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1.Abandon (verb) : leave someone or something in an
unkind way .
• Ex: The dog had been abandoned by its owner.
• 2. To give up or stop doing something.
• Ex: The company has decided to abandon the project.
2.Ability (Noun) : 1. A natural tendency to do something
• Ex: I admire his ability to stay calm in difficult situations.
• 2. The fact of being clever.
• Ex: Suitable for different levels of ability.
3.Absolutely (Adverb) : 1. Completely
• Ex: I am completely sure I left the keys in my coat
• 2. Yes, of course
• Ex: Did you build it yourself ?
4.Absorb (verb) : 1. To take in something such as a liquid
• Ex: The water should be absorbed by the paper.
• 2. To reduce a shock.
• Ex: The car’s springs are supposed to absorb any shock
from the road surface.
1.Background (Noun) : 1. The part of a picture or view which is behind all
the other things that can be seen.
• Ex : The photograph is of a house with mountains in the background.
• 2. The experiences, including education and family life , which someone
has had.
• Ex: He comes from a working class background .
2. Balance ( Noun) : 1. The quality of staying steady.
• Ex: The cat needs a good sense of balance to walk along the top of a
• 2. An amount of money remaining in an account.
• Ex: I have a balance of $25 in my bank account.
3. Balcony ( NOUN) : 1.A small flat area that sticks out
from a upper level of a building protected by a low wall or
• Ex: The flat has a balcony over-looking the harbor.
• 2. The upper rows of seats in a theatre or cinema,
• Ex: We booked seats at the front of the balcony.
4.Bank (Noun) : 1.A business which holds money for
people , and lends them money.
• Ex: I must go to the bank to get some money.
• 2. Land along the side of a river.
• Ex: He sat on the river bank all day, trying to catch fish.
1. Concern: Something that interests you because it is
• Ex. My concern is that you're not getting enough work
• POS: noun, verb
2. Commit: Perform an act, usually with a negative
• Ex. Many people in public life have committed adultery.
3. Concept : An abstract or general idea inferred from
specific instances
• Ex. As a psychologist, I have always found the concept of
speed dating fascinating.
• POS: noun
4. Court : An assembly to conduct judicial business
• Ex. When Brown pleaded not guilty to assaulting Rihanna,
their violent past came out in court
• POS: noun
1. Dense : Permitting little if any light to pass through
• Ex : Dense black smoke rose in the distance as
demonstrators burned tires in Shiite villages.
• POS : Adjective
2. Date (Noun) : 1.The number of a day in a month or year, or
a day when something will happen or has happened.
• Ex: Put today’s date on the document.
• 2. A small sweet brown fruit.
3. Day ( Noun) : 1. A period of lasting 24 hours.
• Ex: There are 365days in a year and 366 in a leap year.
• 2. The period from morning until night , when it is light.
• Ex: She works all day in the office and looks after the
children in the evening.
4.Dead (Adjective) : 1. Not alive any more.
• Ex: Dead fish were floating in the water.
• 2. Complete
• Ex: There was dead silence in the exam room.
1. Evident: clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or
• Ex. It was evident that the project was a total failure.
• POS: Adjective, Noun
2. Engage : Consume all of one's attention or time
• Ex. We had nearly two hundred passengers, who were
seated about on the sofas, reading, or playing games, or
engaged in conversation.
• Pos :verb
3. . Exert: make a great effort at a mental or physical task.
• Usage: School boards may come to exert even greater
influence over what students read.
• Parts Of Speech:
4. Extravagant: Recklessly wasteful
• Advisers say new millionaires are prone to mistakes, like
making extravagant purchases or risky deals with friends.
• Pos : adjective
1. Fancy : Imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind
• Ex. For a time, indeed, he had fancied that things were
• POS: adjective
2. Fast - Acting or moving or capable of acting or moving
• Usage: He is as fast as cheetah.
• Parts Of Speech: Adverb, Verb
3. Food: Any substance that can be metabolized by an
animal to give energy and build tissue
Usage: Hari Kiran is eating food.
Parts Of Speech: Adjective
4. Flourish : Grow vigorously
• His business had been all along steadily flourishing, his
patrons had been of high social position, some most
illustrious, others actually royal Petherick, Horace William
• Pos : Noun, Verb
1. Goat: Any of numerous agile ruminants related to sheep
but having a beard and straight horns.
• Usage: Hey! Look there is a Goat.
• Parts Of Speech: Adjective
2. Gravity: The force of attraction between all masses in the
• Once captured, the combined object will have a new center
of gravity and may be spinning in an uncontrolled way.
• Pos : Noun
3.Gain : 1.( Verb) To achieve something or get it with some
work or effort.
• Ex: The army gained control of the country.
• 2.(Noun) An increase in weight, quantity or size.
• Ex: There was no gain in weight over three weeks.
4.Garage (Noun) : 1. A building where you can keep a car.
• Ex: He put the car into the garage overnight.
• 2. A place where petrol is sold and where cars are
repaired or sold.
• Ex: You can hire cars from the garage near the post
1. Heed - pay close attention to
• Usage: But Cain was already too far gone to heed the
warning voice.
• Parts Of Speech: Noun , Verb.

