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Functions of

Functions of Communication
1. Regulation/Control
2. Social Interaction
3. Emotional Expression
4. Motivation
5. Information Dissemination
• “Regulation” is a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority.
Meanwhile, “control” is defined as the power to influence or direct
people’s behavior or the course of events. (Oxford Dictionaries)
• Communication is mainly used by persons in authority or representing
authority to regulate or direct others under them. Another function of
communication is to influence or direct people’s behavior or to
limit/regulate them.
A traffic aide gestures or blows his whistle to
direct the flow of pedestrians and vehicles.
An auctioneer says “going once, going twice…
sold” to end the bidding for items being
Religions all over the world have sets of laws
being prescribed for their faithful.
Social Interaction
• According to the Handbook of
Language and Social Interaction,
it is the “spontaneous verbal
exchanges occurring in natural
settings that are typically familiar
to the interactants.”
• Formation and strengthening of
Social Circles
Social Interaction
• Certain protocols or rules should be observed for social interactions to be
successful, especially outside your immediate circles. In many instances,
you have to interact with people you barely know where you will likely
conduct and express yourself differently since the familiarity and intimacy
you enjoy when you interact with the people in your social circle are no
longer present.
Social Interaction
Below are some examples of protocols:
• Do not be overly familiar with your superior or any person of authority.
Address him or her appropriately and show respect at all times.
• Do not make inappropriate jokes or body contact.
• Always show respect and courtesy.
• Do not use loaded words
• In an argument, stick to the issue and do not resort to personal attacks.
Emotional Expression
• It is a manifestation of one’s internal emotional state. It is an important
social signal that conveys a variety of information regarding a person’s
state of mind and his or her intentions.
• Every day, you express yourself emotionally through words and gestures.
The closer the relationship or the tighter and more familiar the circle you
are in, the easier it is for you to communicate how you feel.
Emotional Expression
• The ways in which people express their
emotions also vary. Some people wear
their emotions on their sleeves, while
others, are more measured when they
convey their emotions.
• In addition, some people express their
emotions verbally while some do so in
writing. Others express positive
emotions by giving gifts or through
endearing physical gestures.
• According to Psychology Today, motivation is literally “the desire to do
things.” It is the “crucial element in setting and attaining goals.”
• Often, one can will himself or herself to do things; other times, a person
needs to be influenced or motivated by other people such as motivational
• Motivational speakers serve as a great example.
• Motivation is a key communication function that aims to encourage people
into action .
• Being able to motivate others through words and gestures is a skill you
should develop so that you can encourage and inspire the people around
you in various ways
Simply saying “Go!” to a friend who expresses a desire to do something is
already an attempt at motivating someone.
A simple pat on the back and a reassuring nod can be inspiring.
Information Dissemination
• Information gives people knowledge, and with this knowledge comes the
ability to make informed choices.
• This function of communication is evident among news agencies,
customer service, and technical support sectors whose objectives are to
share important information to clients.
• One can give and receive information through various channels: through
face-to-face interactions, through mass media, and through the internet to
name a few.
Information Dissemination
• Today, information dissemination has
become so much easier due to
• Effective communication strategies are
crucial in fulfilling the informative
function of communication, especially
since the failure to impart accurate
information at the right time may
sometimes result in negative

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