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1 Gambaran Umum
Jawaban : tema atau topik bacaan secara keseluruhan.
Bentuk : frase/benda
Strategi : kata yang sering dibicarakan, topik-topik dalam setiap
paragraf, judul, menyimpulkan berdasarkan informasi
penting dalam bacaan

TYPE 1: GI Question Key Words: what, text, about, discuss

Panda is a mammal in the bear family. This bear species is a native of

central-western and south western China. The panda is also known as the giant
panda to distinguish it from the unrelated red panda.
The giant panda has shaggy white fur with a black patch around each eye
and a ring of black around the shoulders, front legs, and chest. The biggest
giant pandas are about 5 feet (1.5 meters) long and weigh up to 220 pounds
(100 kilograms).
The giant panda lives in a few mountain ranges in central China, mainly in
Sichuan province, but also in the Shaanxi and Gansu provinces. It eats the
leaves and stems of bamboo trees. The giant panda is an endangered species.
There may only be about 1,000 of these animals left in the wild.
What does the text tell us about?
A. Red panda.
B. Giant panda.
C. Bear species.
D. Mammal family.
TYPE 1 Question Key Words: what, text, about, discuss
TYPE 1 Question Key Words: what, text, about, discuss
TYPE 1 Have a close look!
2 Pikiran Utama Paragraf
Jawaban : Pendapat penulis tentang topik yang terdapat dalam
sebuah paragraf.
Bentuk : Kalimat
Strategi : kata yang sering dibicarakan, kalimat utama,
pandangan penulis tentang topik dalam paragraf,
menyimpulkan berdasarkan informasi penting dalam

TYPE 2: MI Question Key Words: Main idea of paragraph..

What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A. Irvin left behind his wife and two children.
B. Bindi wants to follow her father’s steps.
C. Irvin was sadly killed in a job accident.
D. Bindi has starred in her own TV show.
TYPE 2: MI Question Key Words: Main idea of paragraph..

The paragraph mainly discuss....

A. Whale looks rather like fish
B. Whale cannot survive on land
C. Blue whale is a large animal
D. Whales are sea living mammals
3 Informasi Tertentu
Jawaban : Informasi tertentu yang secara tersurat terdapat dalam
teks yang disajikan.
Bentuk : Kata/frase/klausa/kalimat
Strategi : jawaban atas pertanyaan dengan kata tanya who,
where, when, how much (etc). Informasi tersurat jelas
dalam bacaan.

TYPE 3: SI Question Key Words: What, Where, When, Who, How many..
How to Make Getuk Goreng
1 kg cassava, peeled and thrown coir centre of cassava
250 g of palm sugar, sliced soft
75 g of rice flour
1 tablespoon of wheat flour and salt
A little of cooking oil
1. Cut the cassava into pieces and boil or steam until cooked.
2. Meanwhile, add palm sugar in a little boiling water until dissolved and well blended.
3. Crush the cassava while it is hot, and add palm sugar until they are well blended.
4. Flatten cassava on a tray, make 2 cm thick and cut like a box 4 x 5 cm.
5. Mix the rice flour, wheat flour, salt and some water until thick dough.
6. Heat oil and dip getuk into the dough before frying.
7. Fry getuk until its color turns to golden brown and remove from heat.
When do we crush the cassava?
A. While it is hot.
B. After it is flattened.
C. Before it is peeled.
D. Before it is blended.
TYPE 3: SI Have a close look!
4 Informasi Rinci
Jawaban : Informasi yang detail. Pilihan jawaban berupa kalimat
atau anak kalimat. Pilihan jawaban sering berupa
keragaman cara atau anak kalimat keterangan sebab.
Bentuk : Kalimat atau anak kalimat
Strategi : Jawaban atas pertanyaan dengan kata tanya why atau
how. Informasi tersurat jelas dalam bacaan. Jawaban
terdapat di sekitar induk kalimat yang terdapat dalam
pertanyaan. Kadang informasi tersebar di beberapa
tempat dalam bacaan.

