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Kawasaki Disease

Division of Pediatric Cardiology,
Departement of Pediatric, Faculty of Medicine
GMU / Sardjito General Hospital Yogyakarta
First described by Tomisaku Kawasaki in
1967 in Japan.
Complication : coronary artery aneurysm
in 20 – 40%
Etiology : unknown
Systemic vasculitis

The commonest acquired heart disease in

children in developed countries
Japan : highest 125,000 case till 1999
Asia esp Japan and Korea : 100/ year
per 100,000 children below 5 yr
Male to female : 1.5 : 1
Indonesia : > 100 cases, mostly Chinese
Incidence 5000 per year
80 % below 4 yr, rare < 3 mo or > 8 yr
Clinical Manifestations
ACUTE PHASE (First 10 days)
Fever (remittent), not responsive to antibiotics,
may persist for 1-2 / 3-4 wks
Conjunctivitis, bilateral, non exudative
Changes in mouth and lips : strawberry tongue,
red oral cavity, erythema and cracked lips
Changes in the hands and feet : erythema and
Polymorphous exanthem
Cervical lymphadenopathy, unilateral (>1.5 cm)
Other associated findings (acute phase)
Sterile pyuria (60 %)
Liver dysfunction (40%)
Arthritis of large joints (30%)
Aseptic meningitis (25%)
Abdominal pain with diarrhea
Hydrops of gallbladder with jaundice
CNS symptoms (irritable, lethargic, semicoma)
BCG scar : redness and crust
Cardiovascular findings during acute phase

Murmur / gallop
Pericardial effusion
LV dysfunction
ECG changes : PR interval >, low QRS voltage
ST depression/elevation
Laboratory test
not pathognomonic
Leukocytosis with a shift to the left
Mild to moderate anemia
CRP, ESR, alpha1 antitrypsin : during acute
Thrombocytosis : subacute phase may
> 1,000,000 sometimes 2,000,000/mm3
Pyuria (due to urethritis)
Liver enzyme increase, hypoalbuminemia
Elevated CPK : myocard infarction
Low voltage QRS
ST elevation/depression
QTc >
Wide and deep Q wave
Detect coronary artery aneurysm and cardiac
May reveal coronary artery changes, depressed
LV function, regurgitation tricuspid, mitral, aortic
and pericardial effusion
Normal coronary size : baby 2 mm, toddler <3
mm, adolescent 5 mm

Remittent fever for 5 days/more

Bilateral conjunctival injection (no exudate)
Changes in the mouth and lips : strawberry
tongue, diffuse reddening of oral cavity,
erythema and cracking of lips.
Changes in the hands and feet : erythema and
Polymorphous exanthem
Unilateral cervical lymphadenopathy (>1.5 cm)
Fever + ≥4 of remaining five criteria are
present: Kawasaki disease is probable.
Presence of coronary artery pathology may be
diagnostic even when < 4 criteria are present:
incomplete Kawasaki disease, mostly in babies.
Incomplete Kawasaki disease should be
suspected in all children with: unexplained fever
≥ 5 days + 2-3 diagnostic criteria
Not all of the clinical features may present at a
single point in time  watchful waiting is
sometimes necessary before a diagnosis can be
Stevens Johnson syndrome
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
Drug reaction
Scarlet fever
Roseola infantum
Hospital admission with bed rest
Consult experienced pediatric cardiologist
IVIG 2 g/kg BW in 10-12 hours : costly !!
10 % fail  repeat with same dose
2 times IVIG fail  methylprednisolone,
30 mg/kg BW for 2-3 hours once daily for
1-3 days
Acetosal 80-100 mg/kg BW po 14 days or 2-3
days after fever subsides,  3-10 mg/kgBW
once daily for 6-8 wks if echo normal
IVIG administration
• Relatively save
• Given during acute phase (less than day 10 of
• 90 % responsive to single dose
• After day 10 : given only if inflammatory signs
• Monitor HR and BP in 30 minutes, 1 hour, and
later every 2 hours.
• Increase speed of administration gradually
Course and complications

Self limiting
IVIG : clinical improvement within 24 hours and reduce
incidence of Coronary Aneurysm (C.A)
Arterial remodeling or revascularization may occur
coronary artery  infarct
Mortality 1-5 %  decreasing
Persisting coronary artery  ischaemic heart disease at
young adult age
Regressed coronary artery  intimal thickening &
endothelium dysfunction  premature atherosclerosis
Lifelong monitoring needed?
Risk Factors for coronary aneurysm

Age < 1 year
Other signs or symptoms of pericardial,
myocardial or endocardial involvement,
including arrhythmias
Prolonged period of inflammation,
including fever > 10 days
Recurrence of fever after an afebrile
period of at least 24 hours

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