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A wart is a small growth with a

rough texture that can appear

anywhere on the body. It can look
like a solid blister or a small
 Warts are caused by viruses in
the human papillomavirus (HPV)
family. The appearance of a
wart depends on its location on
the body and the thickness of
the skin.
Ringworm is a common fungal
skin infection. Ringworm most
commonly affects the skin on
the body, the scalp, the feet
and the groin
 Acne is a skin condition that
occurs when your hair follicles
become plugged with oil and
dead skin cells. It often causes
whiteheads, blackheads or
pimples, and usually appears on
the face, forehead, chest, upper
back and shoulders. Acne is most
common among teenagers,
though it affects people of all
 Athlete's
foot occurs when the
fungus grows on the feet. You
can catch the fungus through
direct contact with an infected
person, or by touching surfaces
contaminated with the fungus.
The fungus thrives in warm,
moist environments. It's
commonly found in showers, on
locker room floors, and around
swimming pools.
 Jock itch is a fungal infection
that affects the skin of your
genitals, inner thighs and
buttocks. Jock itch causes an
itchy, red, often ring-shaped
rash in these warm, moist areas
of your body. Jock itch gets its
name because it is common in
people who sweat a lot, as do
 Malaria is a disease caused by a
parasite. The parasite is
transmitted to humans through
the bites of infected mosquitoes.
People who have malaria
usually feel very sick, with a high
fever and shaking chills..
 Dengue fever is caused by any one
of four types of dengue viruses
spread by mosquitoes that thrive in
and near human lodgings. When a
mosquito bites a person infected
with a dengue virus, the virus enters
the mosquito. When the infected
mosquito then bites another
person, the virus enters that
person's bloodstream
 Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease
caused by bacteria called
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The
bacteria usually attack the lungs,
but they can also damage other
parts of the body. TB spreads
through the air when a person with
TB of the lungs or throat coughs,
sneezes, or talks.
 The flu is caused by influenza
viruses that infect the nose,
throat, and lungs. These viruses
spread when people with flu
cough, sneeze or talk, sending
droplets with the virus into the
air and potentially into the
mouths or noses of people
who are nearby.
A communicable disease is one
that is spread from one person to
another through a variety of ways
that include:
 contact with blood and bodily
 breathing in an airborne virus; or
 by being bitten by an insect.
 isthe effect of a foreign
organism in the body and
causes harm.
The organism uses that
person's body to sustain
itself, reproduce, and
colonize. These
infectious organisms are
known as pathogens.
A pathogen or infectious agent
is a biological agent that
causes disease or illness to its

 Examples of pathogens include

Bacteria, viruses, fungi,
protozoa, parasites, and prions.
 Viral infections - caused by a virus
 Zika virus
 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
 hepatitis C
 polio
 influenza
 Dengue fever
 H1N1 swine flu
 Ebola
 Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS-
 Bacterial infections – cause by a
 However, some bacterial diseases are
› These include:
 cholera
 diphtheria
 dysentery
 bubonic plague
 pneumonia
 tuberculosis
 typhoid
 typhus
 Bacterial infections – cause by a
› Some examples of bacterial infections are:
 bacterial meningitis
 otitis media
 pneumonia
 tuberculosis
 upper respiratory tract infection
 gastritis
 food poisoning
 eye infections
 sinusitis
 urinary tract infections
 skin infections
 sexually transmitted diseases
 Fungal infection – cause by a fungus, it is
an often multi-cellular parasite that can
decompose and then absorb organic
matter using an enzyme.

 Examples of fungal infections Trusted

Source are:
› valley fever, or coccidioidomycosis
› athlete's foot
› ringworm
› some eye infections
 Prion disease - A prion is a protein that
contains no genetic material. It is normally
harmless, but if it folds into an abnormal
shape, it can become a rogue agent and
affect the structure of the brain or other
parts of the nervous system.

 bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE),

also known as mad cow disease
 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)
 Researchers have linkedTrusted Source
some cases of Alzheimer's disease to prion
 The chain of infection, if we think of it as an
actual chain, is made up of six different links:
 pathogen (infectious agent)
 reservoir,
 portal of exit,
 means of transmission,
 portal of entry, and
 the new host.

Each link has a unique role in the chain, and

each can be interrupted, or broken, through
various means
The agent is simply the germ
that causes the infection like
bacteria, viruses, fungi,
protozoa, parasites, and prions
a place where germs can live and
Example people, animals/pets (dogs,
cats, reptiles), wild animals, food, soil,
by which the germ can escape from
the reservoir. Example mouth (vomit,
saliva),cuts in the skin (blood),during
diapering and toileting stool
This is how the germs move, or spread,
from one place to another. Example
contact (hands, toys, sand)
droplets (when you speak, sneeze or
This means that the germs that
have been moved from the
reservoir now invade the person
(the ‘host’) example mouth,
cuts in the skin & eyes
 People with a weakened immune system
 Babies
 Children
 Elderly
 Unimmunized people
 Anyone
it is the period starting from the entry of
the pathogen until the appearance of
the first sign.
Is the stage which starts from
the onset of non-specific
signs and symptoms such as
Is the stage that begins
when more specific signs
and symptoms appear.
The last stage of infection is
an interval when acute
symptoms of infection
disappear or the recovery
 Thank you and see you next week!!!

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