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How to Get Over with Jealousy?

6 years, I’ve been married with a really caring, fun, responsible, sweet and good looking
guy. I know he loves me, ‘coz i can see and feel it. With that in mind, why is it that I’m in
constant fear of losing him, of being traded in for someone more attractive, more
intelligent, more worthwhile? It seems that the longer he stays with me, the more scared I
am. “
In relationships where feelings of jealousy are mild and occasional, it reminds the couple not to
take each other for granted. Jealousy heightens emotions, making love feel stronger and sex
more passionate. In small, manageable doses, jealousy can be a positive force in a relationship.
But when it’s intense or irrational, the story is very different … Occasional jealousy is natural and
can keep a relationship alive, but when it becomes intense or irrational it can seriously damage
a relationship
Overcoming jealousy may not be easy, but it can be done. If you’re having problems with a
jealous spouse or you are one and are acting out by getting passwords to cell phones and
computers, accusing, losing sleep and have thoughts racing day and night about what your
spouse is doing and where they are, you need help:
There are things you can do to overcome jealousy until you get the help needed:
1. Don’t jump to conclusions and panic. Determine to seek the truth. When you discover the
true source of your jealousy, take the time to talk to your spouse about how you feel and
why. Seek the truth. For jealousy to be rational, it should be based on facts. More often than
not, feeling jealous is NOT necessary. Your baseless insecurities have the potential to destroy
your relationship. So find ways to find the truth rather than let the wrong feelings consume you
2. Put mind over heart. Learn to control your emotions. Keep calm even when truth hurts. It will
allow you to think of solutions more clearly. Don’t do anything in anger. You will surely regret it.
3. Communication is a good place to start. This is really the key to resolve any conflict in a
relationship (and to keeping your marriage healthy). If you have nagging doubts, this is the best
way to clear them up. Let him or her know how your feeling and determine what it would take on
the part of both of you to improve the situation. Do your best to stay calm while you talk about it
– and you should be fine.
4. Building self esteem is the best tool to overcome jealousy. If you have a healthy esteem
you will distinguish jealousy as toxic or healthy . Why?. Because you will not need to manipulate
people to love you in your relationship. You are confident enough. You are centered and
confident about your worth and it will be easier for you to overcome jealousy.
5. Value yourself to yourself. If your husband or boyfriend is a good-looking man, many
women look likely. If he is a nice and friendly man, he surely have many female friends.
Whatever the situation that pops your jealousy, please think about: “He chose you as his wife”

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