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1. Learning Is An Active

• This means that we have to actively engage the learners in

learning activities if we want them to learn what we intend
to teach.

Research shows:
 75% retention rates in learning by doing
 90% retention rates learning by teaching others
2. The More Senses That Are Involved In
Learning, The More And The Better The
3. A Non- Threatening Atmosphere
Enhances Learning

• A non-threatening and conducive classroom atmosphere is not only

a function of the classroom but more a function of the
psychological climate that prevails in the classroom.

Physical Classroom Condition

 Proper Lightning
 Good Ventilation
 Tidiness
 Order
 Painting of the room
Psychological Climate
Relationship among students
 Rapport between students and the teacher
 Personality of a teacher

Steps on how to create a positive classroom atmosphere:

a.Cultivate culture of respect.
b. Believe in our student’s capacity.
c. Make our students feel they belong to a community of
learners with shared goal or purpose.
d. Encourage more collaboration and cooperation and less
e. Give allowance for mistakes.
4. Emotion Has The Power To Increase Retention
And Learning

• We tend to remember and learn more

those that strike in our hearts !
5. Learning Is Meaningful When It Is Connected To
Student’s Everyday Life

• Abstract concepts are made understandable

when we give sufficient examples relating to
students’ experiences.
6. Good Teaching Goes Beyond Recall Of

• Good thinking concerns itself with higher-order-

thinking skills to develop creative and critical
7. An Integrated Teaching Approach Is Far More
Effective Than Teaching Isolated Bits Of

• An instructional approach is integrated when it

considers the multiple intelligences (MI) and varied
learning style (LS) of students.
M.I. L.S
Musical-rhythmic Aural
Spatial Visual
Linguistic Verbal
Mathematical Logical
Bodily-kinesthetic Physical
Interpersonal Social
Intrapersonal Solitary
An integrated approach incorporates successful, research –based
and brain-based instructional strategies. An integrated approach
incorporates research findings about the brain.

The ff. is some research findings cited by Patricia Wolfe:

1. Without rehearsal or constant attention, information remains

in working memory for only about 15-20seconds.This implies the
need for memory aids.

2. Learning is a process of building neural networks.-this network is

formed through concrete experience ,symbolic learning and
abstract learning.
3. Our brains have difficulty comprehending very large
numbers because we have nothing in our experience to
‘’hook’’ them to.

4. The eyes contain nearly 70% of the body’s sensory

receptors and send millions of signals every second along
the optic nerves to the visual processing of the brain.

5. There is a little doubt when information is embedded in

music or rhyme; its recall is easier than when it is in prose.

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