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EDUC 75 – Assessment

of Learning I

Prepared by:
Basic Concepts in
Assessing Student’s
Common Terms in Assessment
1. Test
2. Measurement
3. Assessment
4. Evaluation
5. Mark

Chapter 6: Design
Common Terms in Assessment
1. Test – an instrument designed to
measure any characteristic,
quality, ability, knowledge, or
It comprised of items in the area
it is designed to measure.

Chapter 6: Design
Common Terms in Assessment

2. Measurement – a process of
quantifying the degree to which
someone/something possesses a
given trait.
Examples: quality,
characteristic, or feature.

Chapter 6: Design
Common Terms in Assessment
3. Assessment – a process of
gathering and organizing
quantitative or qualitative data
into an interpretation form to
have a basis for judgment or
decision- making.
- It is pre-requisite to evaluation.

Chapter 6: Design
Common Terms in Assessment
4. Evaluation – a process of
systematic interpretation,
analysis, appraisal, or judgment
of the worth of organized data as
basis for decision-making.
- It involves judgment about the
desirability of changes in students.

Chapter 6: Design
II. Identify whether Assessment,
Evaluation, Testing or Mark
1. Administering true-false
items to be answered.
2. Rating of 73 – 76 which is
equivalent to Barely
Chapter 6: Design
II. Identify whether Assessment,
Evaluation, Testing or Mark
3. Submission of a research
report in Biology
4. Regular entries in a journal
in English

Chapter 6: Design
II. Identify whether Assessment,
Evaluation, Testing or Mark
5. Rubric rating shows that the
student needs improvement
6. Writing of a different ending
to a story read

Chapter 6: Design
II. Identify whether Assessment,
Evaluation, Testing or Mark
7. Multiple-choice items to be
8. Experiment performed in a

Chapter 6: Design
II. Identify whether Assessment,
Evaluation, Testing or Mark
9. Assessment results show
attainment of learning
10. Proficient level

Chapter 6: Design
Reflection #1
1. How do we define the following terms:
assessment, evaluation, mark,
measurement, and test?
2. How do we compare mark and
3. How do we compare assessment and

Chapter 6: Design

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