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Types of

General Types of
Descriptive Research

Finds the answer to the questions: who,

what, where, when and how. This type of
research describes a situation or a given
state of affairs in terms of specified aspects
or factors
Intervention or
Experimental Research
Evaluates the effects or outcome of a particular
intervention or treatments. It studies the cause and
effect relationship between certain factors on a certain
phenomenon under controlled conditions. The subjects
of the study are randomly assigned to the experimental
group and both groups are exposed to similar conditions
except for the treatment.
Explanatory or
Correlation Research
Study goes beyond description of the problem or
situation. It attempts to explain the possible factors
related to a problem which have been observed in a
descriptive study. This type of study answers the
question why and how? The factors related to the
problem are factors which can be associated or
contribute to the occurrence of the problem.
Determined by the
Aims of the
Descriptive Research

In a descriptive type of research, you should

observe and record the changes as they
happen in nature. You cannot manipulate the
Experimental Research

If you put in factors that interfere with what

nature provides, the research becomes
experimental. There are 3 types of
experimental research, namely:
Basic Research
This is also called as “fundamental research or pure
research.” It seeks to discover basic truths or principles. It
is intended to add to the body of scientific knowledge by
exploring the unknown, to extend the boundaries of
knowledge, as well as to discover new facts and learn
more accurately the characteristics of the known without
any particular thought as to immediate practical utility.
Basic Research
Basic researches are as follows:
 Boyle’s Law
 Charles’ Law
 Archimedes’ Principle
 Hooks’ Law
 Newton’s Law
Applied Research
This type of research involves seeking new
applications of scientific knowledge to the
solution of problems such as the
development of a new system or procedure,
new device or new method in order to solve
the problem.
Developmental Research
This is a decision-oriented research involving the
application of the scientific method in response to
an immediate need to improve exsisting practices.
This process involves practitioners who study a
certain problem in vivo and from such experience
draw their decisions and development as well as
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