TYPE 4: DI Question Key Words: Why, How, From the text we know that
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) is an Austrian composer. He is considered one of the most brilliant
and versatile composers ever. He worked in all musical genres of his era, wrote inspired works in each genre,
and produced an extraordinary number of compositions, especially considering his short life. By the time
Mozart died at age 35, he had completed 41 symphonies, 27 piano concertos, 23 string quartets, 17 piano
sonatas, 7 major operas, and numerous works for voice and other instruments.
As a child prodigy Mozart toured Europe and became widely regarded as a miracle of nature because
of his musical gifts as a performer of piano, harpsichord, and organ and as a composer of instrumental and
vocal music. His mature masterpieces began with the Piano Concerto No. 9 in E-flat Major (Jeunehomme,
1777), one of about a dozen outstanding concertos he wrote for piano. Also successful as an opera
composer, Mozart wrote three exceptional Italian operas to texts by Italian librettist.
Lorenzo da Ponte: Le Nozze di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro, 1786), Don Giovanni (1787), and Così fan
tutte (All Women Do So, 1790). They were followed in 1791 by his supreme German opera, Die Zauberflöte
(The Magic Flute).
Mozart’s works were catalogued chronologically by Austrian music bibliographer Ludwig von Köchel,
who published his catalog in 1862. The numbers he assigned, which are called Köchel numbers and are
preceded by the initial K, remain the standard way of referring to works by Mozart. The Jeunehomme
Concerto, for example, is K.

Why was Mozart considered as one of the most brilliant composer?

A. He had ever toured to Europe.
B. He was an Austrian composer.
C. He produced compositions in all musical genres.
D. He wrote three exceptional Italian operas to texts.
5 Informasi Tersirat
Jawaban : Informasi yang tidak dinyatakan secara tertulis, tetapi
dapat disimpulkan berdasarkan co-text dan context
yang terdapat dalam bacaan. Pilihan jawaban
Bentuk : Frasa/ anak kalimat/ kalimat yang diungkapkan
dengan kata-kata yang berbeda tetapi maknanya sama
dengan kesimpulan dari bacaan.
Strategi : Menarik kasimpulan berdasarkan co-text dan context.
Membaca pilihan jawaban satu persatu dan menarik
kesimpulan berdasarkan bukti yang terdapat dalam co-
text dan context.

TYPE 4: DI Question Key Words: Why, How, From the text we know that
TYPE 5: II Question Key Words: conclude, imply, infer

To Kevin

We are all with you during your hard time.

The crash must have taught you a lesson never to drive speedily again.
Keep smiling to hasten your recovery and forget all the worry.
Be strong and fight your injury with tough heart and courage.
Get well soon.


What can we conclude from the text?

A. Laila showed her great courage.
B. Kevin surely will get well soon.
C. Kevin had an accident.
D. Laila hit Kevin’s car.
6 Rujukan Kata
Jawaban : Anafora - merujuk pada informasi (nama, benda,
kejadian, dsb.) yang telah dibicarakan sebelumnya.
Bentuk : Nama/benda/frasa/anak kalimat
Strategi : Mengembalikan kalimat yang mengandung kata
tersebut dalam bacaan, memperhatikan agreement,
menelusuri informasi di bagian teks sebelumnya.

TYPE 6: R Question Key Words: Refer

“…for any inconvenience that may have been caused as a

result of this postponement.”
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. Apology.
B. Webinar.
C. Postponement.
D. Inconvenience.
7 Makna Kata
Jawaban : Sinonim, makna dalam teks, definisi
Bentuk : kata/frasa/anak kalimat
Strategi : Melihat co-text yang terdapat di sekitar kata yang
ditanyakan dan memperhatikan context bacaan.
Mengabaikan pilihan jawaban yang bermakna sama.

TYPE 7: WM Question Key Words: mean (s/ing), synonym, replaced

The Fight
It all happened when I was walking home from school. Two kids from my class
decided to pick on me. They started yelling stupid names like spazzo, pigface etc.
I didn’t mind this. I also didn’t mind Kelly punching me in the shoulder. What I did
mind was that Kelly kept me occupied while Matthew (better known as Roberts) rode
my bike around the cul-de-sac of the street and I know the street leads nowhere.
This was harmless. But, still riding, he kicked off my bag and jumped off the bike
leaving it to fall. This made me sore. I gave in to my temper. When Matthew saw this
he took off. So it was me and David Kelly to battle it out. I chased him around and
around the street. When I finally caught up to him I threw punches galore.
Most of them missed. Kelly managed to escape and run home. I think I was the
victor, but if I was, I don’t think it was worth it.