2. Heat: A form of energy that is transferred by a difference in

• Usage: It is too hot today.
• Parts Of Speech: Noun , Verb , Adjective.
3. Harsh (Adjective) : 1. Severe
• Ex: The prosecutor asked for a harsh sentence to fit the
• 2. Rough
• Ex: He shouted in a harsh voice.
4. Have ( Verb) : 1. To own something
• Ex: Do you have a table for three, please?
• 2. To take or eat something.
• Ex: They had a meal of bread and cheese.
1. Intend: Have in mind as a purpose
• Ex. I spent much more than I intended to.
• POS: verb
2. Issue: Some situation or event that is thought
• Ex. We met on several occasions to discuss the
• POS: noun, verb
3. Instance: An occurrence of something
• Ex. In many instances large districts or towns would have
fewer representatives than smaller ones, or perhaps none at
• POS: noun, verb
4. Institute : Set up or lay the groundwork for
• Ex. Corporations have to be more and more focused on
instituting higher labor standards.
• POS: noun, verb
1.Jack ( Noun) : 1. A tool for raising something heavy,
especially a car.
• Ex: I used the jack to lift the car up and take the wheel off.
• 2. The card with the face of a young man, with a value
between the queen and the ten (in playing cards)
• Ex: I won because I had the jack of hearts.
2.Jam ( Noun) : 1. A sweet food made by boiling fruit and sugar
• Ex: Do you want jam or honey on your bread?
• 2. A situation in which too many things block something.
• Ex: There is a paper jam in the printer.
3. Jog ( Verb) : 1. To run fairly slowly, especially for exercise.
• Ex: He jogged along the river bank for two miles.
• 2. To push someone or something slightly.
• Ex: Someone jogged my elbow and I spilt my drink.
4. Judge ( Noun) : 1. A person whose job is to make legal
decisions in a court of law.
• Ex: He was convicted for stealing, but the judge let him off
with a small fine.
• 2. A person who decides who should win a competition.
• Ex: The three judges of the beauty contest couldn’t agree.
1. Kindle : Catch Fire
• Usage: Then a match was kindled and fire applied.
• Parts Of Speech: Noun , Verb , Adjective

2. King : A male sovereign; ruler of a kingdom

• Usage: Vikram Aditya was king of his kingdom.
• Parts Of Speech: Noun
3.Key (Noun) : 1. A shaped piece of metal that you use to
open a lock or to start a car.
• Ex: I can’t start the car ,I’ve lost the key.
• 2. A system of musical tones.
• Ex: This piece of music is written in the key of F major.
4.Know ( Verb) : 1. To have learned something , to have
information about something.
• Ex: Do you know how to start the computer?
• 2. To have met someone
• Ex: I used to know a man called Peter Jones who worked in
your company.
1. Level : A relative position or degree of value in a graded
• Ex. Only last month did the men’s and women’s
unemployment rates reach the same level.
• POS: noun, adjective, verb
2. Lean: To incline or bend from a vertical position.
• Usage: He leaned on the wall for a long time.
• Parts Of Speech: Noun, Adjective , Adverb
3. Lamb: Young sheep
• Usage: There is a lamb over there.
• Parts Of Speech: Noun

4. Lamp: An artificial source of visible illumination

• Usage: Lamp is an artificial source of visible illumination.
• Parts Of Speech: Noun , Adjective.
1. Mean: Have the intention to express or convey; have a
particular sense or meaning
• Usage: He mean what he says.
• Parts Of Speech: Adjective

