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The object given the most visual weight, the element of primary emphasis that advances to the foreground
in the composition.
mphasis by Isolation
Isolation can give extreme emphasis to a single object.

There is nothing different about the dot in the top left

hand corner, but because it isolated, it is viewed as an
individual and not a group.

One of the basic ways that artist have unified their

designs is to repeat a single design element: a line,
shape, form, texture, value, or color.

The repetition of a design element serves to give

the viewer a perception of order, thereby unifying
the overall composition.

The act or process of repeating formal elements or

motifs in a design.The simplest form of repetition is
a linear pattern of redundant elements.
Elements need not be perfectly identical, however,
to be grouped in a manner.
a. repetition by size

b. repetition by shape

c. repetition by detail

Radial Balance: It’s a balance whose parts are arranged with a central axis, whose parts are located
equally or correspondingly around a central point—similar to sun rays.

Balance is identified as equilibrium of the elements. We have a deep need for balance or equilibrium.
Balance can be seen in nature, in human figure, in manmade structures. We expect it in art as well as life
and in fashion.

Types of Balance:

• Symmetric Balance - It’s a correspondence in size, shape and relative position on opposite side of an
imaginary dividing line.

• Asymmetric Balance - It has parts that are different in size, shape and number or relative position on
opposite sides of a dividing line. They still have balance, they still have similar weight or substance, but the
elements are not the same.

• Radial Balance - In radial balance, parts are arranged with a central axis, whose parts are located
equally or correspondingly around a central point—similar to sun rays.
The balanced distribution and arrangement of equal forms and spaces on opposite sides of a dividing line
or plane, or a centre or axis. Balance is what gives a design stability and equilibrium. It distributes visual
“weight” throughout space making the design seem fluid rather than heavy.

Two types of balance:

a. symmetrical balance
b. asymmetrical balance

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