“… rode my bike around the cul-de-sac of the street…”

The underlined word means a short road which is….
A. blocked off at one end
B. constructed recently
C. going up and down
D. Rising at one side
8 Tujuan Komunikatif Teks
Jawaban : Tujuan penulisan teks, communicative/social function.
Bentuk : Frasa yang mengandung maksud dengan menggunakan
Strategi : Memperhatikan struktur dan jenis teks.
Memperhatikan fitur leksikogramatika

QUESTION Question Key Words: Purpose, In order to, Write the text for,
TYPE 8: CP Social function, Communicative function, Intention
Bats are the only mammals that can fly. Like all mammals they feed their young
ones milk. There are about 900 types of bats, that live all over the world except in
colder regions. You can often find them in groups, called colonies. If you see one bat
flying around there are probably others nearby.
Bats can grow to be big or small. The largest ones have a wingspan of up to 1.5
meters, others are only 15 cm wide. The mouth of a bat is similar to the one of a rat or
fox. They have large, pointed ears and grey or brown fur. Bats have long arms and
hands with especially long fingers. These are connected to the legs with membranes
that form their wings. They have muscles in them which make it easy for a bat to fly.
Bats sleep during the daytime and come out at night in search of food. Flying
around at night means meeting fewer enemies and being able to catch more insects
than during the day because they don’t have to compete with birds for food. Some
bats eat insects, fruit and pollen; others are meat eaters that feed on birds and
The writer wrote the text in order to....
A. show how bats live To describe bats in general
B. describe brown fur bats To give information about bats
C. present information about bats
D. to persuade people to protect bats
TYPE 8: CP Recount: Last weekend, Last holiday, Last month, etc..
My First Experience to Ride Motorcycle
Last holiday, my father bought an old motorcycle. That was " Honda 75". I
thought it was small light object and easy to ride it. I persuaded my father to teach me
to ride " Honda 75 ". Firstly, my father refused my request and promised that he would
teach me two or three years later, but I still whimpered. Finally, my father surrendered
and promised to teach me.
He began to teach me riding the motorcycle around a field in my village. My
father was very patient to give me some directions. I was very happy when I realized
my ability to ride a motorcycle. " Yes, I can ".
One day later, when I was alone at home, I intended to try my riding ability.
So, myself tried bravely. All ran smoothly in the beginning, but when I was going back
to my home and I must passed through a narrow slippery street, I got nervous. I lost
my control and I fell to the ditch.
After that, I told my father about the last accident. I imagined my father
would be angry and never let me ride again. But the reality was exactly on the
contrary, my father was very proud of me. He said, “What a brave boy!” He just gave
me some advices and since that accident, I got my father's permission to ride
motorcycle. Last holiday, past experience, past event, etc.
Recount: to retell the past events/past experiences
QUESTION Narrative: Adverbs of time > Long ago, one day, Once upon a
TYPE 8: CP time, etc…

Long ago, One day, Once upon a time, etc…

Narrative: to entertain, to amuse…
QUESTION Description: Name (My sister Devina, My pet cat Si Bundel,
TYPE 8: CP Our favorite restaurant “Mbah Jingkrak”, Parangtritis beach..
Ayers Rock is also known by its Aboriginal name 'Uluru'. It is a sacred part of
Aboriginal creation mythology, or dreamtime - reality being a dream. Uluru is
considered one of the great wonders of the world and one of Australia's most
recognizable natural icons. Uluru is a large magnetic mound large not unlike Silbury Hill
in England. It is located on a major planetary grid point much like the Great Pyramid in

Ayers Rock is a large sandstone rock formation in central Australia, in the Northern
Territory. It is located in Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, 350 km southwest of Alice
Springs at 25 degrees 20' 41" S 131 degrees 01' 57" E. It is the second-largest monolith
in the world (after Mount Augustus, also in Australia), more than 318 m (986 ft) high
and 8 km (5 miles) around. It also extends 2.5 km (1.5 miles) into the ground. It was
described by explorer Ernest Giles in 1872 as "the remarkable pebble“.

Description: to describe…
TYPE 8: CP Procedure: Goal – materials - Steps

What is the purpose of the text?

A. To describe how to prepare a sock puppet.
B. To instruct how to design a sock puppet.
C. To show how to make a sock puppet.
D. To tell how to play a sock puppet.
9 Pesan Moral
Jawaban : Hikmah, pesan moral yang diperoleh setelah membaca
teks yang disajikan.
Bentuk : Kalimat lengkap atau merupakan pepatah/ungkapan
(proverb) atau kalimat lainnya.
Strategi : Menarik kesimpulan dengan memperhatikan isi cerita,
kata sifat (karakter tokoh) yang sering muncul,
mengabaikan pilihan jawaban yang bermakna negatif,
terlalu umum, atau tidak relevan

TYPE 9: MV Question Key Words: Moral value, Learn
QUESTION Hints: Don’t choose: “negative” distracters, generic
TYPE 9: MV statements, unrelated statements!
10 Paragraf Rumpang
Jawaban : kata benda, kata kerja, kata sifat, kata keterangan, kata
Bentuk : kata benda, kata kerja, kata sifat, kata keterangan, kata
Strategi : Memperhatikan makna, co-text dan context

TYPE 10: CT Hints: Consider the co-text and the context!

