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 Information and Communication
Technology (ICT)
 - deals with the use of different
communication technologies such as
mobile phones, telephone, internet,
etc. to locate, save, and edit
 Note: when we make a video call, we
use internet. When we send a text or
make a call, we use cellular networks.
When we run out of load or battery, we
use payphones which use a telephone
Web2.0: Dynamic Web Pages
The internet has been a vital tool to our
modern lives that is why it is important
to make the best of the internet.
 When the World Wide Web was
invented, most web pages were Static.
-Static- (also known as flat page or
stationary page) in the sense that the
page is “as is” and cannot be
manipulated by the user. This is
referred to as Web 1.0.
 When the World Wide Web is more
than just static pages, Web 2.0 came
and term coined by Darcy DiNucci on
January 1999.
 Example of Web 2.0 include social
networking sites, blogs, video sharing
sites, hosted services and web
 Features of Web 2.0
The key features of Web 2.0 include:
1. Folksonomy- allows user to categorize
and classify/ arrange information using
freely chosen keywords (e.g. Tagging.)
2. Rich User Experience- content is dynamic
and is responsive to users input.
3. User Participation- the owner of the
website is not the only one who is able to put
4. Long Tail- services that are offered on
demand rather than on a one –time purchase.
5. Software as a Service- users will subscribe
only when needed rather than purchasing
6. Mass Participation- diverse information
sharing through universal web access.
 Web 3.0 and the Semantic Web
-is a movement led by the World Wide
Web Consortium (W3C). The W3C
standard encourages developers to
include in their web pages. The term
coined by the inventor of the World
Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee. Lee also
noted that the Semantic Web is a
component for Web 3.0.
 Web 3.0 is yet be fully realized because
of several problems:
 1. Compatibility- HTML files and current
web browsers could not support Web
 2. Security- The user’s security is also in
question since the machine is saving his
or her preferences.
 3. Vastness- The world Wide Web
already contains billions of web pages.
 4. Vagueness- Certain words are
imprecise. The words “old” and “small”
would depend on the user.
 5. Logic- there are certain limitations for
a computer to be able to predict what
the user is referring to at a given time.
Trends in ICT
As the world of ICT continues to grow,
the industry has focused on several
 1. Convergence
 Technological Convergence- is the
synergy of technological advancements
to work on a similar goal or task.
 Convergence is using several
technologies to accomplish a task
2. Social Media
 - is a website, application, or online
channel that enables web users to
create, co-create, discuss, modify, and
exchange user-generated content.
 Six types of Social Media:
 a. Social Networks- these are sites that
allow you to connect with other people
with the same interests or background.
 b. Bookmarking Sites- These are sites
that allow you to store and manage
links to various websites and resources.
 c. Social News- These are sites that
allow users to post their own news item
or links to other news sources.
 d. Media Sharing- These are sites allow you
to upload and share media content like
images, music, and video.
 e. Microblogging- these are sites that focus
on short updates from the user.
 f. Blogs and Forums- these are websites
allow users to post their content.

3. Mobile Technologies
-the popularity of smartphones and tablets
has taken a major rise over the years.
 Several of these devices are capable of using
high –speed internet. Today, the latest
mobile devices use $G networking (LTE),
which is currently the fastest mobile
 a. iOS- used in apple devices such as iPhone
and iPad
 b. Android- an open source operating
system developed by Google.
 c. Blackberry OS- used in Blackberry
 d. Windows Phone OS- a closed
source and propriety operating sytem
developed by Microsoft
 e. Symbian- the original smartphones;
now used by Nokia devices
 f. WebOs- originally used for
smartphones, now used for smart TVs
 g. Windows Mobile- developed by
Microsoft for smartphones and pocket
 4. Assistive Media
 - is a nonprofit service designed to help
to help who have visual and reading
Directions: Read and analyze the following
A. TRUE OR FALSE: Write True if the
sentence is correct: otherwise, write False
on the blank before each item.
____ 1. Tim Berners-Lee created the World
Wide Web.
____ 2. People Magazine conducted research
on “The Selfiest Cities in the World”.
____ 3. Web 2.0 introduced static web pages
that allow users to interact with the web
____ 4. Folksonomy allows users to
categorize and locate information.
____ 5. Technological convergence is the
synergy of technological advancements
to work on a similar goal or task.
____ 6. According to Nielsen, users who use
the Internet spend more time in social
media sites than in any other type of site.
____ 7. Blogging sites are sites that focus on
short updates from the user.
____ 8. Android is a mobile operating
system for Apple devices.
____ 9. Assistive media is a nonprofit
service design to help people who have
visual and reading impairments.
____ 10. Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) deals with the use of
different communications technology to
locate, save, send, and edit information.

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