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Practice Occupational

Health and Safety

- Is any source of potential damage, harm or
adverse effect on properties or someone’s
health under certain conditions at work.
3 forms of Hazard
1. Dormant- the situation has the potential to be hazardous,
but no people , property, or environment is
currently affected by this.
2. Armed- The situation has the potential to be hazardous and
there are people, property, or environment that is in potential
harm’s way.
3. Active- A harmful incident involving the hazard has actually
Six Classification of Hazards
1. Physical- includes floors, stairs, work platforms, steps,
ladders, fire, falling objects, slippery surfaces, manual
2. Mechanical and electrical- includes electricity, machinery,
equipment, pressure vessels, dangerous goods, forklifts,
cranes, hoist.
3. Chemical- includes chemical substance such as acids or
poisons, and those that could lead to fire or explosion,
cleaning agents, dusts and fumes from various processes
such as welding.
4. Biological- includes bacteria, viruses, mold, mildew, insects, vermin,
5. Psychosocial environment- includes workplace stressors, arising from
a variety of sources.
6. Ergonomic- Repetitive movements, improper set-up of workstation
What is Risk?

- Is the chance or probability that a person

will be harmed or experience an adverse
health effect if exposed to a hazard.
What is housekeeping?
Housekeeping is not just cleanliness. It includes keeping work
areas neat and orderly, maintaining halls and floors free of slip and trip
hazards, and removing of waste materials (e.g., paper, cardboard) and
other fire hazards from work areas. It also requires paying attention to
important details such as the layout of the whole workplace, aisle
marking, the adequacy of storage facilities, and maintenance. Good
housekeeping is also a basic part of incident and fire prevention.
What is the purpose of housekeeping?
• Poor housekeeping can be a cause of a variety of incidents. To avoid
these hazards, a workplace must maintain order throughout a
workday. Housekeeping is not the responsibility of a single person,
but of every member of the team.
1. Seiri, or Sort

-Seiri is sorting through the contents of the workplace

and removing unnecessary items. This is an action to
identify and eliminate all unnecessary items from the
Seiton, or Systematize

is putting the necessary items in their place and

providing easy access. This is an action to put
every necessary item in good order, and focuses
on efficient and effective storage methods.
Seiso, or Sweep

• involves cleaning everything, keeping it clean

daily, and using cleaning to inspect the
workplace and equipment for defects. This is an
action to clean the workplace daily.
Seiketsu, or Standardize

involves creating visual controls and guidelines for

keeping the workplace organized, orderly and
clean. This is a condition where a high standard of
good housekeeping is maintained
Shitsuke, or Self-Discipline
involves training and discipline to ensure that everyone
follows the 5S standards. This is a condition where all
members practice the first four S’s spontaneously and
willingly as a way of life. Accordingly, it becomes the
culture in the organization.

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