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Heinz Cleaning Vinegar

•Heinz is famous for its good valued pre packed food

products, best known for its soup and ketchup.
•The company already produced vinegar.
•Heinz all natural cleaning vinegar was 1st non food
•The mass consumers did not know what to make of it.
Lessons from failure
• Stick to what you know. But more importantly, stick to what
your customers know. If you’re a food brand that means one
thing. If you can’t eat it, you can’t sell it.

• Expand within the limits of your brand perception. Heinz may

be most associated with ketchup but it has numerous other
brand successes, and frequently launches new products. Heinz
shows that you can extend your line as far as you want,
providing you remain true to your core identity or brand

• Adopt a niche strategy for a niche product. Heinz All Natural

Cleaning Vinegar was distributed and marketed as a mainstream
product, although it only appealed to a niche market.
Should I use the cleaning vinegar to
flavor my food?

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