at an amount of 1ppm.
 Its is present in human dentition and bone,provide hardness
to enamel and resist caries.
 Excessive flouride intake causes fluorosis,initially causing
osteosclerosis of pelvic vertebra,later on other bones with
ligamentous calcification
 Topical Fluoride application inhibits dental caries by
conversion of hydroxylapatite crystals of enamel into less
acid soluble fluorapatite. But excess fluoride should be
avoided to prevent dental fluorosis characterized by
brownish and corroded appearance of teeth.
Root resorption:
 According to Marshall et al deficient diets cause greater
resorption as compared to adequate diets as seen through
animal studies.
 Beck study on dogs revealed more susceptibility to resorption
following calcium and vitamin deficiencies.
 Vitamin D maintains calcium phosphorous balance and its
deficiency leads to cemental resorption.
 Engstrom et al. inferred that increase in alveolar bone turnover
is the cause of root resorption in moderate hypocalcaemia

Nutrition and Orthodontics-Interdependence and Interrelationship , Navneet Singh et al,Research &

Reviews: Journal of Dental Sciences.
 vitamin A and zinc
 Vitamin A and iron
 Vitamin A and copper
 Iron and zinc
 Copper and iron

 It was told in various studies that interactions are present

between this nutrients,future studies has to be done for

Micronutrients in fetal growth and development

Harry J McArdle and Cheryl J Ashworth
British Medical Bulletin 1999; 55 (No. 3): 499-511
 A nutritional stress may alter the relative growth between
the facial functional components to a greater extent than
that between the major functional components; viz. the
neurocranium and the splanchnocranium.

Growth of the Functional Components of the Rat Skull and Its Alteration by
 During orthodontic treatment, nutritional history should be
accounted and patients’ diet should be adjusted to include all
necessary elements keeping in mind the habits,
convenience, likes and dislikes of the patients. Dairy
products (milk, cheese, ice cream) should be prescribed
during orthodontic treatment as they are soft and assist
bone remodelling during tooth movement

Sharma R, et al. Nutritional guidelines for orthodontic patients. Internet J Nutr

Wellness. 2009;10:1-4
 We could say that nutrition and craniofacial growth studies
are important,and adequate amount of nutrients is
neccesary for the normal growth and development
 An increase or decrease of nutrients from their normal value
can cause various symtoms and condition which can effect
the craniofacial growth
 orthodontic therapy is highly dependent on the good health
of oral tissues. Frequent ulcerations, inflamed oral tissues
and compromised periodontal tissues negatively hamper the
orthodontic therapy. Hence, the quality of diet directly
influences the efficacy of orthodontic therapy
 Textbook of biochemistry for medical students – D M vasudevan
 Essentials of biochemistry - sathyanarayanan
 Textbook of oral pathology – shafers
 Textbook of orthodontics - grukeerat singh
 Textbook of orthodontics – gowri shankar s
 Growth of the Functional Components of the Rat Skull and Its Alteration by
 Micronutrients in fetal growth and development
Harry J McArdle and Cheryl J Ashworth
British Medical Bulletin 1999; 55 (No. 3): 499-511
 Vitamin K - its essential role in craniofacial development A review of the
literature regarding vitamin K and craniofacial development
Andrew M. Howe,William S. Webster
Australian Dental Journal 1994
 Craniofacial morphology and growth in the rat. Cephalometric analysis of the effects
of a low calcium and vitamin D-deficient diet.
C Engström, A Linde B Thilander
Jornal of anatomy
 Teratological and Radiocephalometric Analysis of Craniofacial
MaIformations Induced With Retinoic Acid in Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca
 Nutrition and Orthodontics-Interdependence and Interrelationship ,
Navneet Singh et al,Research & Reviews: Journal of Dental Sciences.

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