TYPE 10: CT Hints: Consider the co-text and the context!

Match A and B. Draw lines.
result Exampleeducation
school country

Thomas Alva Edison was one of the greatest 1________ of all time.
He lived from 1847 until 1931.
He was born in Milan, Ohio, in 1847. In 1845 his family
moved to Port Huron Michigan. When he was 12 he got very sick. As
a 2________ he became partially deaf. He attended 3_______ for
only three months there. So, his mother taught him reading, writing
and arithmetic
In 1862. Edison saved a boy from being run over by a train.
The boys's father operated a telegraph machine. As thanks, the father
taught Edison how to operate the telegraph. Later, Edison made
4___________ to the telegraph.
In 1876, Edison started the first industrial research laboratory
at Meion Park, New Jersey. One of his 5_________ is the long-lasting
light bulb.
Thomas Alva Edison died in 1931. When he died all electric
current in the 6___________ was turned off.
Although he did not have enough formal 7_______ and was
deaf, he became a famous inventor. Once he said, "Genius is one
percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent 8_________".

improvement inventions inventors perspiration

Example started
taught made

Thomas Alva Edison was one of the greatest inventors of all time. He
lived from 1847 until 1931.
He was born in Milan, Ohio, in 1847. In 1845 his family
______1 to Port Huron Michigan. When he was 12 he got very sick. As
a result he became partially deaf. He _____2 school for only three
months there. So, his mother taught him reading, writing and
In 1862. Edison saved a boy from being run over by a train.
The boy's father operated a telegraph machine. As thanks, the father
_______3 Edison how to operate the telegraph. Later, Edison _______4
improvement to the telegraph.
In 1876, Edison _______5 the first industrial research
laboratory at Meion Park, New Jersey. One of his inventions is the long-
lasting light bulb.
Thomas Alva Edison died in 1931. When he died all electric
current in the country was ______6 off.
Although he did not have enough formal education and was
deaf, he _______7 a famous inventor. Once he said, "Genius is one
percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration".

moved attended became turned

Some potential
1) speed 1) load 1) steady

2) damage 2) charge 2) non-toxic

3) slit 3) replace 3) exact

4) glue 4) adjust 4) wiggly

5) length 5) plug in 5) internal

6) section 6) discard 6) equal

7) poke 7) insert 7) inner/outer

8) shape 8) slip 8) common

9) container 9) attach 9) trimmed

10) circuit 10) fold 10) tight
11 Kata Acak
Jawaban : Kalimat
Bentuk : kalimat (tunggal dan majemuk) dari teks tertentu atau
kalimat fungsional pendek
Strategi : Memperhatikan word order

QUESTION Hints: Consider the word order, the agreement, the
TYPE 11: JW sentence type, etc.

12 Kalimat Acak
Jawaban : Paragraf
Bentuk : Paragraf (recount, narrative, descriptive, procedure)
Strategi : Memperhatikan old information and new information,
mood and reside, discourse markers

QUESTION Hints: Consider the discourse markers, the old information
TYPE 12: JS and the new information, etc.
50. Rearrange the following jumbled sentences into a good narrative text.
1. “Sure. Here you are. One day, I might need your help.” said Blue Tongue.
2. He had crawled all over the country and couldn’t find anything to eat.
3. He did not want to share the egg with the hungry goanna.
4. Unfortunately, the mouse was so stingy.
5. Just then he saw a mouse with an egg.
6. A long time ago, there was a poor hungry goanna.
7. Goanna said, “Blue Tongue, my friend, will you share your food with me?”
8. About an hour later, Goanna saw Blue Tongue Lizard with a big juicy insect.

A. (6) – (2) – (5) – (4) – (3) – (8) – (7) – (1)

B. (6) – (2) – (5) – (8) – (3) – (1) – (4) – (7)
C. (6) – (2) – (5) – (4) – (3) – (8) – (1) – (7)
D. (6) – (2) – (5) – (1) – (4) – (3) – (7) – (8)


• Make sure your students know the kinds of

text type which will be tested.
• Make sure your students know the kinds of
questions which will be tested.
• Vocabulary building through various ways
(exposure and pressure).
• Encourage students to work on various
exercises to build their intuition towards the
language target.
• Don’t count your chicken until they’re
• Every cloud has a silver lining.
• Work hard, play hard.
• A bird in hands is worth two in the bush.
• Don’t cry over spilt milk.
• No pain, no gain.
• A friend in need is a friend indeed.

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