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The Stack Data Structure

Mugurel Ionuț Andreica

Spring 2012
• push(x)
– Adds the element x at the top of the stack
• pop()
– Removes the element from the top of the stack and returns it
– Returns an error if the stack is empty
• peek()
– Returns (but does not remove) the element at the top of the
• isEmpty()
– Returns 1 if the stack is empty and 0 otherwise
• The axioms are given implicitly – they determine the
expected behavior of the stack for a given sequence of
– See the examples on the upcoming slides
Stack - Example

returns 13
peek() pop()
push(13) 13
returns 10 returns 10
pop() peek()
push(10) 10 10 10 10 returns 3 returns 20

push(3) 3 3 3 3 3 3 20
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Stack – Array-based
#include <stdio.h> T peek() {
if (isEmpty()) {
#define NMAX 100
fprintf(stderr, "Error 103 - The stack is empty!\n");
template<typename T> class Stack { T x;
private: return x;
T stackArray[NMAX]; }
int topLevel; return stackArray[topLevel]; }
void push(T x) {
if (topLevel >= NMAX - 1) { int isEmpty() {
fprintf(stderr, "Error 101 - The stack is full!\n"); return (topLevel < 0); }
} Stack() { // constructor
stackArray[topLevel] = x; topLevel = -1; } // the stack is empty in the beginning
} };

T pop() { int main() {

if (isEmpty()) { Stack<int> s;
fprintf(stderr, "Error 102 - The stack is empty!\n");
T x; s.push(7); s.push(3); s.push(10); s.push(13); s.push(20);
return x; s.push(9); s.push(1); printf("%d\n", s.pop());
} printf("%d\n", s.peek()); printf("%d\n", s.peek());
T x = stackArray[topLevel]; printf("%d\n", s.pop()); printf("%d\n", s.peek());
topLevel--; s.push(100); printf("%d\n", s.pop());
return x;
} return 0;
Paranthesis Checking
• Given a string S composed of the characters ‘(‘,
‘)’, ‘[‘, ‘]’, ‘{‘, ‘}’ (round bracket, square bracket and
curly bracket), determine if the parantheses are
correctly balanced
• S=“([()[{([]()){}}[[]]]{}])[]({})” is correctly balanced
• S1=“([]({)})”, S2=“[{{}(())([]{“, S3=“[(){}]]” are not
correctly balanced
• Algorithm
– We use a stack
– We traverse the string from left to right
• We push on the stack every open bracket
• For every closed bracket, the bracket at the top of the stack
must be an open bracket of the same type (and the stack must
not be empty) => then we pop the open bracket from the stack
• In the end, the stack must be empty
Paranthesis Checking -
#include <stdio.h> fprintf(stderr, "Error 202 - Wrong paranthesis\n");
#include <string.h> error = 1;
// copy & paste the definition of the Stack class break;
char s[200]="([{()[]}(()[{}()])])(){}[{{()[]}()}]";
int error = 0; stk.pop();
int main() {
Stack<char> stk; }

for (int i = 0; i < strlen(s); i++) { if (!error && !stk.isEmpty())

if (s[i] == '(' || s[i] == '[' || s[i] == '{') fprintf(stderr, "Error 203 - The stack is not empty at the
stk.push(s[i]); end\n");
else if (stk.isEmpty()) { else if (!error)
fprintf(stderr, "Error 201 - Empty stack\n");
error = 1; printf("OK\n");
} return 0;
else { }
if ((s[i] == ')' && stk.peek() != '(') ||
(s[i] == ']' && stk.peek() != '[') ||
(s[i] == '}' && stk.peek() != '{')) {
Header with the Stack Class
• Definition of the Stack class must be copy-pasted in
every program in which it is used => annoying +
prone to mistakes (maybe we do not copy-paste
everything, or we copy-paste more than we need)
• Elegant solution: define the Stack class in a header
file (e.g. mystack.h)
• Any program that uses the Stack class will include
the header file
– #include “mystack.h” (or #include <mystack.h>)
– we will proceed similarly for the upcoming data structures

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