2. Meet: Get together socially or for a specific purpose

• Usage: Friends met together after a long time.
• Parts Of Speech: Noun, Adjective , Adverb
3. Meat: The flesh of animals used as food.
• Usage: Butcher profession is to cut meat.
• Parts Of Speech: Adjective

4. Malice: Feeling a need to see others suffer

• He viewed the moths with malice, their fluttering wings
fanning his resentment.
• Pos : Noun
1. Net: A trap made of netting to catch fish, birds or insects
• Usage: Net is a trap made of netting to catch fish, birds or
• Parts Of Speech: Noun , adverb

2. Niece: A daughter of one's brother or sister (or brother-in-

law, or sister-in-law)
• Usage: He is niece of my brother.
• Parts Of Speech: Noun
3.Natural (Adjective) : 1. Ordinary, not unusual
• Ex: Her behavior at the meeting was quiet natural.
• 2.Coming from nature , and not produced or caused by
• Ex: Do you think the color of her hair is natural?
4.Nerve ( Noun) : 1. One of the fibers in your body which take
messages to and from the brain.
• Ex: Nerves are very delicate and easily damaged.
• 2. Over-confidence or rude behavior
• Ex: He’s got a nerve to ask for a day off, when he was away
all last week.
1. Obtain : Come into possession of
• Ex. He delayed making the unclassified report public while
awaiting an Army review, but Rolling Stone magazine
obtained the report and posted it Friday
• POS: verb
2. Oppress: come down on or keep down by unjust use of
one's authority
• Usage: Those who managed to survive were later
oppressed by Poland's post-war communist authorities.
• Parts of Speech: Adverb
3. Orange: Round yellow to orange fruit of any of several
citrus trees
• Usage: Orange is good for health.
• Parts Of Speech: Noun , Adjective

4. Ordain: Invest with ministerial or priestly authority

• Usage: Ordain is to invest with ministerial or priestly authority
• Parts Of Speech: Verb , Adjective.
1. Practice: A customary way of operation or behavior
• Ex. Practice makes man perfect
• POS: verb
2. Passage : A section of text, particularly a section of medium
• Ex. His interpretation of many obscure scriptural passages
by means of native manners and customs and traditions is
particularly helpful and informing.
• POS: noun
3. Purse: A sum spoken of as the contents of a money container
• She watched over her husband, kept his accounts, held the
family purse, managed all his affairs.
• Pos : noun, verb
4. Proceeding : A sequence of steps by which legal judgments
are invoked
• Chu attended the special court-martial proceeding on
Monday in Hawaii, Hill said.
• Pos : verb
1. Qualification (Noun) : Something necessary for a
job Ex:- proof that you have completed a particular
course of study.
• Ex: Does she have the right qualifications for the
2. Queen (Noun) : The wife of a king
• Ex: King Charles I’s queen was the daughter of the
king of France.
• 3.Question (Noun) : A sentence which needs an
• Ex: The teacher couldn’t answer the children’s
• 4. Queue ( Noun) : A line of people or things such
as cars , waiting one behind the other for
• Ex: There was a queue of people waiting to get into
the exhibition.
1. Render : Give an interpretation of
• Ex. But authorities had rendered the weapon and the
explosive device inoperable, officials said.
• POS: verb, noun
2. Range : A variety of different things or activities
• Ex. Like American community colleges, admission at an
open university is not competitive, but the schools offer a
range of programs, including doctoral degrees.
• POS: noun, verb, adjective
3. Retort: A quick reply to a question or remark
• Having put him in ill humour with this retort, she fled
away rejoicing.
• Pos : Verb, Noun
4.Reckon ( Verb) : To calculate something or to
estimate something.
Ex: We reckon we’ll be there before lunch.
1. Scarce : Deficient in quantity or number compared with the
• Ex. Meanwhile, heating oil could grow more scarce in the
Northeast this winter, the Energy Department warned last
• Pos: adjective, verb
2. Sublime: Of high moral or intellectual value
• He was uneven, disproportioned, saying ordinary things on
great occasions, and now and then, without the slightest
provocation, uttering the sublimest and most beautiful
• Pos: adjective, verb
3. Siege: An action of an armed force that surrounds a fortified
• Rebellion broke out, and finally the aged Caliph, after
enduring a siege of several weeks, was murdered in his own
• Pos : Noun
4. Sanction: Give authority or permission to
• The Securities and Exchange Commission said last year it
had sanctioned39 senior officers for conduct related to the
housing market meltdown.
• Pos : preposition, adjective, noun, conjunction
1. Throng: Press tightly together or cram
• Deafening cheers rent the air as he landed;
hundreds thronged around him to clasp his hand.
• Pos: noun, verb
2.Take Over ( Verb) : 1. To start to do something in place of
someone else.
• Ex: Miss Black took over from Mr. Jones on May 1st .
• 2.To buy a business by buying most of its shares.
• Ex: The company was taken over by a big group last month.
3. Tickle (Verb) : 1. To touch someone in a sensitive
part of the body in order to make him or her laugh.
• Ex: She tickled his toes and made him laugh.
• 2. To cause a slight uncomfortable feeling on the skin
of part of the body, or to have that feeling.
4. Thrust ( Verb) : To push something somewhere
suddenly and hard
• Ex: He thrust the newspaper into his pocket.
1. UTTER : Without qualification
• Ex. No one can blame an honest mechanic for
holding a wealthy snob in utter contempt. conduct
direct the course of; manage or control
• POS: verb
2. Underneath ( Preposition) : Under
• Ex: She wore a long green jumper underneath her
3. Urge ( Noun) : 1. A strong wish to do something
• Ex: She felt an urge to punch him on the nose.
• 2. To advise someone strongly to do something
• Ex: He urged her to do what her father said.

