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2 The City Development Plan

The Government of India has recently launched a major initiative for select 63 cities in India, the Jawaharlal Nehru
National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM). The aim of the programme is to encourage reforms and fast track
development in identified cities. Bodhgaya is one of the cities eligible for assistance under the scheme and figures
in category C (UAs less than 1 million – state capitals, other cities/ urban areas of religious, historic and tourist
The City development plan is being prepared by the Govt. of Bihar under this scheme
The town development plan is specifically tailored to achieve the sectoral and comprehensive objectives of the
JNNURM within the framework of the perspective development plan of Bodhgaya. Since Bodhgaya is a heritage
town of importance to millions of pilgrims and also houses the world heritage site of the Mahabodhi temple
Complex, the proposals have been formulated keeping in mind the needs for heritage protection.
Housing and Urban development Corporation Ltd has prepared the plan, on behalf on the
department of Urban development, Govt. of Bihar and the Bodhgaya Town Panchayat. The plan has been duly
approved by the Bodhgaya Nagar Panchayat.

A museum is a non-profit, permanent institution in the service of society and its development, open to the public,
which acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits the tangible and intangible heritage of
humanity and its environment for the purposes of education, study and enjoyment. Every museum has been
conceived with a certain philosophy which defines it. Whether its part to whole or whole to part, the philosophy is
instrumental in shaping the museum space. However, these philosophies go unnoticed / are "overshadowed" by
the contents housed in these spaces.
This phenomenon, however, should not be considered as a setback or a failure of the museum space as the very

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