4. Utensil ( Noun) : A tool or object used when

• Ex: Knives , bowls and other kitchen utensils
1. Vain : Unproductive of success
• Ex. An attempt was made to ignore this brilliant and irregular
book, but in vain; it was read all over Europe.
• POS: adjective
2. Venerate: Regard with feelings of respect and reverence
• He venerated me like a being descended from an upper
• Pos: verb
3. Vex : Disturb, especially by minor irritations
• There are vexing problems slowing the growth and the
practical implementation of big data technologies.
• POS : verb, adjective

4. Vacant (Adjective) : Empty and available for you to use

• Ex: There are six rooms vacant in the new wing of the hotel.
1. Wax: Increase in phase
Carols had existed for centuries, though their
popularity waxed and waned as different
governments and religious movements periodically
declared them sinful.
Pos : noun, verb
2. Wag (Verb) : To move something from side to side
or up and down
Ex: The dog ran up to him, wagging its tail.
3. Wander (Verb) : To walk around without any
particular aim.
• Ex : They wandered round the town in the

4. Way ( Noun) : The direction in which

something can be found or in which someone
or something is going.
• Ex: Do you know the way to post office?
1.X-Ray : a type of radiation that doctors use for
taking photographs of the inside of your body.
• The X-ray examination showed the key was inside
the baby’s stomach
• Parts of speech: Noun , Verb.
2.Xerox : a xerographic copying process.
• Printing methods include acrylic printing and color
• Parts of speech: Noun , verb.
3. xenophobia: dislike of or prejudice against people from
other countries.
• Racism and xenophobia are steadily growing in Europe.
• Parts of speech : Noun
4.Xenon:the chemical element of atomic number 54, a
member of the noble gas series. It is obtained by
distillation of liquid air, and is used in some specialized
electric lamps.
• Xenon is a noble gas.
• Parts of speech: Noun.
1.Yacht: a sailing boat used for pleasure and sport
• She spent her holiday on a yacht in the
• Parts of speech: Noun
2.Yarn: a long piece of wool used in knitting or
• She sells yarn from the wool of her sheep.
• Parts of speech: Noun
3.Yawn: to open your mouth wide and breathe in and
out deeply when you are tired or bored.
• He went on speaking for so long that half the
people at the meeting started yawning or started to
• Parts of speech : verb
4.Yell: to shout very loudly.
• The policemen yelled to her to get out of the way.
• Parts of speech: verb
1.Zigzag : used to describe a line which turns one
way , then the opposite way
• There are zigzag lines painted at the pedestrian
crossings to show that cars must not stop here.
• Parts of speech : Adjective. an area
• Police cars are patrolling the inner city zones.
• Parts of speech : noun
3.zoom:to go very fast.
• Cars were zooming past me on the
• Parts of speech : verb.
4.zoo:a place where wild animals are kept ,
and where people can go to see them.
• The school was planning to go to a zoo for
the field trip.
• Parts of speech : Noun.

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